Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Friday, October 28, 2016

(UPDATE: SOLD OUT) Target His Holiday Men's Beauty Box Now Available

UPDATE: Well THAT was fast. I just heard from some of you that this box is already sold out. It was in stock as I was writing my post and I even double-checked it before I hit "publish". So sorry about that, but congrats to everyone who got one! Details about the next regular beauty box are below (everything I know so far).

Thanks so much to readers Sasha K. and @diana847diana for the tips about this one!

Well this is certainly a surprise. I think we were all just waiting for Target to reveal the contents of the November Beauty Box and they spring this on us! (PLEASE NOTE: as of time of publication, the regular Target Beauty Box page is still showing the October Beauty Box contents but it should be updated soon, and the November Beauty Box should be live on Halloween. As always, I will post when I have more info!).

The Target His Holiday Beauty Box is now available HERE for $5 + free shipping ($25 value). Limit 2 boxes per customer.

  • Gillette Clinical Cool Wave Deodorant (travel size)
  • Axe Shower Gel (travel size)
  • up & up 5 Blade System Razor (full size)
  • Dove Men + Care Body & Face Wash (travel size)
  • Degree Men Adventure Dry Spray (full size)

Just the Degree product alone retails for $4.99 at Target, so you're literally getting everything else FREE. Could be a nice little stocking stuffer for the men in your life.

Thanks again, Sasha K. and @diana847diana, for the hot tips!


  1. I clicked on the link and it says it's unavailable : (

    1. Yep, I just updated my post. :( I cannot believe how quickly that sold out. I'm guessing other bloggers/deal websites found out and posted way before I got the news. So sorry--I posted literally the moment I found out.

  2. Replies
    1. So sorry! Please see my comment above. :(

    2. Not your fault! Considering how quick they went, I'm thinking there was a small supply. Maybe they are making room for a new guy box. One can hope.

  3. i ordered one earlier today and just received an email saying my order has been canceled.... I ordered a while ago too, wonder what happened. Total bummer

    1. You know, I'm hearing from others who just got their orders canceled too. I'm wondering if the box was mistakenly made live ahead of time, when it was supposed to go live NEXT week. That would make sense since the word "holiday" is in the title. I'm guessing that maybe there will be a holiday women's and a holiday men's box next week. Fingers crossed!!

    2. I was thinking the same thing, I hope so, we will see, tons of love, thanks for all you do!

    3. Great minds think alike! ❤❤❤

  4. I know that the Target boxes usually go live the first Monday of the month but I am thinking that Target will make the boxes available on Halloween. I will be stalking this site as well as the Target website.

    1. Yep, they've done it like that before and I have a feeling they're going to do it again. :)

  5. This is the same men's box as last year (same exact items), which makes me think it was re-activated accidentally (and that when this year's men's box IS released, it will contain different items).


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