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Thursday, September 5, 2013

DIY Holographic Hair Barrette Tutorial

I like to think of myself as a crafty girl but, in reality, I rarely have patience for most craft projects. I prefer low-effort projects that yield super cute results, and I REALLY love projects that take under an hour to accomplish and don't require a haul from Michael's.

So if you're like me and you prefer simple, quick and inexpensive craft projects, this DIY is for you! All you'll need is a barrette (or even a bobby pin), some cute nail polish and a quick-dry top coat. That's it!

Make a holographic hair barrette in less time than it takes to do your nails

Tutorial, after the jump...

Everyone's got at least one of these, right? 

Now pick a nail polish from your lovely stash. If you don't have a holo nail polish, use a cute creme, shimmer, metallic, glitter, whatever! You can even do a jelly sandwich, a glitter gradient or heck, you can stamp it if you're feeling extra crafty. 

For this barrette, I selected Color Club Blue Heaven, which is one of the holos that I scored at Burlington Coat Factory for $3.98 last weekend.

Also, bust out your quick-dry top coat, just to make it extra shiny and lock in the base color. Or use a matte top coat. Do whatever you want. Go wild!

Apply two coats of nail color to your barrette. Don't worry about the bottom side of the barrette (nobody's ever going to see it). You don't even really need to paint the inner bar because your hair will cover that. I just did it because I wanted to.

Let your two coats dry, then apply a coat (or two) of clear top coat. Let that dry, and you're done, baby!

Wear it and marvel at how cute it is in your hair (and how it didn't cost you $5.99 at Claire's or whatever).

If you're hard on your hair accessories (I am), then of course this paint job isn't going to last you forever. But if you're a peeler (you know who you are), then when this bad boy starts to chip, you'll have fun peeling it off and you can just start fresh with another cute nail polish!

Do you have any cheap, quick and cute craft projects you'd like to share with us? I'd LOVE to hear about them!


  1. Cool idea. I'm going to have to try this.

  2. How cute is that?! I have done similar projects with bobby pins and barrettes in a duochrome, but not the snap barrettes, and not holographic. Yet.

  3. I've revamped a cute necklace from Claires that started looking rusty with some silver polish :)

    1. Me too :) I often use np to stop cheapy jewelry items from turning green or touching up the metals they do.
      Love this barrette idea and all the other crafty ideas too, keep 'em coming I say! :)

  4. Color club holos at Burlington Coat Factory? I see where I'm going.

    1. I'm just ill that I didn't think of this before. I bet I can do a plastic headband too. Holiday colors???.....

  5. I used to do this years ago with the same kind of clip and and other barrettes. I found some recently that I hadn't used in a long time and it made me smile. I want to do some new ones with some of the newer polishes I have.

    I am a big arts & crafts girl and I've found that nail polish is great for all kinds of things. I've painted thumb tacks, nail heads, barrettes, earrings, cosmetics tools (so I'd know which are mine and which are other people's), and even the tops of chopsticks to match my dishware (I still have to finish those). With such a big polish collection and only 20 nails to wear it on at a time, I'm always looking for new craft ideas to use them.

    1. I never think of anything. Thanks for the ideas, G and auroragyps!

  6. You can use a spray primer for metal barrettes before the polish to help with adherance. :) *wife of autobody man*

  7. I was just thinking that I needed to jazz up a few bobby pins with some duochrome nail polish. Thanks!

  8. Here's a cool DIY tip I just learned for my textured nail polish: you can paint your keys with them. That way you can find the one important key on your set by feeling for the gritty texture! I did this a.month or so ago and it's still working great!

  9. Oh, great idea! I have some of those wide bobby pins that are going to get a makeover.


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