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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wet n Wild LE Spring Forward Collection Interactive Sightings Map

This is an interactive sightings map created to track sightings of the new Wet n Wild Limited Edition Spring Forward 8-Pan Palettes. In order to make this collection easier to find for all of us, you are encouraged to place a marker on this map (instructions below) if you have spotted the Wet n Wild Spring Forward collection in your area. I approve markers once per day, so if you do not see your marker after you submit it, please note that it may take up to 24 hours for it appear.

NOTE: IF THIS MAP DOES NOT LOAD FOR YOU, TRY VIEWING IT IN A DIFFERENT BROWSER OR CLICK HERE FOR A DIRECT LINK TO THE MAP (you cannot add markers via that direct link; you must add markers by accessing the map via this blog post).

Wet n Wild Limited Edition Spring Forward Collection Interactive Sightings Map


2) After you find your location on the map, click "ADD" in the upper right corner of the map and follow the instructions. PLEASE BE SURE TO FILL IN THE STORE LOCATION AND CITY INFO ON THE MARKER FORM (and a street name if you'd like) of the drugstore in the notes. You may also add notes about how many palettes were left when you were there, where the display was located in the store, etc. 
3) IF YOUR MARKER DOES NOT APPEAR AFTER YOU REFRESH THE PAGE, DO NOT ADD ANOTHER MARKER! It might take up to 24 hours for markers to become permanent on this map.
Any questions, leave a comment on this post and I'll do my best to answer them!
One more thing:

WHEN VIEWING THIS MAP: If the description on a marker does not specify an exact location, zoom in on the map several times to see street names and hopefully you can figure out which drugstore is being referenced.

DISCLAIMER: Nouveau Cheap is not responsible for incorrect information represented on this map. Before driving to a location referred to on this map, it's always a good idea to call the store ahead of time, just to be sure they still have product left. 


  1. G, this is awesome and so are you! I am so glad I have stumbled upon your blog. It is so nice to know that there are other people out there who have the same dedication to makeup that I have! This map is too cool! :D

  2. Can you add Christmas tree shop in Albany ny? I'm having problems adding it and I bought them today!

  3. This is a great idea! I hope it works for canada too, you should do this with other products too :)

  4. I'm currently keeping my eye out here in North Jersey...gah...what's taking so long!! :p

  5. Replies
    1. i know right, i got an email from the makers of wet n wilds (markwins) it's only exclusive to select CVS & Albertson Stores. Not in Walgreens... So fyi!

    2. Just great. No CVS in Colorado. ;-(

    3. but check your other drugstore retailers, who knows you might find them! i'm here in northern california and will do a huge search in my local CVS, Albertsons (LUCKY) and other places since it's not being carried in walgreens!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Searched quite a few CVS, Wags, and Rite-Aid and nogo in Southern Cali. :(

  7. Thank you so much for the map!! It is really helpful. :)

  8. Ahhh I've never anticipated makeup so much! Come on, Florida!!!

    1. I'm with you -- let's go, Florida! I'm in St. Augustine and this town is absolutely phobic about getting in WnW LE products. Good luck to you!

  9. If these palettes release in a similar timeline like Where's the Party did, they'll probably hit CVS after the 10th of March and Walgreens will get them in April...

    1. I got an email from the company (Markwins -- black radiance/wet n wild) since i asked for an inquiry at walgreens, they are unfortunately not going to be carried at walgreens. you can only see them at like select CVS, Albertsons (or luckys if your in Northern California and i believe southern too) and other select retailers....

  10. A HUGE thank you to G for making the map possible and to whoever posted that they saw the WnW pallets in Corvallis Oregon (Fred Myers). I went there today and found both pallets....yeah. :) The map really does work!!

  11. No sitings at Walgreens, Riteaid, or CVS in SC.

  12. Went to the majority of the markers on the NYC map and they were all sold out. However, I just found them at a different Duane Reade at 459 Broadway in Manhattan. I added it to the map.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I've found them at two Duane Reades in NYC (56th St. and 6th Ave and 75th St. and Broadway). I am going to search more Duane Reades this weekend. I think that they will eventually make their way to Walgreens because Duane Reade and Walgreens are combined in some way (at least in NYC). The display case is rather small- holding about 3-4 of each of the two palettes.

      Hope this helps!

