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Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Lipstick League – week of 7.29.13

Lipstick League Question of the Week

Is there a beauty trend that is “out” that you wish were “in”? If so, what is it?

G's answer: One trend that I find myself still loving is dark brown lipstick, circa 1992. It looks like that trend is swinging back around again, so I'm thrilled! Another trend that I would like to see come back in style (for purely selfish reasons) is the one-shade-of-eyeshadow-from-lashline-to-brow look of the 70s and 80s. That would make getting ready a snap in the mornings, wouldn't it? Back in the day, you could just apply one shade and keep on applying it all the way up to your brow--this was an extremely popular way to wear it:

PS: Am I the only one who remembers these Max Factor Maxi Colors To Go eyeshadows? I loved how narrow the packaging was and I owned so many of them (wish I still had them!).

Links of the Week

Lipglossiping - desperately wanted to love her new Lime Crime Velvetine but when lip and velvet met, things didn’t stay pretty for long!

My Beauty Bunny - Looking for a great post-workout towelette? We've got the details on Yogi Wipes - a cruelty-free choice that cleanses, refreshes and nourishes skin.

Nouveau Cheap - Claire’s can be fun for an inexpensive jewelry fix, but did you know they also sell macaroni & cheese and french fry-flavored lip balms? I reviewed them both, if you’re curious (you know you are).

Pink Sith - wants to show you the two new nail polishes from the NARS Fall 2013 collection, but fears you may label her nail art as a pinterest fail.

Phyrra - says it's time to rejoice! New Sugarpill Sparkle Baby and Cold Chemistry is coming soon. See her swatches & tutorials.

Vampy Varnish - butter LONDON has something new out and it’s not nail’s the butter LONDON Bespoke Colour Collectionand there are some great items!

 we heart this - is not sending you to their site this week. They're sending you over to Makeup and Beauty Blog, where the lovely Karen featured them in her new series This is My Makeup Life.

Beauty Junkies Unite - Explore your more rebellious side with Too Faced's new Pretty Rebel Eyeshadow Palette for fall!

Clumps of Mascara - Time for updates of the world’s favorite baby! Or at least everyone’s favorite baby on THIS blog. Elle Belle turns 6 months old!

EauMG - Don’t just eat your veggies but smell like them too. Seriously. Victoria reviews Honoré des Prés I Love Les Carottes perfume.

Gouldylox Reviews - Win an entire skincare line for mature skin!

Guest Post of the Week, as chosen by Lipglossiping - The lovely Paris from My Women Stuff questions whether Beauty Box Subscriptions have had their day. Has the beauty box bubble finally burst?


  1. I remember those shadows! Never had them, though. I spent my allowance on Wet n Wild nail polishes then, when I was 11 or 12. Some of that 1980s stuff is coming back, and I'm seeing a bit more of the mono-shadow stuff in magazines like Allure and Elle.
    I'm hankering for reddish-brown and brown lipsticks, too, so I think some kind of 1990s nostalgia is bubbling up in me.

    1. Yes! So glad you remember them too!! :)

      And you're right--I have seen this eyeshadow look in mags too, but I think it's still very editorial... haven't seen anyone on the street rocking it (yet). Lol! ;)

    2. Yes, I remember them too! Even before I played that Youtube video, I immediately remember "Peachy Keen" and "Grapes of Wrath" as some of the colors. I had a bunch of these....ah, the 80s. :D

  2. I'm right there with you on the brown lippies. I have auburn hair, and warm skin.. while I can wear a pink, browns just look right on me. The other pick for me is matte skin.. everyone wants to "glow" these days and I'm sorry to say but most of the time it just comes off as either greasy... or Tinkerbell.

    1. Yes! We're bringing browns BACK, girl! :)

    2. I miss that matte look too! I think it was more flattering on a bad skin day. I'm getting all wound up for brown and red-brown lipsticks, too. It's going to be my fall mission, I think.

  3. I really wish the days of natural makeup would come back. this everyday a super glam vixen with extreme highlight and contour is really getting overwhelming!

  4. I do remember the Maxi line display at my local pharmacy when I was little. When I was first allowed to wear a bit of makeup at ten yrs old, my first eyeshadow was a palette from Maybelline called Shadow Ribbons or something like that, cannot find anything online referencing them. They also sold them as singles and I had a couple of those too (in light pastel frosty shades.) Can't really come up with an answer to the Q., but if the brown lips become a thing again, for the love of all things good please let it be sans the darker outine via lip pencil. Oh lordy let that stay in the past.

  5. i loved my colors to go eye shadow! forgot all about them! back when i was watching the old 90210 reruns a couple of years ago, i was TOTALLY & COMPLETELY ENTHRALLED by the girls' makeup. i couldn't get enough of their freaking perfect skin & the brown matte lipstick. i coveted their look, with their striking hair to go with, even tho i had my bleached beachy streaked hair & shiny nude lips....finally about 2 years ago, i got a long layered cut with some rich chestnut hair color....i went right out & bought some wet n wild lipstick---browns & dark wine and matte! i felt soooo chic!!! haha i will always love that look (and i'm back to my beachy/streaked hair & a TAN, sooo not donna or brenda!!). xo

  6. I miss the sorbet colors that Covergirl, Zuri, and Fashion Fair had. I really miss the themed collections.


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