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Sunday, March 7, 2010

More info about One Bath and Body products (Lush-alikes at Target)

[UPDATE: Please click here to read my interview with the President of One!]

I had no idea after I made my original post about this new line of natural, Lush-like bath and body products at Target (click here for the pics) that you all would be just as excited as I am about them! Yay!

So I'm happy to tell you that I have some new info about this line, all thanks to YOU, my wonderful readers!

First off, in case you didn't see my last post, an anon commenter recently alerted me to the fact that One has a website:

Second, several readers have reported that One also makes BATH BOMBS and BUBBLE BARS, and that they smell amazing! My Target didn't have either of these products in their display, so hopefully they'll be putting them out soon. If you're lucky enough to live near a Target that has them, please leave a comment here if you get one and use it. I'd love to know what you think!

The lovely Jean over at War Paint just posted a great review of One's Hair Biscuit Sold Shampoo, Hair Boost Solid Conditioner and Nighty Night After Shower Skin Conditioner, so definitely click here to read her views if you want the scoop on these new products.

UPDATE: Jean just told me that if you go to the One website and take their survey, they'll send you a FREE lip balm! Yes!! "Mom's Cherry Pie" lip balm will be mine!

And as always, if you have tried anything by One at Target, please leave a comment and let us know what you think!


  1. Thank you so much for the shout-out!

    I don't think my Target had the bubble bars, either, but I'm pretty sure they had the bath bombs. I was tempted, but I already had too much stuff in my basket, haha.

  2. You are so welcome, sweetie! I'm so glad that you took the time to write such a helpful review for us! :) And I totally know what you mean--I already had the Dove and K&Q body wash in my cart, which was the only reason I didn't pick up anything from One the last time I was at Target. lol.

  3. I have the vanilla almond creme and I love it- beautiful scent and it absorbs quickly. I'm definitely going to try more of their things. I sniffed all the soaps, and the scents are lovely. My one gripe about lush is that many of the scents are too strong or strange for me. I also don't like the "bits" in many of their products which this line seems not to have. I think I am going to switch!

  4. GreenMan: Oh man, I tried the "scratch 'n' sniff" sticker on the Vanilla Almond Custard lotion and I neeed it! Thanks so much for the info about the texture. I cannot wait to get my hands on that one. Totally agree about the scent of the soaps. I loved them so much I couldn't decide on a favorite. And I agree about Lush--sometimes their scents are just kind of funky and STRONG. Totally not the case with One. :)

  5. Hi there, I'm a new follower and fellow lover of smells and Target (and smells at Target!) I was excited to see all the new natural-type products at Target too, and bought the One lotion in Cloud 9. I love the consistency - its a balmier type of lotion, but once it absorbs it's not greasy. The scent is light and airy, I know there's chamomile in it, maybe a touch of lavender?, but nothing overpowering. I'd be interested to see what others think of the "Movie Star" scent - the scratch and sniff made me think it was a fruitier floral, but something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Yay for new stuff!

  6. JessBecause: OMG, I loved the scent of Cloud Nine as well. Such a pretty, soft and feminine fragrance. And I was actually drawn to Movie Star as well...and you totally hit the nail on the head. There's something familiar (and lovely) about that scent but I cannot for the life of me put my finger one it. Glad I'm not alone! And thanks for the info about the texture of this lotion--sounds wonderful. Can't wait to try it! Oh, and btw, can you confirm the material used to make the tube? It was hard to tell by looking at in the box. Is it a metal tube? Also, I'm assuming there are no parabens in the lotion--is that right? Thanks so much! :)

  7. Hi again - yes, the lotion comes in a metal "toothpaste-style" tube. I will have to get back to you on the parabens - (I'm at the office and the lotion is at home). One thing I did notice on the label that may or may not be an issue is "made in china" - maybe a lot of my beauty products are made there and I just don't notice it, but I was a little surprised that it wasn't produced in the US. Thought I'd mention it, for what it's worth!

  8. JessBecause: Thank you so much for confirming that the tubes are metal. Also, no rush on the parabens--I just totally forgot to look at the ingredients list so I'm curious. And wow, that is a little surprising--I just assumed that these products were probably made in the US. Interesting...and yes, there are a TON of makeup and B&B products made in China. Thanks! :)

  9. The survey says

    "The One Bath and Body free lip balm giveaway requires a proof of purchase. We need you to send us your (Free Lip Balm insert) coupled with the completion of the survey below."

    I don't remember it saying that when I filled it out yesterday! I wonder if we'll still get our lip balm without sending in proof of purchase.

  10. sniktme: Yeah, I didn't see that when I first visited the site either...maybe they just added that today, or we both missed it the first time? Sorry! But I am willing to bet that if your survey went through, you'll still get your balm. Keep me posted? Thanks!

  11. Hi! Just wanted to let you ladies know that I did try out a bath bomb from One (at my local Target). It was the "Honey Please" and I am offically addicted!!! They come pre split in half so you can use it twice. The smell is ahhhmazing, lingers on your skin, and I had no need to put lotion on afterward. It smells so good I kept the package and put it on my nightstand and went back for more today!

  12. ashley: Thank you SO much for this great info! I think it's AWESOME that they come already pre-split! Wow, that's a nice touch! And I just loooooove the fact that you didn't need to put on lotion after using it. Oh boy...I love a good honey scent so I am all over this one (I hope the bath bombs come to my Target ASAP). Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience with us! :D

  13. Hey! What's the deal?! I was in T's last weekend and they were setting up the new One stuff. I went back 3-4 days later to check out the full display and it was changed back like it never happened. Weird.

  14. My lip balm came in the mail today!
    Such a nice little surprise.

  15. A couple of years ago, I picked up a can of mango-citrus scented body butter by One. Since then, I haven't found any more in my local Target. Do you still make it in that scent? I love the scent, and the smoothness the cream imparts to the skin.
    Some things just shouldn't be changed.


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