    3. Hi Lisa! Was it a full display? I have been searching and searching everywhere near me in midtown. I'm almost starting to give up.

    4. Ugh, still not in Charleston, SC! And, yes, they're on Ebay, for &39.00 for 2 palettes! Really? They're awesome and all, but I would never spend that. that's just dumb, lol

  13. Replies
    1. I'm crossing my fingers that they show up here. I think that sometimes we are really our own country, because things don't make it here that often (or as quickly as I'd like it).

    2. I know that they will be available on eBay! Probably already are ;)

    3. At least in my town we never get the limited edition stuff and our CVS's don't carry wnw. eBay has them up but my Lanta they are so pricey!

  14. These markers are slowly edging closer to my house. Looks like I'll have to hit Meijer's!

  15. found them in Washington in bellingham @ a fred meyers (800 Lakeway Dr
    +1 360-676-1102i) took the last nude awakening while there were 2 of the colorful pallets left! the lady told me thought that they will be getting more in stock!!!

    1. Went down to this location on Sunday, March 10th to pick up the palettes. I was able to get one of each.
      I grabbed the last nude awakening as well, but there was still 2 of the other palettes left.

      Thanks for the tip!

    2. Went down to this location on Sunday, March 10th to pick up the palettes. I was able to get one of each.
      I grabbed the last nude awakening as well, but there was still 2 of the other palettes left.

      Thanks for the tip!

  16. After reading Rochelle's comment about only CVS..I called Markwins in Cali, lolol, the corporate offices..and was informed that yes CVS will be carrying them first..but Walgreens and many other retailers will be getting them in my area..sure she meant all areas as well. They were nice in replying to all questions asked. This happened with The Where's the Party collection..only Walgreens was supposed to carry it, and I found them sitting there at Kmart.

    1. Yay!!! Words of hope. Thanks, Moira

    2. oh really, yeah i got was an email from there corporate out in chicago... said that CVS will be carrying them and other retailers (Luckys)... but not walgreens... thanks though moira..

    3. Yeah I want these so bad...I asked a friend to ship them to me, but when she went back they sold out. So I freaking called the offices out of City of Industry, CA..I am sure they I was insane, lololol...I got transferred alot, but finally got the answer.

    4. i might have to check out my stores then! the one in fairfield is way too far for me.... will check closer.... thanks though! and i probably might have to call the CALIFORNIA offices and speak with them, the person out in Chicago offices weren't much of help via email though gave me there contact info though..

  17. North Jersey here. I just marked the Harmon on Route 10 in East Hanover if anyone is near there. They had a new display, not touched, it's on the very bottom shelf where the new(ish) make-up is displayed.

  18. No one in Georgia seen these? :(

    1. I am in Georgia..ATL..I am always on the lookout, trust me if I see any I will place it on the interactive map!

    2. Thanks, good to know!! I swear, I have the worst luck with the stores not stocking things. No displays for Wet n Wild or anything, really! Only L'Oreal or Essie. So lame.

    3. I'm in Atlanta too and can't wait for the markers to creep down to our end of the map :-)

  19. They're being found in Manhattan? Yay! I rarely find ds makeup in NYC!

  20. I can't find the notes field, so I'll just add here that the display was full this morning at the Marc's on State Road in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and it's on the top shelf of an end cap at the end of their cosmetics aisle.

  21. I have been STALKING my local drugstores...nothing yet in CVS or Walgreens on Long Island :(

  22. Hmm I called a few CVSs and none of them have heard of it yet. Florida needs to catch up! The map seems to say that it's only in a few concentrated areas.

  23. I just found mine at the Christmas Tree Shop in Wilmington DE. There were at least 2 each of each color left. However, the sales lady was looking covetously at my eyeshadows when I checked out, so there could be less now!

  24. Anyone in Colorado?? Any sightings of these?

    1. I'm in CO too and I've been searching Everywhere and when I find them I'll be sure to put a marker up and comment as well. Good luck!

    2. I've been to several Walgreens, since they're practically on every corner in Colorado and nothing! :( We have to rely on Walgreens, as obviously CVS doesn't exist here.

    3. I'm in Colo too, nothing so far. We'll have to rely on Walgreens, as obviously CVS and these other drugstores don't exist here! :( I'll keep you posted if I get lucky.!

