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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's tag time!

I haven't done a tag on this blog in...I don't even know how long! So when the lovely jbrobeck of Polish Insomniac tagged me for the Versatile Blogger tag, I thought it would be fun to do it! Thanks so much,

 Seven things about me:

1. I'm left-handed and proud of it!

2. The only thing I do well with my right hand is use my mouse. Back when I first used a computer with a mouse I had no idea that you could pick up the mouse and move it to the other side of your keyboard! So I just learned how to adapt and now I can't use a mouse with my left hand even if I try. But I've gotta tell you that it comes in mighty handy because I'm one of the few people I know who can write down things and mouse at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking!

3. I used to be a teacher's aid for a local elementary school back in my early 20s. I loved every minute of it, and I still think my favorite grade of all is second grade.

4. I own a Blackberry Curve and will probably never defect to the iPhone, no matter how many people tell me I "need" to do so (so please don't bother trying!). I just love my Blackberry and when I love something, I'm pretty loyal to it.

5. I've been an ovo-lacto vegetarian since last October (this month's my one-year-anniversary!). This means that I still eat eggs and dairy, but no meat, fish or poultry. But I do want to make it perfectly clear that I'm not one of those vegetarians who judges meat-eaters! I was raised in a family of carnivores and I would never judge them or anyone else. This was just a personal decision for me, and me only.

6.  I'm a bit of an astrology nut. Not so much daily horoscopes, but I do think there's a lot to someone's sun, moon and rising signs that can reveal a lot about that person. Don't judge me--it's just something I find fascinating! I've researched it extensively--including my chart and the charts of those in my life. And knowing the sun signs of your boss and colleagues can come in MIGHTY handy. Trust me on that one!

7. I've met dozens and dozens of celebrities over the years (through past jobs and just by randomly stumbling into them in my hometown and  in LA and in Las Vegas) and every time I meet one, I get starstruck. I'm talking, I freeze up and cannot say a single word. I know that they're just human like all of us, and I don't even particularly respect some of the celebrities I've met, but I freeze up just the same. The worst was when I met Chris Isaak. It was around the time of this video:

I still cringe when I think about that. I just stood there, motionless, while he said "hello" and no matter how hard I tried, no words would come out of my mouth.

PS: If I remember correctly, Chris Isaak has said that when he and Helena Christensen shot this video, she could not have been less enthused about rolling around on a beach with him. What is wrong with that woman? Ha!

I tag every single one of you reading this! Leave your responses in the comments or on your blogs! I'd love to read them!


  1. fun tag! I'll probably do this on my blog sometime later this week (midterms suck!)

    I think it's so cool how you can write and use a mouse at the same time! That's such a handy ability! I've always wished I was ambidextrous in at least SOME aspect of my life! haha =]

    Also, you're a vegetarian!! Me too! And I know what you mean; my family are carnivores to the tenth degree! I can honestly say I've never made a better decision for my self than this. =)

    And as for your celebrity star-stuckness, I can kind of relate! I remember going to the Teen Choice Awards last summer as a seat filler, and I was lucky and ended up getting to sit right behind all the celebrities! I didn't know what to do o.0 George Lopez to my left, Robert Pattinson to my right, and Selena Gomez right in front of me. ::sigh:: Too. Much. Awesomeness. haha

    I really enjoyed reading this. You should do more tags where we get to learn more about you! I'd sure love to read them!! =]

  2. I love the fact that you can use your two handat the same time.
    A few things about me
    I am a bit on the shy side even though when people see me, they really do not think i am. But i am a very shy person

    I was a teacher in a couple of elementary schools and well, in a few schools i loved my job. In others, i didn't.

    I sometimes find myself neck deep in astrology myself. I am an Aries and my birthstone (lucky stone?) is the diamond! I tell that to everyone that cares to listen and tell them that other people just wear the stone but i really need it!
    Thanks for sharing. I love your blog.

  3. here are my seven things:
    1. I always felt like i have an "Old Soul" and seem older than i am
    2. I have met a few celebs as well, but never starstruck. I usually act calm until they walk away
    3. I saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean a least 6 times in theatres
    4. I don't watch alot of tv, i prefer the computer or a book over watching the tube
    5. I am interested in astrology and think its really neat when a horoscope is right
    6. I have given blood twice, both times were to get out of class in HS
    7. Halloween is my fav time of the year, if i could get away with it i would have the decorations up all year long

  4. I am very impressed with your mousing capabilities! Haha.

  5. You're SO cute G. ! :) I'm gonna do this on my blog hehe! :)

  6. I'm so awkward with actors! I freak out at ones I only know from being a guest star on charmed. I'm cool with musicians though. I think it's because I know that I could take their gig! I'm going to Shannen Doherty's book signing next month and I know I'm going to freak! What will I say to her? I'm a huge fan, I watch all those made for tv movies shes in and I love her on charmed.

  7. how fun!

    1- i have dual citizenship: Canadian and American.

    2- i make chocolates, truffles, and caramels in my spare time. and i LOVE to cook. and bake.

    3- i love bugs. hate snakes.

    4- though not a vegetarian, i eat a lot of veggies and fruits. (meat is negotiable for me but not for my husband! i'm working on introducing him to more meatless meals.) i LOVE brussels sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, lima beans, etc.

    5- i'm a walking dictionary. family members and friends are forever asking me the definition or spelling of words. (i read a lot.) i'm a total nerd and i love it!

    6- hi, my name is Laura, and i'm addicted to Facebook.
    yea, it's bad.
    i saw the Social Network last week; it was really well-made and very believable.

    7- my favourite three movies of all time, which i never tire of watching after hundreds of views, are Singin' in the Rain, Wall-E, and Across the Universe.

  8. Fun fun fun!!! 7 things

    1. Im an athlete - but dont look like one!
    2. I don't tolerate frienemys
    3. I love social situations and
    4. I dislike winter!
    5. I love Las Vegas! I want to move there
    6. Also though I love the ocean
    7. I have a 25 year old daughter and no one can believe it!


  9. I simply envy you about your skill - writing and scrolling! I wish I could do that too, I have to do it so often :)

  10. That is interesting about the computer mouse. I am right handed, by my computer programmer father is left handed, so I have grown up with the mouse on the left side, and prefer it that way.


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