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Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Pure Ice Nail Polish shades: swatches!

The Polished Mommy is really outdoing herself today! As if these bottle shots and macros of the 55 new Pure Ice Polishes weren't enough, she just sent over swatches of all ten of the colors she purchased!

Note: the new Pure Ice shades can be found at Walmart and they retail for $1.95 each (same as the old Pure Ice polishes). 

(click any photo to supersize)

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

Keep reading for swatches...

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap
 Girls Best Friend, Taxi, Royal Flush, Touch Me Softly, Getting Gorgeous

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: The Polished Mommy for Nouveau Cheap

Draped, Over The Top, Femme Fatale, Stop and Stare, The Family Jewels

Polished Mommy confirmed that all of these swatches were done with two coats and no top coat. As you can see, the polishes that are part of the Velour Finish collection dry to a semi-matte or "velour" finish. Polished Mommy said that both those polishes and the chromes are pretty much one-coaters but, as with most of us, she prefers two.

Thanks so much, Polished Mommy, for all of the beautiful pictures today. I really appreciate it and I know you've got lots of us on the hunt for these babies!

Have you spotted the new Pure Ice collections in your area yet? Thoughts?


  1. I like Touch Me Softly the best! I have no idea if they're in my area yet though, I'll have to look!!

  2. Ohhhh those are SO PRETTY! The mattes are going to be a favorite of mine, I think! Touch My Softly is the one I'll look for if they come into my area :) I have yet to check!

  3. My pleasure! Even the cashier commented that "these are such pretty colors" lol

  4. I LOVE these! I'm a huge fan of semi-matte finishes during the colder months!
    Not really sure when I'll come across these though since my Walmart has a horrible nail polish section. I guess I'll have to look around.

  5. Wow, lovely! Femme Fatale and Touch Me Softly are definitely calling to me!

  6. Pure Ice is really stepping up! Much like Sation are. I'm very impressed, Revlon!

  7. um, now i need all of the velour ones! i just bought two avon suede polishes - can't wait to try them out! looks like i'm going to walmart tomorrow..

  8. I love the semi-matte finishes!

  9. I want Royal Flush and Taxi. They look so lovely on their own, and I bet they'd make great layering polishes, too!

  10. I want Taxi and Royal Flush. Blues and purples are my thing, big time!

    Thanks for the swatches and the great post!

  11. I am really loving some of these. Are they still $2.?

  12. Omg Femme Fatale and Touch Me Softly swatched look out of this world! 55 new colors? Brain overload. For 2 bucks each, if I buy all of them and say I won't buy polish for another year, is that okay?

  13. Wow these are awesome! I'm really impressed with the velours, and well I'm kinda impressed with them all lol. Especially for $2!

  14. do you know if pure ice is cruelty free?
    i saw pure ice at walgreens also

  15. Royal Flush looks awesome! Does anyone know if these wear well or shrink with quick-dry top coats?

  16. Wow, I love the "velour" matte ones! I hope they're clearly marked at the store and don't get all mixed up. Is there a list of the polish names somewhere, and which are the velour ones? I see the other post with the pictures of the display but our Wal-Marts tend to be a mess when it comes to polishes.

    I hope the matte ones will be an inexpensive alternative to Layla's new Softouch colors.

  17. I really hope my local Walmart will carry these (it will probably be summer before they do- if they do because they always seem to stock the new stuff only after it's old news). Touch me softly is soooo pretty! I want it now because I'm obsessed with mattes for autumn.

  18. Ohhhh demi-matte finishes! Curses, why do I have to be on such a tight budget???

  19. Pure Ice is one of those bargain brands that tend to be unfairly overlooked by the beauty bloggers. I'm looking forward to checking out the new shades.

  20. Girls best friend is awesome, looks like a must have for me, thank you so much for swatching these! It really helps a lot.

  21. Update: I practically ran to my closest WM and sure enough, they had the big display. I wanted several of the velour shades and picked three from that section. BUT BE CAREFUL! I think the clerks who stock these displays don't know the difference in finishes and put the bottles in any open slot. I mean, it's obvious which are glitters (and the Diamond Couture section wasn't stocked right either), but of the three hopeful velours I bought, only two of them dry matte or semi-matte. The other, while pretty, is quite shiny and obviously should have been stocked in a different row. The two mattes I got are Grunge (#816430, light silvery pink) and Stunning (#816420, dark pink) and are really pretty.

    You can't tell which shades are matte and which aren't just by looking at the bottles. Does anyone have a list of the true mattes/velours? Thanks!

  22. exciting , i bought stop and stare today :)

  23. I had to go back today and get 3 more. I really wanted to check out the velvet finishes.

  24. Which ones did you get? I got Grunge (light pink) and Stunning (dark pink), both velour/matte ones.

  25. ahhh! femme fatale and touch me softly are about to be my new additions, no doubt about it. maybe even stop and stare.

  26. So glad for swatches the ones i liked inthe bottle i didnt like on the nail but two i wouldnt have picked i adored on swatching!

  27. Just hitting the web looking for pure ice matte colors and found your blog. I love it! Thanks for sharing this :)

  28. I've been huge into pinks lately for some reason, and the shade and finish of Draped is calling my name.

  29. So glad for swatches in the bottle id walk right past touch me softly but on the nail i must have it!


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