  25. Seriously been looking every where for these palettes, anyone in MN spot them yet!?! :(

    1. I am in the metro area, near Minneapolis, and I have yet to see these. Will definitely add a marker if I do.

    2. I am also looking everywhere in MN.. No luck yet will go looking again this weekend.

  26. Okay, so oddly enough, when I stopped by my closest Walgreens, after going to two CVS stores and a Rite Aid, I found Wet n Wild's limited edition "Toppings" nail collection. And tons of Fergie mixed in the general display but no Spring Forward anywhere in the Dunwoody/Atlanta area.

    1. I am in Dunwoody as well and i havent found it either...i even went to Kmart in luck...please keep me posted

    2. I am in Canton..but I have been everywhere. However..yesterday in Woodtosck exit 8 ( yes I wnr there again) they were cleaning all the shelves where they out the items and I asked if they had anything new to display. All she said is that they get their truck in on Tuesday. But much to my surprise, I was checking out the PF 40% of which was right next to very bare and empty WNW display and found the Where's Party Collection. They were just mixed in with the other 8 since I was nmssing one from that collection I picked them up anyways.

    3. Sweet! There's hope!! I hope to get out tomorrow to check out CVS and Walgreens, and will most definitely put them on the map if I find them.

  27. I went to the Meijer's in Rochester Hills, MI and Roseville, MI and they're sold out at both stores.

    1. I went to the Meijer in Southgate, MI and found one Going in the Wild palette! Unfortunately, that was the last one and the display is now empty.

  28. Finally we are starting to see some movemnt heading down south! CVS..yesss! Maybe next week Georgia! I have become a stalker. LOLOLOL

  29. I was in Chicago and was going to go to Meijer but I figured they'd be in St. Louis soon... I hope I'm right and didn't miss an opportunity.

  30. So I went to the Meijer in Bloomingdale, IL and all they had left was an empty display. Words cannot describe my disappointment ... which quickly turned to rage and nearly made me Kick the Kardashian Khroma Kolors display. Ugh!!

  31. i checked one of the nor cal sightnings at walgreens in walnut creek, and i didn't see them at all over there.. i was wondering whoever posted that sighting where exactly did you see the display? i went today and saw nothing all i saw was the nail polish collection (toppings) and the lipsticks from wet n wild and the nailpolish set from wet n wild's fergie line..... so i was wondering where exactly are they located at?

  32. If anyone leaves in Staten Island or near it, they had a full display at the pathmark in Great Kills, And I must add that this is the place that I go for to find the newest WnW products!

    1. omg. i wish i had seen this earlier. i've been searching all the walgreens and 1 pathmark in SI and no luck. and i don't know if it's worth going all the way to great kills since this post is over a week old :\

  33. I havent't found them anywhere in Tucson, yet. Been stalking my local Walgreens's and CVS's for weeks, lol. I WILL find them!

  34. Thank you to whoever posted the Rolling Meadows, IL Meijer marker - I was able to get the last Nude Awakening palette. There are several of the Going in the Wild palettes left, though.

  35. Slowly, but surely, they are moving closer and closer to Georgia! Nude Awakening looks like it might have some possible dupes for some of the Naked shadows?

    1. They are pretty close, as I took out my NAKED palette and compared from images and swatches. Some NAKED without the $50 price tag ;D

  36. I spent some time swatching the two next to each other and many of colors are VERY similar. The dark gray in nude awakening is almost identical to gunmetal

  37. Anyone seen these yet in the MA/Boston area? I have been stalking every Rite Aid, Walgreens, CVS, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc. and haven't seen them anywhere.

    1. I saw them at the Christmas Tree Shops in Saugus (Route 1) I got both..and they are so much prettier in person. There was one Going in the Wild left. They put them in with the Wet n Wild display on the bottom shelf. I almost didn't see them. I'm guessing they must be at most of the Christmas Tree Shops by now. Hope this helps. Good Luck!

    2. Thanks to your map marker I made the trek to Saugus yesterday and got that last lone Going in the Wild palette! Thank you :) Display now empty though...

  38. Just a psa to anyone wanting to go to the Meijers in south Elgin il, they are all sold out :( I wanted to cry :((

    1. The Meijer in Rolling Meadows, had 2 "Going in the Wild" palettes left as of yesterday at 1pm.

    2. The Meijer in Algonquin on Randall (Past Algonquin Commons) has 3 "Going in the Wild" palettes left as of 8:30 pm tonight.

