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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Revlon Top Speeds in Sugar Plum and Stormy

So with all the deals going on right now for Revlon Top Speeds, it's like you can practically get them for free anywhere you look! In fact, there's a sale I didn't even know about going on through tomorrow (12/18) at CVS where they're on sale for $3.79 and there was a $1 tear-pad coupon on a new counter display for these that I had never seen before. 

I ended up getting Sugar Plum at Walgreens for $5.99 with $5 back in Register Rewards, bringing my total down to $0.99.  And then at CVS I used the tear pad coupon and combined it with the sale price and a few Extra Bucks I already had, and managed to get Stormy for just $0.79. By the way, I've already reviewed Royal here, if you'd like to take a peek at that shade.

Let's take a look at these shades! First up, Sugar Plum:

 Revlon Top Speed in Sugar Plum
(retail: $5.99)

If you're a longtime reader of this blog, you're probably thinking: "Wow, I can't believe she got this color." I know, right? I don't generally go for "normal" shades, but this one drew me in and I'm so glad I got it. I love the rose-gold quality to it and you can really see the gold in certain lights.

One thing I do NOT like about these Top Speeds is their ironic name. These have to be some of the slowest-drying polishes I own, and nothing like the original Top Speeds of the 80s and 90s. I'm not sure what's going on with that, but I now own three Top Speeds Vol. 2.0 (my little nickname for them) and for a polish that calls itself a "Fast Dry Nail Enamel" I just have to laugh because these dry slower than some of my regular, non-fast-dry polishes. Good thing the shades are so darned pretty, or else I'd say skip 'em.

And finally, we have Stormy:

 Revlon Top Speed in Stormy
(retail: $5.99)

Again, if you're a longtime reader of this blog, I can literally feel you saying, "G., you need another greige nail polish like a hole in the head." And I absolutely agree with you! I soooo was NOT going to buy Stormy, but the power of Twitter shall not be underestimated. I've heard so many people tweeting their love for Stormy over the past month that I totally caved and had to have it.

As you can see, Stormy goes on darker and grayer than it appears in the bottle. It reminds me of about half a dozen other greiges I already own, and if you already own Confetti Moonstruck, Sally Hansen Commander in Chief, Rimmel Steel Gray, etc. you probably don't need this. But if you don't own any of these other polishes, and you've been wanting to enter the realm of greige/taupe/mushroom polishes, this is a good one to start with.  But warning: this will only fuel your passion for other greiges, and you might soon own too many for your own good (I may or may not be referring to myself in this sentence).

So, do you own any Revlon Top Speeds? If so, what colors do you own? Do you have a favorite so far? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Sugar Plum is possibly my favorite out of the whole Top Speed line. I'm either wearing Cherry or Sugar Plum but mostly Sugar Plum as it's safe for work!

  2. Ooh, how pretty! I think both of these would be interesting to use together in a manicure!

  3. Thanks for the pics, G! I bought Sugar Plum but haven't tried it yet, it looks really pretty. I didn't get Stormy bcs I have enough greiges, too, and none of the other colors grabbed me. It's killing me bcs they're so cheap right now.....maybe I'll talk myself into one this weekend.

  4. Nice colors!
    I got Sugar Plum as well :)

  5. I'm probably too flitty to not work with a polish that doesn't dry fast. I did see Sugar Plum and think 'pretty!'

  6. I was really tempted by Sugar Plum yesterday, but I resisted. I'm glad I did now, because most of the appeal was the "quick dry" thing, and if that's nonsense I'll just stick with my cheapo WnW and NYC nail polishes!

  7. Seems like a great deal! I miss those American coupon deals.. Great picks!

  8. OMG! These polishes seem to never dry! I waited and waited for them to dry, only for them to get smudged after an hour of dry time. I would not recommend these to anyone! Such pretty colors too :(

  9. G, can i just say how impressed I am with your blog? I have been a long time follower, and I have always loved your writing personality. Howver, I have never respected your frequent updating until I started my own cosmetic blog, and realized how difficult it is to post on a daily basis. My computer recently crashed so I hadnt been able to check back to your blog as frequently as I like too, but when I do there is always pages of wonderful posts to greet me. Thank you so much for being so devoted to your followers! Much love, Anna from SparklesShineDivine (my blog)

  10. I love these colors! And I absolutley LOVE the shape of your nails!

  11. wow! sugar plum is so pretty, I got golden and ocean.

  12. I haven't gotten ANY of these believe it or not. I've been severely underwhelmed by all the shades I've seen on display. However, sugar plums looks delightful! I'm gonna have to go hunting for it :)

  13. I love Stormy! So far I have only found one display, and it did not have any of the ones I really want in it. =(

    Do you know if these are perm?

  14. Stormy is an absolute dupe for OPI metrochic ... The OPI ! if it can give you another excuse for buying it ....

    Caro xxx

  15. I bought Royal because it looked so gorgeous in your pictures. I am not disappointed... I love it so much. I got 3 compliments on the color in one day, which is my record!

  16. I just bought Peachy and Chili. I love the colors but you are right about the drying time. It sucks. I also wish it dried a little shinier. A top coat was a necessity

  17. I have yet to see a Top Speed polish in person. Every store I have gone into has not had them. One Rite Aid I went into did not even have ONE bottle of ANY Revlon polish and others had a hardly any. I had a quite a hard time trying to redeem the $3 coupon I printed out!

    Oh Top Speed where are you?

  18. there were a couple of Top Speed colors that had peeked my interest but time being what it is I never got to the drugstore to get them. I am glad to know now that they are not really fast drying! Going to skip them all together!! Thanks G.!!!! p.s. the Sugar Plum is really pretty!! :)

  19. I just got chili, and it's a beautiful vibrant orange-red cream. It really reminds me of Japanese Koi by China Glaze (except a little more red). The rest of the colors seemed to be really close to the stuff I already had.

    Also, I got to use a $1.00 off coupon that was part of the store display at Rite Aid. :)

  20. Well I have Sugar Plum, and it does dry fast for me! I don't know why, maybe yours is defective? I did it five minutes before I had to leave for school and it dried way before I left. As for the colours, I also have Black Star which is completely black but in some lights it looks silver! I really recommend it :)


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