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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Smokey eye look using the HiP Darkwave eyeshadow duo

The other night, my boyfriend (aka Mr. G) and I decided that we deserved a little night on the town. After weeks and weeks of being good and staying in, cooking homemade meals from scratch and watching our budgets closely, we both thought it was time to treat ourselves to a nice dinner.

So we tried a new restaurant which serves Mexico City cuisine and the food was amazing. We had the best time, and finished the spicy, delicious meal off with some caramelized plantains served with vanilla bean ice cream.  Both Mr. G and I are absolute suckers for plantains and whenever they're on a dessert menu, we have no self-control. I try so hard to stay away from fried foods, but like I said, we were treating ourselves and I justified it by telling myself, "Hey, at least it's fried fruit and not a fried Twinkie or something."  Yeah, well, whatever makes me feel better right?

So because this was a "special night out" for us, I decided I better put some extra time into my makeup. I wanted one of those smoldering, smokey eye looks, but I didn't want it to be too heavy (no black eyeshadow or eyeliner).  Then I remembered that I had that HiP Darkwave duo (which I reviewed here) and I thought I'd pair it with my trusty CoverGirl Liquiline Blast eyeliner in Silver Spark (click here for my review of this eyeliner) and use the wonderful smudge tip on that pencil to achieve the smokey look. (Note: if you're a novice at smudging, the smudge tip on these Liquiline pencils makes it sooooo easy it's unbelievable).

I've been asked to list all of the items I use on my face when I do these looks, so here we go:

Maybelline Super Stay Concealer in Light
Prestige Multi-Task Wet/Dry Powder Foundation in Wheat
Maybelline Define-a-Brow Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Blonde
L'Oreal HiP Darkwave eyeshadow duo:
green shimmer shade from lashline to crease and blended up
charcoal gray shade in outer "v"
CoverGirl Liquiline Blast Eyeliner in Silver Spark:
applied to upper and lower lashline and, using the smudge tip, blended out for a smokey look
CoverGirl Lash Blast Fusion Mascara in Very Black (review to come)

I didn't use an eyeshadow primer because I generally find that I don't need one when I use HiP duos (they wear like iron for me).

I really liked this look because I think it gives the look of a smokey eye without all the drama of a smokey eye. Sometimes using black for a smokey eye seems a bit heavy and too intense on me, so  substituting green and gray for black is a nice way to make the look a bit softer.

If you generally stay away from green shadows, I think you might be pleasantly surprised with the HiP Darkwave duo. It's not an in-your-face green, and it's a lovely alternative to black.

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I purchased all of the above products listed in this blog post with the exception of CoverGirl Lash Blast Fusion Mascara, which was provided to me by PR on behalf of CoverGirl for a future review. All opinions on are the honest opinion of its author and editorial samples do not in any way affect the outcome of said reviews.


  1. Very pretty! I've been looking everywhere for this collection and haven't found it yet.
    Something funny- my husband calls all of my eye looks a "smoky eye" even if it's just a champagne wash. He must have read that somewhere and he's just so pleased he knows the term that I haven't had the heart to correct him. LOL.

  2. You look so amazing! Love it! Glad you guys got to have a nice night out!

  3. That's very pretty, G! I've been looking for these new duos, but so far no luck. I'm going to keep looking! :)

  4. I love that you went with green! It looks so pretty on you! :D

  5. Gorgeous! I hope you and Mr. G had fun!

  6. Great look, G! You mentioned that the smudger on the Covergirl Liquiline eyeliner works really well. Is it comparable to the one on the Neutrogena Nourishing Eyeliners? Have you tried them yet?

  7. Your eyes look especially beautiful! I'm sure you are stunning :) xo

  8. wow this look is really pretty! that green shade is gorgeous....and it looks really great and dramatic even without the black eyeliner or mascara.
    lol, i try to justify everything i eat too, like if i eat a salad but then order french's better than a cheeseburger right? :P

  9. Oh, that looks awesome on you!! Now I'm tempted, hahaha, even though I'm sure I don't need it at all... [way too many green/grey shadows]

  10. Ohhhh I really like it and you have such pretty eyes G. ! :) Mexican food yummyyyyyyy!!!

  11. This is a beautiful look! I'm like you. I don't really like black for a smoky eye, I like variations.
    Sounds like a wonderful evening! My weakness is Mexican food too. It's the ultimate comfort food for me. I know that it isn't the healthiest, so I "plan" for it.

  12. Oh, I forgot...your haircolor looks great! It's meant for greens!

  13. At this point, I don't think I stay away from any colors. They are all fair game. lol

    I have a couple of these HIP shadows and they do wear like crazy.

  14. Wow, ladies, thank you SO much for all your extremely kind words about this look! I was totally blown away when I read these comments! I'm so glad you like this, and I swear you can do the exact same thing if you have one of those Liquiline liners. They make it SO easy! :D And to those of you who haven't found these HiP duos yet--keep looking! The display should show up eventually. :)

  15. wowza, somebody's smokin' hot!
    hahahaha, forgive my terrible (yet true!) pun.

  16. This looks great :)
    I wish I could pull off darker eyeshadow, I find that mostly it just makes me look aged or something, at least not very attractive, maybe 'cos the way my eyes are shaped

  17. These colors look great on you!

  18. Ohhh no, now I want MEXICAN! Sometimes you just have to treat yourself. It looks wonderful as always! I love my HiP duos!

  19. Did you wear Sequin Scandal? It seems like it would go together with Darkwave. It's definitely a great color for you and a beautiful EOTD.

    What I want is that mascara, except I already have a dozen mascaras and 3 or 4 open that I have to use up first. I will get Lash Blast Fusion when I do finally get through more of these others tho!

  20. I, myself am totally a sucker for plantains as well :) Pretty look!

  21. @GreenMan- that is freakin' adorable.


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