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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Review: Softsoap Holiday 2013 Limited Edition Body Washes

Remember last month when I gave you a first look at the Softsoap Holiday 2013 Body Washes? Well they're here! Now through December, you can find these body washes exclusively at Walmart stores across the nation. I received both body washes for review from Softsoap, so let's take a closer look:

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Softsoap Holiday 2013 Limited Edition Body Washes
(retail: $3.48 each, 18 oz.)

First up, Wintermint Snowfall:

Wintermint Snowfall

From Softsoap:
Embrace the magic of the winter season with Softsoap® brand limited edition Wintermint Snowfall body wash. Delight in visions of a snowy wonderland as the moisture-rich formula infuses your shower with an invigorating mint scent, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth all winter long.

For Holiday 2012, Softsoap had a body wash called Wintermint Wonderland (the other body wash last year was Enchanting Sugar Plum). I actually didn't try last year's Wintermint Wonderland in body wash form (but I did purchase the hand soap at Big Lots not too long ago!). Going on memory alone, I don''t think my Winter Wonderland hand soap smelled exactly like the new Wintermint Snowfall body wash, but they're in the same vein, of course.

To my nose, Wintermint Snowfall isn't an exact dupe for Bath & Body Works Twisted Peppermint. I think I prefer Wintermint Snowfall, because it smells like actual candy canes to me, whereas BBW Twisted Peppermint smells more like red-and-white-striped hard candies (am I the only one who thinks candy canes and peppermint hard candies don't smell the same?). To me, the round hard candies have a little bit more "zip" to them because they're heavier on the peppermint. Whereas candy canes have a bit more of a creamy sweetness to them. So in other words, I think Wintermint Snowfall has a touch more creaminess to it and not as much peppermint as BBW Twisted Peppermint. And I like that.

As far as lather goes, this one is nice and creamy--you'll only require a normal amount on your bath pouf to get it going, and it rinses easily as well. I detect a very slight scent on my skin after I get out of the shower, but it fades quickly.

Sparkling Berry Bubbly

From Softsoap:
Celebrate the spirit of the season with Softsoap® brand limited edition Sparkling Berry Bubbly body wash. This moisturizing formula leaves skin feeling soft and smooth, while the festive scent of juicy red berries helps to make every day feel like a special event.

I love anything with a champagne, red wine or sangria note to it, so I was super excited to try this one. I thought this might smell like strawberries and champagne, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's a bit more rich and syrupy than that. It's almost like a fruity sangria, but with an effervescent note, if that makes sense. I'm smelling it now and I honestly can't get enough. If you like syrupy, red berry type scents, I think you might love this one (the bubbly note is fun and makes it feel a little more festive).

The lather on this one isn't quite as creamy as Wintermint Snowfall, but it's still easy to get a good lather going with just a normal squirt on your bath pouf. Again, this one rinses clean and I can detect a slight fragrance on my skin when I get out of the shower, but it fades quickly.

FINAL VERDICT: I'm impressed with Softsoap's holiday offerings this year. To me, these aren't lackluster versions of another brand's holiday scents--they're scents that can stand on their own, and I think they're lovely enough to warrant a purchase (especially at $3.48 a bottle). I will be purchasing back-ups when I spot them, because I can see myself wanting to use these throughout the year--not just during the holiday season.

Have you spotted the Softsoap Holiday 2013 Body Washes at your local Walmart yet? Have you purchased either (or both) of them? I'd love to hear from you!

A sample of this product was given to Nouveau Cheap for editorial purposes, either directly from the manufacturer or from the agency that works on behalf of the manufacturer. All reviews on are the honest opinion of its author and editorial samples do not, in any way, affect the outcome of product reviews. For more information, click here.


  1. I think I want to try the Wintermint Snowfall! I'm a body wash "collector"---- I don't want to say 'hoarder'!! Luckily I don't share my bathroom with my Husband who is always amazed when he goes into my bathroom - "why do you need this many products??!" Thanks for your review!

  2. I have Wintermint and really like it. I just wish the scent lasted longer, as you mentioned it leaves quickly after your shower has ended.

    1. Yeah, it's nice if you don't want it to compete with your perfume, but to me, it smells so good I want it to last a bit longer! Lol!

  3. When I 1st smelled Wintermint Snowfall, I thought to myself, is this a dupe for B&BW Twisted Peppermint??? It was hard to tell by sniff only. I didn't want to get one bottle home and find out that it was. There were 4 bottles left on the shelf, so I grabbed all 4! Like you said, Wintermint Snowfall isn't an exact dupe for Twisted Peppermint. I think Wintermint Snowfall is sweeter and like you said, creamier. With that said, I mixed it with some sugar and made my own scrub. I could not be more thrilled. This actually might have satisfied my hunt for Twisted Peppermint scrub! I give WS a big thumbs up!

    1. Oh I'm SO glad you agree with my assessment of this scent! And turning it into a sugar scrub sounds divine!

  4. I'm so excited I already got three bottles of the wintermint snowball and one of the sparkling berry bubbly :) :)

  5. I would love to get both of these, I wonder if they will be released in Canada, probably not *sigh*. I love keeping up with your blog because you always have great info on the latest products at drug store level:)

    1. Aaaw, thank you! I'll try to find out if these are coming to Canada!

  6. I just picked up a bottle of each yesterday! I can't wait to try them both, but first I am forcing myself to finish an open bottle of something else that is already in my shower. I loved last winter's special editions, and I have a feeling that I will love these, too. Judging just by the aroma when I sniff the bottle, they are both winners.

    My one greedy wish is that last year's Enchanting Sugar Plum could have made a return. I stock-piled that one and cried when I eventually ran out of my stash.

    1. Aaaw, I'm sorry you finished your last sugar plum, but hopefully you'll like the berry one so much it will take your mind off it! Lol! ;)

  7. I'm telling you, Softsoap is stepping their game up! SOme time ago, I purchased their yummy STrawberry Smoothie soap and SHea with Almond oil. Smells so yummy, they're supper creamy and lathers perfectly. Now mind you, I'm a vegan, soap bar kind of girl. I would only use this when I cannot afford or wont get my bar soap on time. I usually get them online.

    1. Hi kinkycurlyliebe, I don't know if you're vegan for health or ethical reasons (or both), but I thought that you would like to know that Softsoap is owned by a non cruelty-free company...Colgate-Palmolive, last time I checked. I love this blog, and even read posts about products I know I would never purchase...incase you wondered wth I'm doing reading this if I'm anti-Colgate/Palmolive. :)

  8. Rats! I saw Wintermint and was going to give it a sniff. However, I got distracted.

  9. Ok so this post has me convince to go find this NOW! I was going to wait until I happened to go to Walmart, but I think I need to go today a buy both! I hope hope hope it is already at my local one! I will also be prepared to get a backup of Wintermint. I usually do a real stock up at Bath and Body Works when Twisted Peppermint comes out! I hoard it but unfortunately am out of body wash!!!

  10. At my local 99 cent store they often put mini sizes of these in there!

  11. I went to Walmart this morning and they only had 1 of the Wintermint left. I grabbed it, of course. I will be checking the other local Walmarts to hopefully pick up a few more. I LOVE that sweet peppermint scent.

  12. Got the Wintermint, my Walmart didn't have the Berry.

  13. I freaking love the Softsoap body washes. Our Costco pack of Olay is yet to run out though -- maybe I should have these on hand for the holidays! Great review.


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