Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Important info about Nouveau Cheap mobile versions

If you're on a smartphone and it's NOT a Blackberry, then you may have noticed that a new, streamlined version of Nouveau Cheap now auto-loads on your phone when you access my normal URL (  I hope you enjoy the new streamlined version (it should be handy if you're trying to look up info quickly while you're standing in the beauty aisle at CVS!).

BLACKBERRY USERS: it appears that the new mobile version of my site is NOT Blackberry-friendly. Meaning, even I cannot view my mobile version on my own phone (yes, I have a Blackberry).

BUT NOT TO FEAR, because the original mobile version of Nouveau Cheap is still available! You can access that version any time at this address:

I have had a widget on my right-hand sidebar for over a year with this info, but apparently a lot of people have never noticed it! 

So anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that there are now TWO ways to get faster mobile access to my site. Hope that helps! 


  1. I have a Blackberry and use Opera Mini browser (it's free, if you google for it there will be download instructions). I can view your site without any problems now that I've been using it. I use it more than the BB browser.

    Thought I would share in case you might be interested. I almost feel old school for having a BB, but I love mine!! ;)

  2. asweetp: Oh, do you mean that you can view the MOBILE version on your BB, or just the normal version? I have no problem viewing the regular version--I just can't see the mobile version that other smartphone users can see. It auto-loads for all smartphones except for BBs.

    Thanks for the tip though--I'm interested in trying another browser because I hate the BB browser (although I'm very loyal to my BB, even though I totally agree with you that everyone thinks BBs are old school! Haha!).

  3. I was JUST thinking today in rite aid "oh gosh what was that revlon lip gloss recently reviewed, ugh it'll take too long to pull it up." So happy to hear about this!

    Though let's be real, another reason why I didn't pull it up is because I knew I would want to buy it even more, and one of my resolutions is to severely limit myself on beauty purchases, and I just bought some MAC glosses so I think I'm done for now. We'll see how my self-control holds out

  4. I'm loving the mobile version on my iPhone. :) tons easier to read and much quicker to load. Awesomeness! xoxo

  5. yay thank you! i 've been trying to access your blog from my droid phone a few times, but it's frustrating because prior to having the mobile version, it would just...exit my browser without warning. i was trying to access the "drugstore sale of the week" but the window would always die before the link even loads. so yay, finally works now!


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