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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pssssst to release dry shampoo specifically for curly hair!

Let's face it: the drugstore dry shampoo scene is blowing UP right now! Between the fab (and ridiculously affordable) new dry shampoo from Suave, to the new options from got2b and John Frieda (not to mention the existing drugstore options like TREsemme, Salon Grafix and the original Pssssst), in a matter of a couple of years, things have really started to look up when it comes to getting our dry shampoo fix for less.

But when I saw the following press release today, my jaw dropped. It was one of those "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?" moments.

If you have wavy or curly hair, you know that the biggest no-no in the world is running a brush or comb through your curls after your hair has dried. So what happens when you'd like to use a dry shampoo to keep your curls looking fresh? Well, if you're like me, you pretty much have to concentrate the dry shampoo on your roots and hope for the best. Well, all that may change very soon. Check it out:


Freeman Beauty has launched for 2011 its new Pssssst Instant Dry Shampoo for Wavy or Curly Hair.

The new transparent version of the dry shampoo is specifically formulated for wavy or curly hair. It is designed to reduce frizz and does not need to be brushed out so curls or waves are left intact. In addition to cleaning, deodorizing hair, the formula promises to instantly boost volume and movement.

How to use: Shake can well. Hold can 6” to 8” from hair. Lift sections of hair and lightly spray scalp and roots of each section. Allow Pssssst to settle into hair for a couple of minutes, then gently tousle at the roots to fully revive your mane.

The new Pssssst Instant Dry Shampoo for Wavy or Curly Hair has a suggested retail price of $6.99.

Sounds pretty genius, right? There's no doubt I'll be trying this once I spot it (on sale!) in my area. The original version of Psssssst isn't my favorite, but heck, this sounds like it might be a real gem for us curly-haired girls if it does what it promises.

What do you think? Are you excited about this new dry shampoo option for curly and wavy hair?


  1. Genius indeed! When I saw the title of your post I was very intrigued.
    Can't wait to try it! x

  2. I'm definitely excited!! Not too many options for us curly-haired gals out there. :)

  3. That's perfect! I feel like if I want my hair to be fresh and untangled I have to wash or at least condition it daily. I love this idea; now I can use dry shampoo to style my hair!

  4. Did you know tressemme also has a dry shampoo for curly hair? its in mousse form!

  5. I saw this at Meijer when I picked up my Suave dry shampoo. I thought it was a pretty cool idea. I'll have to tell my bff--she's got CURLY hair.
    Np for the mention on my blog, I LOVE yours and others should too! :)

  6. I just hope it doesn't have cones.

  7. I've got a terrible problem of SUPER CURLY HAIR that is also totally dry and turns into a brillo pad if I even *think* about washing it more than twice a week. Which means HAVING to brush it when it's dry, or I get bed poof.

    Let me know when they come up with a solution to that! I rarely have to worry about it getting to dirty/greasy (my grease level is manageable after a week... seriously), but messy/frizzy... that is my problem.

  8. Can you let us know when this hits stores and which stores? I'd love a review on it. I have super curly hair and hate to wash it daily because it dries out but I don't like frizz on day 2. A constant battle!


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