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Monday, March 2, 2009

Comment Policy

I love and encourage comments here at Nouveau Cheap, and I do not censor comments unless they violate the following comment policy.

Your comment will not be approved if it contains any of the following:
  • Derogatory remarks. There are a million ways to say you disagree with something or dislike something, and I encourage you to voice your opinion on this blog. However, if your tone is disrespectful, rude, or cruel, your comment will not be approved.
  • Links to your own blog/YouTube channel/etc. This is not a place for self-promotion. If you'd like for me to check out your blog, please email me at nouveaucheap(at)gmail(dot)com. If you'd like to let readers know that you reviewed a product discussed on Nouveau Cheap, that's absolutely fine, but please do not include a link to your blog post. If a reader wants to see your review, they can click on your profile and access your blog that way.
  • Awards or tags that include a link to your blog. If you'd like to give me an award or tag, I'd be honored to receive it. Feel free to leave a comment letting me know you tagged me, but please do not leave a link to your blog in the comment. I can click on your profile to access your blog.
  • Giveaways, blog sales, etc. that you're hosting. Again, this is a place for sharing information, not for self-promotion. Please do not attempt to advertise your latest giveaway, blog sale, etc. on this blog.
  • Referral links. If you're letting us know of a great deal and you include a referral link that benefits you (i.e. readers click the link and you make money from it) it will not be approved.

Thanks very much for helping keep this blog a spam-free zone!
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