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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

First Look: Walgreens Disney Pocahontas Collection (Plus: New Mulan and Ariel Collections)

UPDATE: Pics of the entire Dare to Dream collection (Pocahontas, Mulan and Ariel) can be found HERE.

I have some exciting info for you Disney Princess fans today!

Many thanks to reader @allyrants on Twitter for pointing me in the direction of @altagraica on Instagram, who kindly allowed me to share this pic with you today:

image credit: @altagraica for Nouveau Cheap
SOHO Beauty Disney Pocahontas Makeup Bag from Walgreens
(retail: $8)

Above is one of two new SOHO Beauty Disney Pocahontas makeup bags that @altagraica spotted at her local Walgreens yesterday. The bag you see above was $8, and she said there was a larger bag for $12.

I have no idea if there will be the usual e.l.f. makeup, Orly nail polish, etc. with this new Pocahontas collection, however I CAN tell you that @altagraica also spotted new Mulan and Ariel bags together with the Pocahontas bags, in the same display. So it looks like there's a new collection featuring all three of these Disney princesses (and yes, I'm well aware that we already had a solo Ariel collection last summer).

UPDATE: Click here to see the full collection.

Thanks so much, @altagraica, for letting me share you pic, and thanks again to @allyrants for the tip!


  1. OMG. I love this! I haven't really been into the other bags but I'm crazy about the Pocahontas bag! I'd love to find the Mulan bag for my daughter, as well.

    1. I hope you find them all soon, Rachel! And don't forget that eventually they always make these bags available on the Walgreens and websites (just in case you never find them in your area). :)

  2. Thank you so much for always keeping us updated! ! You are my number one go-to makeup news blogger. ♡ I appreciate this so much. ♡

  3. did you see the whole new line? and more makeup bags ? :) I tagged you on instagram :) Im dying over here


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