    3. Bloomingdale Meijer: Nothing. (Empty display.)

      St. Charles Meijer: No eyeshadows, only nailpolish.

      Checked S. Elgin in case: Nothing. (Empty display.)


  39. To the person who posted that they found them in Frederick, MD at CVS, PLEASE tell me which one? I went to every CVS in the city and didn't see one single display for the collection.

  40. aaaand here I am in KANSAS :( poop

  41. i hope they are working their way south....none in miami yet

  42. I've seen none in Los Angeles or Ventura yet - has anyone else?

    1. Nope not yet, I've checked the South Bay (Inglewood, Hawthorne), the Valley and West L.A. Nothing yet...

    2. Not yet, I've been checking around. Nothing in the Valley (woodland hills area when i checked) and I live near West L.A. and I haven't seen them yet. :-(

  43. Anyone Seen Them In MN Yet???? I Have Been Searching all the Cvs,Walgreens and the Small Drugstores Near Me Nothing Yet!!! Im Concered We Wont Get These Until 2 Months After Everyone Else It Took Me 1 Month To Find Wheres The Party

    1. I'm in MN (Twin Cities) and can't find it yet. Once I do I will be sure to post!

  44. Anyone seen them in Orange County (Irvine, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley) yet? Checked Walgreens today with no luck.

    1. I asked the a person in the store when they would be arriving and they said to keep checking this week or next week. I'm going to be checking CVS and Rite Aid.

    2. Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely be checking at CVS and Rite Aid now too.

  45. Searched Walgreens and CVS in SoCal. Still not here! BOOOOOOOO

  46. Went to Meijer store the other day and they HAD them, but the display was empty :( so I'm still on the hunt! This was in Bloomington, IL btw.

  47. I have the best boyfriend ever! He's out of town right now and I asked him to check at Meijer for the palettes and he found them!

  48. They have hit Southern California, I found them at a Rite Aid in Los Angeles this morning. I added a marker; that display is now empty (and the marker says that), but at least we know that they're still arriving new places.

  49. new follower here- thanks for all the great info!

  50. No love for FL or even GA yet? :( I haven't bugged any drug stores recently, guess I'll do that today and report back!

  51. Found them in another Duane Reade in Queens - along Union Turnpike (near the F train and Q37 bus stop). It was untouched and I bought 3 so it's still worth a shot. :) Added the marker too. :D

  52. Still none in Mn I have called every walgreens and cvs within a 30 mile radius of me I have even checked small local I hate this game I have to play to fund Limited Edition wet n wild :-(

  53. OMGOSH!!! YAYAYAY!!! Finally found them!!! Almost a full display @ CVS @ 6360 West Third Street Los Angeles 323.937.3019

    1. My sister just went to that store and was not able to find any of the make up. She wasn't able to find the display or even and empty spot. The staff wasn't very helpful either. Can you tell me where in the store they were. Thank you.

  54. Proudgrizzly - Yes, when you walk in and go to the makeup wall - it is on the shelves facing the makeup wall. I believe that it was close to the beginning of the shelf on the second shelf.
    Hope that you can find it. It was there @ 653pm when I checked out. I got a pic of it...
    Stephanie Donatelife Pearce

  55. Want these so bad im in canada and there isint one mark up here im so depressed i hope we get them too

  56. ugh seriously Florida what gives

  57. Come on Georgia!!! stops at S. Carolina and then nothing. :((

    1. There is a marker though for GA (GROVETOWN, GA). There's nothing in my area yet and I live in sc :( i called one of the markers left on sc just to see if it did land in sc yet..and one of the ladys said she hasnt even seen it yet. so I'm not sure if the marker was placed right or they don't know what i'm talking about. but i explained in details.. hoping it comes soon. We received wheres the party wet n wild LE palettes last year at walgreens and kmart near me. I'm sure it will be coming in areas soon, esp. since spring is here!! crosses fingers.

    2. I found them today at cvs in sandy springs 7355 roswell rd

  58. I tslked to a beauty manager in a walgreens
    She told me they won't roll out until first week of april.
    I live in north Texas fort worth

  59. I tslked to a beauty manager in a walgreens
    She told me they won't roll out until first week of april.
    I live in north Texas fort worth

  60. The CVS @ 1150 Baker St, Costa Mesa, CA (corner of Baker & Fairview) just put up their display! I bought one Nude Awakening so there are 3 Nude Awakening and 4 Going In The Wild palettes left!

