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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Wednesday Question

I'm very curious to see your responses to this week's question, so I'm hoping you'll take a moment to leave your answer in the comments!

When a brand new beauty product launches and hits store shelves, do you tend to research it first and read reviews, or do you purchase it without any prior knowledge or information?

Whenever I see a brand new product on store shelves, I usually tend to be patient and google reviews for it first. BUT, if it's a really interesting product, or a makeup item in a beautiful color, I sometimes have no restraint and I'll make a purchase without knowing a thing about it. How about you?


  1. I have NO patience, LOL! So I just buy it as soon as I see it. I'm always afraid it'll be sold out if I wait. Irrational, I know. :) Most recent example is L'oreal's new mascara, Voluminous Million Lashes. I'm loving it so far!

  2. Depends on the product and how badly I need or want it. And also the brand! For example, I generally trust WnW shadows without reviews (even though this sometimes backfires...), but if it's something I don't need immediately like mascara, I'll look up reviews first.

  3. i'm a little bit of both. i've been curious about the Lumene brand but its expensive so i'm still looking for reviews online. but yesterday i saw a 3pack sally hansen comfort lip glaze on the clearance rack, its not new but its the first time i saw those cute little pots so i bought it anyway...

  4. I'm a little of both - I'm getting better about asking myself "do I really NEED it?" before making a non-researched product purchase. But, most of the time I'd say I wait until I read reviews before buying.... reviews via YouTube or from G at Nouveau Cheap of course! ;)

  5. I usually wait for reviews and/or sales before I buy a new item that's being added to a permanent collection.

    But if it's a new *limited edition* item I have no self-control :P

  6. I would wait to buy the new products even when there is something I really like. But if that product is the last one in store, I would grab asap!

  7. I try to get a sample if I can or look for reviews.
    BUT if there's something that's shiny and belongs to the "magic" category (aka mood polishes, holo anything, unique packaging, mood glosses etc) I can't say no to them.They're magic :p

  8. I usually read reviews first, but I will purchase new items from companies that I am familiar with.

  9. Depends on the price. If it's really cheap and I don't like it, it's not a big deal. But anything over $10 needs to have been researched before I purchase.

  10. In general I tend to research new products, but not always. In those instances, for me, it depends on the price as well as my knowledge/past experience of that brand. I am more willing to shell out money to try a new Revlon product, for instance, because I am content 90% of the time with their stuff.

  11. It depends. If it's something like nail polish (I love to change it, so my only requirement is that its a nice color) I don't check, just buy. The same with mascara--I have long, thick lashes, so I only need something that's waterproof and darkens my lashes quite a bit.

    Face products I wait for reviews for, because I have very sensitive skin.

    Lip products have more or less the same requirements as nail polish--just has to be a pretty color.

    Eyeliners just have to be decently smudge-proof, but liners generally don't smudge on me.

    I tend to stick with brands I trust or have seen reviews on for eyeshadows. I'll also pick them up if they've been recommended by friends.

  12. i have been doing a lot of wait-and-see lately, which is a good thing, i think. either that or the current displays aren't doing it for me. (though i still haven't FOUND half the LE ones that you've reviewed so that has helped! argh.)

    i prefer to purchase after reviews. in fact i was just checking out Sally Beauty (and signing up!) and i saw a few things that i hadn't heard of, and thought to myself, "Better look that up!"

  13. It depends on the price. If the products are only $1 or $2 I'll just buy it. But if it's more I usually look for reviews and swatches. This method has worked pretty well for me!

  14. I generally buy what I love and then I do research once I bring it home to see "who's" talking about it :).

    I might be able to bring something to light that's no one else knows about and that's a good feeling!

  15. Generally, I go by recommendation and/or research...however, once in a while a product will entice me because it doesn't HYPE me into wanting it. It just shows what it does. Enter WEN. Love that stuff.
    (not cheap nor drugstore, but a good example of something I bought just because the ad enticed me)

  16. I do both. If it's something I've seen online, then I research but if I see it for the first time in the store, I grab it ASAP in case it's a popular item that might sell out. =P

  17. Since most drugstore makeup is within my budget, I'll just get it, if I want it. But something like a new skin primer or foundation, I'm pretty loyal to what I already have. However, shadows, polishes, mascara, lip pencils and lip sticks...all fair game!

  18. I Love this question haha! Enjoying reading everyone else's responses...

    I love being ahead of the curve and planning my purchases, so I research ahead of time and try to find photos and swatches. That way, when I go to the department store, I have a clear cut idea in my head of what I want. Usually I buy what I planned on buying, ut sometimes I unexpectedly buy a color I didn't expect or sometimes don't even buy anything at all.

    But I always like to be prepared :)

    Victoria Stanell

    Associate Product Editor

  19. When I see something that looks beautiful and alluring (which is like every time I go to the drugstore!), I go home and look for reviews/swatches, then wait for a good 40% off or BOGO sale!

  20. I'm a mixture of both. Sometimes I see it, and it's all about the packaging, and colors. I'm like a child in a candy store, and have actually squealed in excitement. LOL

    I do look up reviews and especially if it's a brand that I haven't heard of before. I also watch YouTube videos like mad.

    Most importantly, here is where I find most of my information on whether to purchase a product or not. :) Now, if you can convince Wags, CVS and Rite Aid to come to Canada..... ;)

  21. I always read reviews first, or wait a while till reviews come out. I bought the Maybelline Dream Liquid mousse w/o reading reviews when it 1st came out, I wish I took it back to the store b/c it just sits there now.

  22. It depends, if the price is right i.e. free then I will try. Otherwise I wait to see what other people say. Thanks for all the product testing. I am in a blind alley most of the time. Alex

  23. I've learned the hard way to be patient and do my research first by visiting lovely bloggers such as yourself, sites such as MUA etc., who give honest reviews because they have no interest in making money off advertising, at least not at the rate magazines do, for example. I also get as many freebies to test first as much as I can, and I've found some great products I'd never thought to try or heard about otherwise, so I thank you for this helpful info too. Not leaping before I look has really saved me a lot of money and time in not rushing out to buy into the hype of any new product until I hear more about what it's really like from those who know :)


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