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Friday, August 17, 2012

Attention Rite Aid shoppers: important changes to +UP Rewards

I just received this info directly from Rite Aid and wanted to share it ASAP. If you've a Wellness+ member, you'll definitely want to read this press release carefully, as there some changes ahead and optional decisions you can make regarding how your +UP Rewards and notifications are delivered to you:

Rite Aid Announces New Load2Card Feature for Wellness+ Members
Starting in September, +UP Rewards Will Be Automatically Loaded to Wellness+ Card, Making it Easier to Shop and Save at Rite Aid
CAMP HILL, Pa. (Aug. 16, 2012) – Members of Rite Aid’s free loyalty program wellness+ across the country will find it even easier to shop and save at Rite Aid, thanks to the newest Load2Card capability. Beginning September 2, members of wellness+ will have their +UPs automatically loaded to their wellness+ card. +UPs are special rewards earned when certain items or groups of items are purchased that can be used like cash toward a qualifying purchase at a future Rite Aid visit.

Rite Aid is the first in the chain drug industry to automatically load all of its weekly loyalty program rewards directly to members’ wellness+ cards. Previously, +UPs have been printed at the bottom of register receipts, and customers needed to bring them to the store to redeem, often losing them before they were redeemed. Last January, Rite Aid became the first drug chain to provide its customers with the option to load both Rite Aid and manufacturer coupons directly to their wellness+ card.

“The direct download of +UPs to wellness+ cards is just the latest example of how we are constantly seeking innovative ways to make sure our award-winning wellness+ program continues to deliver the best value and convenience to our most loyal customers,” said Rite Aid’s Chief Operating Officer Ken Martindale. “Since the beginning, wellness+ has differentiated itself from other loyalty programs because it uniquely combines health and wellness rewards with shopping discounts. We’re committed to not only setting but raising the bar when it comes to building customer loyalty.”

Martindale said the national rollout of the Load2Card feature for +UPs follows a successful seven-month pilot in four cities.

“Customers in the pilot program overwhelmingly told us that they appreciated not having to worry about keeping their receipts and bringing them back to the store to redeem their +UPs,” said Martindale. “The increased redemptions and sales in the pilot markets prove that many of our customers are taking advantage of this feature and we’re excited to offer this convenience to wellness+ members across the country.”

Rite Aid’s wellness+ members can also easily manage their +UPs on their computer via their online wellness+ account or smartphone by downloading the Rite Aid mobile app. Launched in March, the Rite Aid app also offers one-click prescription refill scanning, locations and features of the nearest Rite Aid stores and weekly sale and promotion listings.

Rite Aid is also launching +UP Text Notifications so customers can track their +UPs on the go. Wellness+ members can text “REWARD” to “RATEXT” on their mobile phones to receive a weekly text of the number and value of the +UPs available on their wellness+ card. Rite Aid customers may also elect to continue having their +UPs printed on their register receipts if they wish. A +UP can be redeemed starting at 6 a.m. on the day after it was earned and expires 14 days after issue.

In addition to the Load2Card options, the other big change worth noting (which I heard about in advance thanks to readers who live in pilot regions) is that we'll no longer be able to make a purchase, get +UP Rewards, and then turn around and use those +UP Rewards immediately on our next purchase. We'll have to wait until 6AM the following day to use any +UP Rewards we have earned, so that's something to keep in mind when shopping at Rite Aid beginning on September 2nd.

If you have any questions about these new features that were not answered in this press release, please leave your questions in the comments and I'll do my best to get answers directly from Rite Aid.


  1. I'm not a big fan of this...I had no problems personally keeping track of my paper rewards, and I am really not a fan of having everything on a card. It's too much hassle for me personally to have to keep checking my computer to see what rewards I have. It's just easier to pull out my coupon book and look. Plus, my local Rite Aid seems to have a lot of issues with their machines and it would just be easier to hand over the paper rather than argue about what I think is on my card. Just my opinion(: Thanks for letting us know!

    1. Make sure you read the last paragraph of the press release, because you can opt out of the load2card program and continue to receive paper rewards, but you'll have to actively make that change. Hope that helps!

  2. It's FANTASTIC that they'll go to the cards - I hope CVS will follow suit - but super annoying that we won't be able to use them immediately.

  3. Oh, and I just reread the release - I didn't realize I could load coupons on to my card! off to figure out how to do that!

    1. I've been meaning to load coupons onto my card for a few months now, so don't feel bad! One day I'll finally do it. :)

  4. I have to say that I agree with @K. on this one. I don't regularly shop at Rite Aid, but I am a loyal couponer at CVS and if they follow suit with this automatic load (as well as the having to wait to use your reward until the next day) that's really going to change the way I do my shopping! IF CVS does follow, I really hope they adopt the same opt-out choice!

  5. Ugh I like this until I came to the bottom and read you have to wait to redeem. I like to redeem right away so I don't forget/lose receipt.

    Do you know if we opt out of the card thing and stay with printouts we can still use same day?

    1. It doesn't sound like that's the case, but I'll try to get confirmation on that for you.

  6. I personally don't care for the load to card option. I like having the paper coupons in my wallet as a reminder to use. Also, I think its lousy that you have to wait to use the "+up rewards" you just earned till the next day. I usually use them right away (two checkouts) to take advantage of my coupon. Why would I want to make ANOTHER trip to the store... sorry, I was very loyal to Rite Aid... but know I may think twice about checking out other stores.

  7. What bothers me the most about Rite Aid's system is having to wait until the next day to use the reward. Their stores are not exactly convenient for me and while I do still shop there, it is usually 2 or 3 weeks between trips so their rewards often expire or I forget about them before I go back. I like how at CVS you can go to the card reader machine when you get to the store and if you have earned "extra bucks" they will print out along with your coupons and you can use them that day.

  8. I'm not a fan of the "waiting to redeem" bit..... boooo Rite Aid....

  9. Well, there are no Rite Aid stores in Florida (in this part of the state, at least), so this doesn't affect me. However, I wanted to put in my 2 cents and say that if CVS goes to this system, they will lose a LOT of customers (to Walgreens, probably)because most of us wait to ring up items until after we've received any EBs for the first part of our order. We appear to need instant gratification down here (LOL). Bottome line: for some of us, the time we spend, and the cost of gas for another trip would add up to not only inconvenience, but also leave the bitter taste of a lousy change that benefits the store and takes away from the customer. I doubt CVS customers would tolerate this. IMHO, that is. ^^

  10. I gave up on my wellness card after getting 3 separate cards, registering them, and then never having the system either recognize the card or my information. I even contacted RiteAid about it and never got a response. Very frustrating for me. I wonder if anyone else has had similar problems?

  11. I'll try out the load to card option. If I don't like it I willl try to opt out later.

  12. I'm glad there's an opt-out, this is awful. I spend my personal spending money to earn these and I don't want my husband to go shopping and get it applied to his purchase. He gets to use the ones he earns!

  13. This doesn't bother me, but I don't redeem my +UP dollars on the same day anyway. I prefer to wait until there's something I really need.

  14. The thing that bothers me the most is that I won't be able to redeem my +UPs right after earning them. :/ I hope other drugstores don't start doing this. I prefer using them in one day, if I am purchasing a couple of things. The 14 day expiration is too short for me too.

  15. The thing that bothers me the most is that I won't be able to redeem my +UPs right after earning them. :/ I hope other drugstores don't start doing this. I prefer using them in one day, if I am purchasing a couple of things. The 14 day expiration is too short for me too.

  16. How exactly do you opt out? I cannot find anything on their website.

  17. I am not happy with waiting til the next day at all.


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