Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Maybelline eye products are 40% off this week at CVS too!

First let me start with an apology about not responding to comments the last few cold has been keeping me in bed and yesterday was the first day that I had the energy to get out of the house so I'm a little bit behind. So thanks for bearing with me!

So as I mentioned in my post from yesterday about the Maybelline sale at Rite Aid (all Maybelline products are 40% off this week), well I also took a trip to CVS and discovered that all Maybelline EYE products are also on sale this week for 40% off! So if you printed out the $2 coupon Maybelline coupon I mentioned yesterday, you're in luck!

On to my follow-up about my Rite Aid purchase! So as you know, I went yesterday to take advantage of the coupons and the 40% off sale. I decided to purchase another Eye Studio Color Pearls Eyeshadow, and also one of the regular Maybelline shadow singles which had a "New Formula" sticker on it. I don't know how new these are (I haven't purchased a regular Maybelline eyeshadow single in a long time) so maybe one of you can tell me if these have been out for a while?

When I purchased these, I gave the cashier my $2 Maybelline Eye Studio coupon, and then I also handed her two of the $1 off any eye product coupons that were attached to the Sweet Thing display.  And guess what? It worked!!! After the 40% sale and coupons were deducted, I ended up paying $1.15 for the Cinnamon Spice eyeshadow (regular price: $3.59 minus the 40% off and $1 off coupon) and $1.01 for the Bronze Blowout eyeshadow (regular price: $6.69, minus the 40% off, the $2 coupon and the $1 coupon). Whoo hoo!!!

I don't know if this will work at CVS as well, but all I can say is that it never hurts to try. The worst that can happen is they tell you they won't accept both coupons, and then you can make a decision as to whether or not you want to still purchase the product.

I'd love to hear if any of you are having luck with these coupons and what you've been able to pick up!


  1. Yaaaaaay. I'm so excited to hear this! I wasn't going to be able to get to Rite Aid this week, but CVS is no problem. :D Thanks!

  2. We don't have Rite Aid where I live, but we have a store called Meijer. It's a superstore, like Wal-Mart, but better. :)

    This week their Maybelline eye products are $2 off as well. I got singles for around $1.25 each.

    For the ladies with a Meijer nearby. :) Their prices tend to be (dare I say 'much'?) lower than drug store prices.

    I believe their Physician's Formula products are buy one get one half off as well.

  3. When I went to Rite Aid last night I got a bunch of stuff from the sweet thing collection and I was able to use one of those sweet thing coupons on every product! It says only one per purchase on the back, but the cashier felt bad because the items weren't ringing up on sale, so she had to void the order and fix it. Is it me or do employees at Rite Aid seem much happier than those at Wags and CVS?

  4. Hey there I just went to Rite Aid today and got 4 eyestudio quads for about $9 TOTAL! San Diego is a test market for the Rite aid Wellness card, and buy signing up online I printed $2 of a 2.99 cosmetic purchase, and a rite aid coupon for $1 off eyestudio which STACKS with manuf. coupons (you can use 1 manuf. q and one rite aid coupon per item). And a $5 off $20 purch coupon on top of that =) I'm going back for more now lol. SOOO glad I waited for the Rite aid sale


  5. This isnt about this post. But i had to let yall know about the Dollar tree!! They have ELF @ the dollar tree and not just nail polishes. They had brushes, eyeshadow quads, eyeliners, eyelash curler and lip glosses! It also was some other really good things in there also. You all should check it out!

  6. Hana: I'm so glad I could help! Can't wait to see what you end up getting, sweetie. :)

    Erin: I've heard so much about Meijer and I swear, the more I hear, the more jealous I become! :)

    PCS: OMG, I had NO idea that it said that on the back of those coupons! I jut assumed you could use one per item because the first time I used those (when I bought all those Sweet Thing products) I was at CVS and I gave them five coupons for five items and they scanned no problems at all. Interesting! And about the Rite Aid employees, mine are always *awesome* but I think I'm super lucky because the employees at my CVS an Wags are absolutely amazing too. :) So hey, what did ya get?

    Lisa: I'm in SD too, so believe me, I know all about that Wellness+ Card! I've been using mine for months now and I LOVE it. I don't speak about it much here on my blog though because there are only three or four test markets currently using the card, so I don't want to keep talking about savings that not everyone can take advantage of yet. You know what I mean? But anyway, I'm THRILLED to hear that you are working it and getting such great deals. That is fantastic!! Oh, and did you also print out the Maybelline coupon I mentioned yesterday? My Rite Aid let me use that one and another manufacturer's coupon (from the Sweet Thing display) at the same time. :)

  7. LaVogue: Wow, I haven't see this at my DT locations yet (except for nail polish), but that is great to know! Hopefully it will hit all Dollar Trees soon! Thanks for the scoop. :)

  8. Of course I did, I used 2-$2 printables, $2 from a magazine, $1 sweet thing, $1 Rite aid, $2 off 2.99 and a 5 off 20 on those 4 quads. Other areas can use all the cupons except for the 2 off 2.99 one, that's the only one that is a wellness one. I live for deals, esp. since one quad is msrp 9.99 (not that I would ever pay that lol)

  9. You can see everything I got on my blog, plus I sent you a link on twitter b/c I was so excited I finally found it! I got the eye express cream shadow sticks in Touch of Toffee and Lovely Lilac, Expert wear blush in pinch of coral, and Color Sensational gloss in Strawberry Glaze, Tripe Yum, and Sweet and Sassy. I also got some cute revlon polishes I hope you take a look at b/c none of the musician guys I hang with can see how gorgey they are!

  10. By "one per purchase" they mean one on each item you purchase. And you can use one manufacturer coupon AND one store coupon on each item too.

    I was worried, because it didn't mention the 40% off sale on any of the coupon blogs or forums I looked at, and it wasn't in the sales papers for CVS. But when I checked tonight anyway and the sale does exist up here in Central California too! (I thought maybe it was Southern California only)

    I ended up buying the Green With Envy quad for $4. I've only swatched it on my hand so far, but the colors are so pretty! And it's quite nicely pigmented, in my opinion.

    I also got the Touch of Toffee cream shadow stick, using a $1 off coupon. It's pretty! It's a bit lighter than I was expecting though, so I think I'll go back and get another later in the week.

    And I may go get one of the eyshadow duos too... The sale and coupons are too good to resist!

  11. I hate my CVS. >.< They never have any sale stickers up, so i have to ask for a store copy of the weekly add if I don't remember what was on sale...And they don't even have the sales programmed in! I had to tell the cashier once that some products were on sale. And since it's a small one, they don't carry all the brands that other CVS stores do, and it's the only one in my area that I don't have to drive to!

    It sucks to live in SF...No Rite Aids either...At least you get a Walgreens every couple blocks. xD

  12. Woohoo youre such a smart shopper! :)

  13. I'm definitely going to have to check out CVS! And Bronze Blowout is a DREAM, I loved it until I had the Unfortunate Incident where it broke. I saved that shards in a mini art pot (What? Nouveau Cheap girls do NOT waste product!) but I may have to go get another one if they're on sale!

  14. I checked CVS's online flyer and it seems like these BOGO sales mostly require their membership card. Is this true for all locations? Same thing with rite aid. Is there any way to get the sale price without the cards? Anyone?

  15. Usually if you say you don't have a card and don't want to sign up for one (though you really should, since it's free), you can ask them to scan a store card and still get the sale. At my CVS they keep a special card up at each register and it's not an employee's card or anything.

  16. @ Hana, Thanks. I will try to see if I can get the sale without the card that way. I'm actually doing cross the border shopping so I don't think I can get a card w/o a US address.


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