  61. Sorry I couldn't add a marker on my phone but the have 3 of each color left at the CVS in Cathedral City, CA.

  62. I couldn't add a marker on my phone but the CVS on 7355 roswell rd in sandy springs ga has 3 of each left

  63. CVS @ Mountain View, CA has 3 of each color left

  64. Just bought the last 2 ( one of each) at CVS 6510 south st, Lakewood Ca.

  65. Wow... no sightings in FL yet? I *really* hope this palette makes it here... I want them both!

  66. They have hit Burbank,CA! The CVS ON 1015 NORTH SAN FERNANDO had the display set up and I got the very last one. I thin this means that they should be at the CVS in the burbank, glendale, la area.

  67. Found them last night at the CVS on Whittier Blvd and Scott in Whittier CA. Display was full,I got one of each! Hope this helps you out!
    Karen =)

    1. Do you know if they still have them there or in any other CVS near the Whittier/Santa Fe Springs area? xx

  68. Replies
    1. Did you guys in Canada get the other Limited Edition? Just curious. :)) These are so limitede edition..nothing here in the Atlanta area.
      If we are having problems in the US..imagine Canada!!

    2. Yes... Sorta. I saw it only at ONE Walmart where they had a small display and only one palette left... which was shattered. :( I'm assuming they had a small quantity and never/barely replenished.

  69. I'm still looking for these WnW palettes!! I've looked in CVS/Walgreens in San Dimas, West Covina and Santa Ana with no luck!! SO frustrating!

  70. My experiance with new collections is that the 24 walgreens get them first because they get more of the limited edition products at least here in MN I went to Walgreens In White Bear Lake Mn and they said they recieved a email stating they would be recieveing the limited edition collection 3 of each this last week but they never recieved them so the cosmetics manager said more then likely next week and she is going to be holding 1 of each color for me and she took my name and number to call me when I can come pick them up!!!! :) great customer service indeed !!! :)

  71. For anyone living in Honolulu, Hawaii, I've spotted them at the Kaheka Street Don Quijote. It's a separate display from their permanent line, but ONE of the Nude Awakening palette was still there, and quite a few of the Going Into the Wild. They also had the nail polish toppings. :)

  72. By the time we get them here in NM it'll be summer time!! :(

  73. found them also at the CVS on Parmaount and Florence Ave. in Downey, CA. Again, full display looked like they were just put out. =)

  74. I live in Atlanta too, been looking around for weeks, nothing yet.

  75. I found them at Nazareth Wegmans on Friday. I don't know if that's going to hold true for all of them, but for us nothern east coasters, it's worth a shot!

  76. Nothing in Inland California between Lake Elsinore, Sun City, and Temecula. Seems like I need to drive to the coast to get these :(

    1. I don't know how you feel about Yucaipa Ca, but I just found them at my CVS :)

    2. Hi Callie :) Thanks for the note! Yucaipa is pretty far from me, but we are headed to Escondido tomorrow to take my daughter to the Wild Animal Park and are going to hit up some CVS's there. My husband is bound and determined to find them for me lol ;) But good to know, and perhaps they will be making their way southward towards me now :) Pam

  77. Glad to see a couple more NorCal markers on the map, but CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid in Vallejo & Benicia still seem to not have these palettes. I've been checking almost daily and nada. It is so weird that Vacaville & Fairfield would have them, but nothing in Vallejo.

  78. Hey Tennessee people, I emailed CVS and found out ALL of the CVS locations that will be holding this collection (in Tennessee) and I'm going to add all of the markers. Unfortunately there are only 8 locations in all of Tennessee but this is just for CVS. Keep on checking Walgreens/Rite Aid :)!

    1. That was a smart idea to do! I should email and ask about my state. How long did it take for them to reply back?

    2. OMG there is one close to me! Wonder when they will be there?? Did they say

    3. I called the CVS in Johnson City before I went and they held one of each for me. When I got there the display was full except the ones I bought so I would say they just got them!

    4. Will there be any in Knoxville TN? The map is not loading for me! :0-(

    5. It took them about a week and a half to get back to me. As far as I know thats all the CVS locations that will be carrying the palettes (in Tennessee). The palettes are already there, most of them were available starting March 5 or March 19. They were very helpful and nice, I would suggest doing it for other states :)!

