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Friday, October 16, 2009

Review: Neutrogena Night Calming Nourishing Cream Cleanser

I'm not normally a Walmart shopper, but lately I've been frequenting Walmarts because of Hard Candy. So naturally, while I'm in Walmart I'm also going to stroll down the other beauty aisles, and that's when I first spotted the new Neutrogena Night Calming Nourishing Cream Cleanser (retail: around $7, 5.1 oz)).

Before I get into my review, I'd like to just mention how frustrating it is that apparently some people have had access to this new Night Calming line for months now. In my area, this line has not been in any CVS or Rite-Aid stores as of today, so I really don't know when or how I would have found this if I hadn't been at Walmart recently. So frustrating!

OK, so let's begin with the fact that I'm currently obsessed with cream cleansers. They just feel so luxurious on the skin, and they're a nice change of pace from my usual Clean and Clear Makeup Dissolving Foaming Cleanser (which I still adore, by the way--you can read my review here).

So as we move into the winter months, the thought of using a cream cleanser becomes more and more attractive and I also love the fact that this product contains no oil and is non-comedogenic. But let's not be silly. What really sold me on this product is the "Night Calming" effect that it promises, due to the fragrance! lol. Hey, girls love things that smell good, and I am certainly no exception.

So do I like the fragrance of Neutrogena Night Calming Nourishing Cream Cleanser? Yes, but not at first. At first I thought it smelled a little synthetic. It's definitely a lavender-based scent, but don't expect to smell an aromatherapy type of "fresh lavender" scent. The more I used it, the more I came to realize that this product reminds me of the scent of Johnson & Johnson's Lavender & Chamomile line of baby products. Now that is definitely a comfort scent to me, so once I made the connection, this scent grew on me more and more each time I used it.

So let's take a look at the consistency:

As you can see, it's milky-white and the texture is very rich and creamy, just like a "cream cleanser" should be.

Now if you have seen the reviews on MakeupAlley about this cleanser, you may be a little reluctant to try it. All I can say is, everyone's experience is different so let me tell you why I personally love this cleanser, and hopefully that will help you to better decide if it's right for you.

I have oily skin and occasional bouts of adult acne. I currently use Revlon ColorStay foundation and I've been recently using a mascara that, while not waterproof, is difficult to remove with my regular cleansers (Revlon 3D Extreme). My criteria for a good cleanser are the following:

1) Will not cause breakouts
2) Does not leave my face feeling tight or stripped
3) Removes all makeup, including every trace of long-wear foundation and mascara

I generally do not like to use makeup remover, so if that step can be avoided by using my regular cleanser, I'm sold. And guess what? This cleanser removed my long-wear foundation and my mascara! But please note: you need to work this product into your skin to achieve these results. If you use this product by quickly rubbing it on your skin followed by a quick rinse, nothing is going to be removed. You need to take your time with it and really rub it into every little crevice on your face. Obviously you don't want to get it into your eyes, but you do need to spend some time gently working it around the eye area, making sure that your lashes are saturated with product before you rinse. I spend a good several minutes gently working this cream cleanser into my face, and the payoff is amazing! It rinses easily and my face is perfectly clean afterward. I've even done the toner test and my cotton ball came out clean as a whistle after using this cleanser.

And the best part is that my skin does not feel tight or stripped afterward, even though my skin is amazingly clean. Also, I've been using this cleanser every day and night (even though it's "Night Calming" I use it in the morning too) and I have not experience any breakouts whatsoever.

So if your needs are like mine, I think it might be worth your while to give this cleanser a shot. And if you do, I'd love to know what you think!


  1. I used the non-cream version of this cleanser (it had lil scrubby beads) back in the summer when i was dealing with insomnia. it does smell nice though as you mentioned it's not a fresh lavendar smell.

    hm, may have to try this when i use up my current Olay cleanser. cleansers are in the category of beauty items i get bored with, so i'm always up for a new one to try. except for the really drying ones, they tend not to interfere with my skin.

  2. Hey beautifulmonday! Wow, so you've had this line your area since the summer? I wonder why I've only just seen it recently! :( Anyway, thanks for the info about the other product--please let me know what you think of the cream if you get it? :) xo

  3. ryc: i will- it sounds fab for winter!
    i say, that's just payback for all the great D/s stuff you have out there already, like Eos and e.l.f. and so many of your other reviews that i have not found despite trawling through every d/s near me!

    am trying a new d/s tomorrow- wish me luck. and need to find a Walmart for Hard Candy! Walmart used to be the only store in my hometown aread, but here in the city, there are never any around.

  4. oh and i never tried using cream cleanser to remove mascara....i am always getting soap in my eyes as it is. :) must try though.

  5. OMG, you are cracking me up! Definitely this is payback for all the other drugstore items I have access to in my area. lol!!! :) xo

  6. Nice :D I love cream cleansers. I'm using a Clean and Clear one w/ little micro beads and I have to say that I miss the cream stuff. Eh... they both have goods and bads I guess.

    PS. I also really like that you were the first on my blog roll to talk about ELF at Target. Everyone is talking about that now and I thought to myself: "Ha! Already knew that!"


  7. Wow, this took off your Colorstay foundation without using a makeup wipe beforehand? That's awesome. I think I might try this. I usually don't do cream cleansers because I have oily skin, but I might give this a shot to use for night time. Thanks!

  8. wow really good review
    now i may need to get one

  9. ndoodles, you just totally made my day!!! I cannot thank you enough for mentioning that I broke the elf news days ago. I was wondering if anybody would notice that. lol. You're the best!! :) xoxo

    Hey sunovo! Yep, it sure did! Can you believe it? I would love to know what you think of this if you try it! :)

    Hey Angela! Definitely let me know what you think if you pick it up, ok? xo


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