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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Wednesday Question

Approximately how many beauty products do you purchase in an average month (makeup, nail polish, skincare, body care, haircare, etc.)?

Oh boy. Since we're talking averages here, I'm going to go ahead and say ten. A few of those are probably re-purchases of things I use daily, like shampoo and soap, and the rest are things I really want to try and of course review. But let's be serious here: if there are crazy sales, new releases or LE collections all going on within the same month, that number may jump way past ten. I've been known to buy ten polishes in a single drugstore trip if there's an excellent sale going on. I can't lie about that because the evidence is right here on the blog!


  1. Some months I score at every store I walk in lol and some months Im severly underwhelmed with makeup sales or just plain burnt out. With all that said...probaly 7-15 items easy {no thanx to you G! Lol}

  2. Gosh...too much? haha More than 20 a month.

  3. Oh my!!! I'm just like you. I once bought 16 Sally Hansen professional polishes because they were on clearance. This month alone I've bought tons of lipsticks and polishes. Make me stop! Lol I've got a stockpile of shampoo and body wash thanks to couponing.

  4. Replies
    1. That makes two of us. More than I should, I'll say that much.

  5. I am going to say 10 also. If it is clearance time then definately more. But then again that's not sn average month!

  6. less than 5. I buy soap, shampoo, and conditioner in bulk, so I usually only need a lipstick, chapstick, mascara, or eyeliner. But any new products I do purchase, I have researched extensively to make sure they're worth every penny of mine.

  7. Maybe 5-10? It does seem like I run out of a lot of stuff all at once and have to stock up. But I'll tell you, the number of products I actually buy is nothing compared to the number I want to buy, which would be astronomical!

  8. 5-7 a month. I try not I buy too much because it's getting out of control!! Lol I find myself giving things away to my sis and mom.

  9. It really depends...sometimes I don't buy anything in a whole month! And others I go nuts. So between the two, maybe 10? lol

  10. I do want to add that I just started discovering how awesome a lot of drugstore makeup is and really took interest in learning new things with makeup. So 6 months ago I had an eye shadow quad from Jane cosmetics that I had bought 6 years ago lol. So I went nuts buying but now I need to stop. Lol really!

  11. No comment.

    OK, if you make me, lol. It totally depends. I've been really trying to only hit the drugstores once a week no matter what.. and preferably once every two weeks. Then we have to decide if all purchases count, or only the ones I keep because I tend to buy a lot of new products which don't make the cut and end up being returned. If I find an LE display.. or something new comes out that I love and have to have all the colors of (like this weeks Jessie's Girl trios).. it could be bad, lol. 40% off drugstore sales aren't so bad anymore because my collection has grown so large I really don't have many lemmings out there anymore that are permanent collection items. I might buy one or two backups of core HG items. Online sales are worse. I did NOT order anything from Stila last night and I should get a medal for it.. lolol... however if it had been the fifth of the month instead of the 17th I probably would have (I get paid once a month on the first and just did not want to make another large purchase right now.. especially since there is so much LE lurking out there I have not found yet). I seldom buy "replacement" standard beauty items (shampoo, hair color, lotion, etc.) either.. I'm very streamlined in my routines, don't use a ton of different products, and tend to buy in bulk. So a shampoo/conditioner purchase will probably last me two or three months. I honestly have no idea how many items I purchased just this month.. 15-20?

  12. 16...about 4 per week depending on the drugstore sales. More this month due to the Sephora coupon.

  13. Probably about 10 on average, though I'm busting the curve wide open this month with Sephora and Ulta sales.

  14. about 4 to 7 a month.. IF and ONLY IF THERE ARE GOOD SALES.

  15. Honestly? 30. Made up of polish, lip balm, lip gloss, hand cream and eye shadow

  16. It depends. I try to wait through the cycles and buy NYC when it's 40 percent off at Rite Aid, or PF is 40 percent off at CVS, etc. I might be averaging about 10 items a month, but it depends on the sales and what coupons I score. A big sale week I might pick up a half-dozen items, but if it's slow I try and restrain myself.

  17. Sales aside, if I find items on clearance, all bets are off.

  18. It depends...definately with sales and coupons and LE it changes. But I'd have to average it to maybe 7-10 a month. If the sales are meh then about 5 a month. I've been trying to remind myself I don't NEED anything lol :)

  19. Hmmm... On average, I would say anywhere from 1 - 5 products.

  20. I'm gonna have to go with 20 as an average... because nail polish.

    And sometimes eyeshadow.

  21. Lost count!?! Perhaps between 5 to 10. Sales always get me though. SoOo bad

  22. Uhmmmm...over 5...well, maybe 12....average? More like 15. :)

  23. Hmm... Maybe 5-8? ALWAYS, 100% with a sale and coupons!


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