    6. I emailed them about Virginia, and they were also very nice but said they couldn't find them in the system yet. I told them I had a "friend" (lol i hope you don't mind Jennifer Eure) that was able to get a list of Tenn. stores. She said if I was able to get the reference number from your email she could use that info to help me further. Would you happen to have the reference number?

  79. does anyone know the exact location of the CVS in Sacramento, CA these were spotted at? ive been looking all over town for them!

  80. Called Walgreens Today She says She Still Has 9 Makeup crates To Go Through Shes Hoping The Collection Is In One of the 9 bins she is going to call me when she finds them LETS KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED MN WE HAVE ONLY BEEN WAITING A MONTH!!!! BTW I CALLED CVS TODAY THEY HAVENT EVEN HEARD OF THEM YET!!!!

  81. So yeah Sorry Everyone in MN but still NO SPRING Palettes I called Walgreens and she said they did not come I thought for sure this would be the week but I guess not :( im starting to doubt we will even get them UGH why is the midwest always last to get everything I think I may email wet n wild and see what they have to say !!

  82. Did anyone check for Chicago??? I always see new LE palettes for Wet n Wild on websites but I never get to purchases them until months later. Do anyone know any stores here that has them?

  83. The CVS in Sandy Springs (north of Atlanta) mentioned above at 7355 Roswell Rd is now out :-( just wanted to mention it and possibly save someone else a trip.

  84. Well here in lil ole MS seems as though we don't have them :(

  85. Hello I just was on and they have these palettes to buy as a set for $15.00 but you also have to pay $5.95 for shipping so It ends up being $20.95 I dont think I am willing to pay double since my area has not recieved them yet but if you are someone whos state already got them and you missed out on them here is your chance to get them

  86. Just my take...I would not even waste time calling half the stores. I spent yesterday going around Roswell, Woodtsock..and mind you even though I found and purchased 3 sets, one of the stores where I found it I had called them and asked and they told me they didn't have any. As for the display some people keep asking about, it's nothing major..just a small display sitting on a shelf.I asked the manager if they would be getting more, he said no and took the display off the shelf. Only reason I mentioning this, is I have noticed some of the comments are on markers that are placed and then people are going to that store and they don't see it and start questioning who put the marker. :)

  87. Good Grief!!! Is Pennsylvania even on the map? So bummed over this!

    1. Just an may wanna check your CVS's anyways...because not everyone adds the markers, and not everyone reads the blog. I looked on ebay and there are sellers showing location in that means they are there. Good luck finding them.

  88. Anyone find any around Northern Virginia?
    Thanks! ^^ <3

    1. I found the palette in Winchester, VA which is a hour south of NoVA

  89. I just emailed CVS, Walgreens and Albertson's to see when the palettes will be in Dallas/Fort Worth. I hope it is soon!

    1. Please let us know what they say! I've been on the hunt in my area for weeks and still can't find them. The medley palettes have popped up recently though so crossing my fingers for these ones.

  90. Hello, Colorado???!!! Am I ever gonna get these eyeshadows? (crying) I've spends countless dollars and gas looking for these things.

  91. Finally found this at a CVS in Winchester, VA! Had to fly across the country to get it (came here for a wedding).

  92. Hello To the Person Who Spotted them at CVS in MN what CVS? PLease answer I Have been looking for a month and a half LOL THANK YOU :)!!!!

  93. Im so fustrated my Walgreens got 2 new wet n wild displays none of which had the palettes but they had the colored mascaras I also called all my surrounding walgreens also im getting very impatient about this whole situation I also called my CvS's no sighting of them there either I am feeling very left out like MN was just forgotten is it possible for a whole state to not recieve these palettes?

    1. I would call all the CVS first. None of the walgreens received it in my area yet but only 2 cvs's around my area did first and that was about 2 weeks ago. I couldn't believe only 2 CVS'S received them around me and I have over 10 cvs's near me, crazy!!

