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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pure Ice Nail Polish: 55 new colors (bottle shots and macros)

Remember back in July when I posted about how Revlon acquired Pure Ice and Bon Bons? Well it looks like they've been busy, because they've just released a whopping 55 new shades at Walmart. A huge thanks to The Polished Mommy for this one because, not only did she share some display pics, but she also shared bottle shots and macros of the ten shades she purchased. Get ready for some eye candy, fellow lacquer heads:

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

Lots of additional pics, after the jump...

These new polishes are divided into five collections: Velour Finish, Diamond Couture, French Trends, Metro Chic and Party Glam:

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

 image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

Here's a much closer look at all ten shades that The Polished Mommy purchased:

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
Pure Ice Taxi, Royal Flush, Getting Gorgeous, Touch Me Softly, Girl's Best Friend
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

Teeny, tiny flakies!

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
Pure Ice The Family Jewels, Stop and Stare, Over The Moon, Femme Fatale, Draped

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

Gorgeous, right? I don't even know what I would do if confronted with the decision to purchase just one or two of these. I image I'd be standing in the aisle, dumbstruck, for an hour or two trying to make up my mind.

Thanks so much, Polished Mommy, for the stunning photos and heads-up. I really appreciate it!

Have you spotted/purchased any of the new shades from Pure Ice? Thoughts? Any must-haves?


  1. Whoa! Pure Ice has really upped their game. So many gorgeous new polishes and glitters, yes please!!!!

  2. Royal Flush is a dupe for Zoya Dual!

  3. Oh wow look at all the glitters...High Five to Pure Ice :D

  4. I absolutely love Pure Ice! Can't wait to try out the new shades. This brand has lasted the longest on my toes and nails.

  5. All so gorgeous!! I wouldn't be able to pick one or two, but definitely need Stop and Stare!!

  6. Thank you for confirmation of that Michelle I was wondering! Gah I want these so bad! I wonder if they are still priced the same...

  7. What a generous share from Polished Mommy and Holy Beautiful colors. And someone has a well kept Walmart and its not me!

    1. It's not me, either. Never was there ever such a ghetto nasty polish-splattered-everywhere mess as the makeup aisle at my Walmart, or any of the nearby ones.

  8. Now, if my Walmart will get them in is the question. They hardly ever keep the old ones in stock.

  9. Wow!! What pretty colors! I haven't had a Pure Ice polish since middle school! lol I'm going to check this out.

  10. Great something new to stalk the shelves for!!!!!!

  11. Wow!!! Thanks for this!!! I am so psyched I can't wait to get my hands on some of these! ♥

  12. WOW these look awesome! How much do they cost? Am I'm definitely spotting quadrilateral glitters in The Family Jewels and totally geeking out. I've never tried pure ice polishes before and there's no Walmart in NYC but hopefully I'll get my hands on them soon enough ;-)

  13. oh em gee!!! I can't wait to find these new shades! The glitters are calling out to me!

  14. Hello~ Another big story broken by G. Dang girl! You are bringing it! I LOVE these eye candies! Wow!

  15. At my Walmart they were $1.95 and it is a display by the cos.

  16. I'll need to check out Walmart for these! I just hate going into Walmart...

  17. I may need Stop and Stare... I DEFINITELY need Family Jewels!

  18. Glad to see the Fresh ,New colors . Looks like they have a seal on the bottles(bonus),at my Wal-Mart they are blitzed so quick and "tried". Will look for a few from the Velour & Metro!

  19. I'm pretty sure my wallet just fainted...

  20. I found these yesterday at Walmart on an endccap display. I just about died! I can't believe I only got 3, even though I wanted tons!! These are something I'll need to get up on the blog. For $2 each, it's easy to splurge. Just hard to pick only one!!

  21. Woo, lots of new colors! I'll have to gather up my courage and get over to Walmart sometime soon!

  22. I only have two Pure Ice polishes in Rescue Me and Cheating. I haven't used them yet until I saw this post! I must get some of these unless my Wal-Mart gets them as well. The Pure Ice selection is small.

  23. I would love to know if the quality improved.

    1. Formula is amazing, smooth not streaky and they dry fast!

  24. I hope I don't see this display while I'm actually supposed to be working, because I'll probably have to gape at it and pick all the intriguing ones up for a closer look. I wasted enough time ogling the Sally Hansen display in the backroom today (Looks like I'll get my hands on In A Frenzy and Purple Haze after all!) before I remembered I was supposed to be attempting to straighten up the Halloween stuff.
    When my new discount card shows up, I might have to get a couple of these.

  25. Whoaaa I just got done saying on the other swatch post that I was impressed, but this is nuts! Thanks to The Polished Mommy for all the awesome pics and to G. for posting.

    Any other lacquer heads feelin some stocking stuffer ideas? I think I might get a bunch and wrap them cute and share the polish love!

  26. Matte, matte, baby!!! LOVE these. Thanks so much, The Polished Mommy and Nouveau Cheap!

  27. My Walmart had a messy end cap of these also. Grabbed Touch Me Softly, Champagne and The Family Jewels (well the 5 year old grabbed that one)! Wanting to go back and find more of the suede/velour finish ones.

  28. OMG look at all of the awesome glitter shades!!!

  29. Did anyone find a velour/matte black? My store's display had one in that row but I wonder if it was supposed to go in another row and wasn't really matte. I'm so confused with this display -- my store is so sloppy!

  30. Draped looks like butter LONDON's Disco Biscuit. I wonder how close a dupe it is?!

  31. Other than Draped being a matte, they look close. Sinful Colors Forget Now is a close dupe of Disco Biscuit, and is very glossy. :-)

  32. I went to WalMart during lunch to get Oh Baby and a SA showed me their brand new display. She said "Gone girl, look at all those pretty colors!" LOL!!! She laughed when I said "ooooooooo..." and walked over in a trance, like a moth to a flame.

    Champagne is a near-dupe for Sinful Colors Kissy. More gold, but still extremely close. (BTW, this WalMart had a new Sinful Colors display as well).

    Royal Flush is very similar to Hard Candy's Beetle, but more true purple (looks like Mardi Gras) instead of the magenta in Beetle. Since I haven't tried Kissy or Beetle yet (just bought them this week) I put Champagne and Royal Flush back.

    Someone talk me into going back and getting them!

  33. I just what was labled as Taxi but it definitely is what you show for Royal Flush.

  34. Where can these be found? Walmart here doesn't carry them...they aren't even on Walmart's website. Walgreens doesn't have them. Anyone know where to find them...other than ebay?

  35. I just spotted these today in a huge display at my local Walmart!

  36. Just spotted a huge display with these at my local Walmart!

  37. I work for a company that just did a complete tear-down and reset of all Walmarts nail care areas. Notice how much brighter it is? You're welcome! And I can say with certainty that Walmart does have Pure Ice, and in East Texas it's $1.96.

  38. i like them . i had every color they had and my daughter lost them . now i get to start over


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