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Thursday, October 17, 2013

The limited edition Color Tattoos have landed at CVS

image credit: Cheryl R for Nouveau Cheap

Just a quick heads-up that the Maybelline Gilded in Gold display with the limited edition Color Tattoos (click here for swatches) has landed at CVS! In the past few days, four lovely readers from across the country have spotted the Color Tattoos at their local CVS stores (click here to view the sightings map).

Happy hunting, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we all find them (myself included!).

Thanks to the readers who left those sightings on the map!


  1. YAY! I'll have to keep an eye out, I was at a couple of CVS stores this week that didn't have the display, but I'll be checking back! When I found this display at the San Jose BB&B with an extended Beauty department, all the Color Tattoos were gone.

    BTW, I've tried to use your maps to note this collection but didn't have any luck. Maybe I'm just technologically challenged, but I couldn't get it to show the part of the Bay Area I'm in so that I could place my marker. The same issue has prevented me from placing my sitings in your maps in the past. Any suggestions would be welcome, part of the reason your blog is so awesome is because it gives us makeup lovers so many ways to help each other out!

  2. Just when I thought it was over.......the hunt continues!

  3. Oh man, the hunt is on! Thanks G!

  4. Got my tattoos tonight. There was the red polish but not the silvery one. Didn't try the blushes because GLITTER!

  5. Oh I hope it shows at Rite Aid or Walgreens soon!!! Really wanting to see the blushes in person!

  6. That matte butter yellow shadow is coming home with me! So happy to see mattes -- hopefully this is a trend and companies are moving away from glitter in everything.

  7. My CVS just put out the Revlon matte/lacquer balm stains but they don't have this out (yet...hopefully).

    I'm hoping my Ulta will get this eventually but I'm not sure how the other members knew theirs would since I also work at Ulta and haven't heard anything about it.

  8. I am sooo tired of stalking my stores. So I was about to give up because my city does not have Harmons or Fred Myers until I saw the update about CVS. Thanks for the info ladies.

  9. I saw this an called my local CVS, and..... THEY HAVE IT! I had to stifle a scream, then I told the guy to hold it at the register for me. I'm SO happy, thank you so much for telling me this!!!

  10. I just bought the matte brown color tattoo and the pink blush at CVS and it was a rip off compared to other drug stores (blush: $8.29 Color tattoo $6.99) but at least I don't have to hunt anymore.

  11. Today on my hunt I located the Brocade Nail Polish collection at 2 different Rite Aid's in the Pittsburgh area. They had all of them as no one had touched the display yet. I got all the polishes at the first one I found them at. I am in LOVE with the Gilded Rose. I apologize as I tried several times to post it on the map but I couldn't through my phone. So if anyone is in Pittsburgh the stores are as follows:
    Rite Aid William Penn Hwy
    Monroeville Pa.
    Brocades ONLY-all colors

    Rite Aid
    1200 Pittsburgh St.
    Cheswick, Pa
    Brocades ONLY All colors

  12. Now I just wish the CT and Blusher would land here! Geesh come on ALREADY!

  13. Looked all over Houston and never found these items.

  14. I've been visiting all of the Walgreens and CVS stores in my area so often that the cosmetics dept people say "we don't have it in yet, sorry" as soon as they see me. *sad* I'm already seeing people sell the color tattoos for $15+ on ebay and think it's so horrible that they do that! UGH!

  15. I want these so bad... I cant find them anywhere here in Indianapolis :((((( I have all of the fall 2012 limited collection and I can't even imagine missing out on these 2 color tattoos and folks on ebay are selling them as much as 20 dollars a pop

  16. My Cvs has yet to get these , but I did see te display at Ulta in Southaven , Mississippi so check your Ulta's because they have popped up there. The display was only missing two of the color tattoos.


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