  94. I only have 2 CVS near me so that really narrows my chances of getting them :( ugh they should just be sold wherever has wet n wild they would make money off of them for sure I dont understand why they have to make this such a game :(

    1. I know exactly how you feel.. I had to drive everywhere to search for these. I almost gave up, but I decided to just call all the cvs's. The 2 cvs's I found them were 20 minutes way. -__- But they are NICE enough to hold them for you. All of them were sold out after I picked up the last ones. Each cvs store only had one left. one cvs had the nude awakening and the other one had the Going in the wild one. crazy right. I saw that you posted that was selling them for 15 but 5 in shipping. I honestly would of bought it from there but that was AFTER I already went out my way to cvs. Because it's 10 total for both at the store.. but i wasted like $15 in gas driving everywhere -__-. the 20 might be worth it if you can't find it anywhere.

  95. that is true but right now wet n wild is buy one get one 50% off at Walgreens so I was really hoping to score a GREAT deal on these

  96. So just called a CVS 40 minutes away and they have them BUT they said they will not be putting them on the sales floor until around Sunday!!!! This is so frustrating why cant they put them out now I have been waiting a month and a half to find these btw Woodbury Mn is where they say they have them

    1. You should call them and ask to speak to the store manager and let them pull it out for you in the back since you called ahead of time. Especially..if it's already in their store. Hope they do that!!

    2. I just picked up both palettes at the CVS on the intersection of 35E and Diffley in Eagan, MN. I hope you are able to get your hands on them!

  97. I just added a marker for Houston, not sure if I did it right, but I found them at the Kroger located on North Shepherd Dr. @ 11th St. I picked one of each and there were left 2 Nude Awakening and 1 of the other. It is strange because Kroger does not carry wet n wild, but there they were!

    1. Omg thank u so much!! I've been looking for them like crazy!!

  98. checked hwy 6 and west airport kroger today in houston, no luck

  99. Finally! These palettes have landed in HOUSTON! I've been searching high and low for these for over a month. I found these in Kroger's grocery store. Never would have guessed it. Would have thought HEB would have these over Kroger's. Anyways, if you are in Houston check your local Kroger's. I've found these at the one on Jones Rd in Northwest Houston. They had 1 of each left.

    1. Maybe they will make it to the panhandle soon...prices on ebay are outrageous

    2. My Kroger doesn't even have W&W :( i'm hoping HEB gets them asap

    3. Nancy, you should still stop by and check it out. I don't think Kroger's normally carry WetnWild products, but for some reason this Limited Edition collection is popping up there.

    4. I did the day I replied and nothing :/ I might go check again but all the ones on the map are towards the north and I live south :(

  100. Yeah, I just called the store here in Tempe and apparently a lady grabbed everyone they carried. I'm sure she's going to put them up on Ebay. That sucks.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Now in Minnesota!

    I just picked up both palettes at the CVS on the intersection of 35E and Diffley in Eagan, MN. I hope you are able to get your hands on them!

  102. Nothing in Oklahoma City area yet!!! Darnit!!! Lol

  103. Anyone seen these in the New Orleans area yet???


  105. i found one in annandale Virginia but manager of that cvs told me that they only got two delivered anyways we have to wait longer in va. i also wanted nude awakening ... i wanted to surprise my frndz by gifting them these palette anywayz ill search em one day...

  106. Kroger in Katy Texas (near Houston) has these. I picked up the nude awakening palette. I couldn't figure out how to add a marker from my iPad.

  107. The CVS in Mounds View, MN just put up their display. Three of each left. They were super nice and put one of each aside for me when I called this morning. Located right off Hwy.10. Hope some of you MN ladies can find it here.

  108. Come on Chicago. Been searching where i found my holiday palettes at and no luck. anyone from chicago having the same problem?

    1. No stores in the Chicagoland area carry these. Not even the Meijer and CVS stores listed on the map have them in stock anymore. I called 35 stores and nothing...

  109. Could whoever put the recent marker for Bradenton, Fl (Winn-Dixie) please tell me the location of the store- I've been going nuts trying to locate these things in my area.

  110. Yes! I must of went to 10 Cvs and Walgreens yesterday and no luck.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. So frustrated. I might as well be on the moon living in Colorado. Wet'n'wild just kicks us to the curb. :-(

  113. Has anyone seen them in Northern NJ, Bergen County or Passaic County?

  114. Check independent drugstores! People overlook them. Drug Mart (at the corner of Roberts Rd & Hilliard-Rome Rd) in Hilliard/Columbus, Ohio has a full display!

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.


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