(image source for all of the following photos: Calgon Facebook page)
Royal Rendezvous: a regal blend of wild raspberry, pink gardenia, and patchouli.
Keep reading for more info and to see the other new fragrances from Calgon...
I found the Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat and Sugar Coat textured nail colors today in two Duane Reade stores in NYC. They were in separate displays, each have eight colors to their collection, and there was also a new (new to me at least) Sally Hansen Salon Manicure Dry & Go Drops in both displays. I picked up three of the Sugar Coat colors and six of the Fuzzy Coat (I have the Nails Inc. version and they look identical to me, although I have only tried the Nails Inc. version.)And today, reader @traceyloveslacquer on Instagram posted some pics of both displays, which she spotted at Meijer (they're BOGO1/2OFF at Meijer this week, by the way!). Tracey was nice enough to let me share these pics with you: