Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Revlon deal at CVS!

My pal Lisa over at Drugstore Divas just gave me the heads-up about a great deal on Revlon this week at CVS. For details, check out her post here!

As I always say, don't forget to scan your Extra Care card and get your coupons every single time you go to CVS, lovelies!


  1. this is a pretty newbie question, and you may have answered it before, but i cant find it, so i will ask anyway (hopefully someone else wants to know too):

    when you show the details of a deal and mention something like "it costs $X but you get $Y back (in extracare bucks or something similar)" do you get those dollars back right away? like it comes off your total? or are those dollars you can use in the future, but you count them off the total you spent?
    its a small difference, but im just curious.

  2. EvaNadine: Extra Care bucks, Register Rewards and +UP Rewards are basically store credit. When you make a qualifying purchase, they will print out on the bottom of your receipt (with the exception of Register Rewards at Walgreens--those print out on separate receipt that the cashier will give you along with your regular receipt). You can use them immediately on another purchase if you'd like, but they usually expire 1 month after you receive them, so you have a good amount of time to use them. Hope that helps!


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