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Monday, March 18, 2013

Review: Prestige Primed & Ready Eye Primer

The product featured in this post was purchased with personal funds.

A while back, I was able to pick this product up at one of those crazy Rite Aid clearance sales for 75% off. Sometimes drugstores put brand new products on clearance when they need to get rid of the counter display, but they don't yet have a spot for the product in the permanent wall display. I call this the "sweet spot" when it comes to hunting for discounted cosmetics, so I naturally purchased this ASAP when I spotted it on clearance. Who can resist a new eyeshadow primer for $2.50, which it regularly retails for $9.99? I sure can't!

 Prestige Primed & Ready Eye Primer
(retail: around $9.99, 0.5 oz)

In addition to Rite Aid, you can also purchase this primer at Ulta (it retails there for $9.49). I think $9.49 is a bit steep for drugstore primer, however Ulta always offers $3.50 off a $10 purchase coupons on their website (which you can use in-store or online), so that could help bring the cost down a bit if you find yourself wanting to try this one.

Keep reading for my full review...

I remember a time in the not-too-distant past where it was nearly impossible to find a good drugstore eyeshadow primer. That is not the case now, and I'm happy to report that this primer from Prestige falls into the "good drugstore primer" category.

(Note: This product comes fully wrapped in a clear safety-seal. I removed the safety seal prior to writing this review)

I like that the applicator is very, very small, which means you can easily control how much (or how little) primer you squeeze from the tube. I really like the overall design of this tube, but the one thing I don't like, if we're going to get picky, is that the matte white tube is just begging to get dirty. And since it's got a matte finish, the dirt (makeup residue) doesn't wipe away easily.

This formula is paraben-free and made in the USA.

The product itself looks like a nude shade when you first squeeze it out of the tube, but after you work it onto the skin, the color becomes more of a light nude-ish cream. There's no sparkle to it--that's just the reflection from the light:
For these swatches, I wanted to use two shadows that aren't super-pigmented on their own, so that you could see the contrast and capabilities of this primer:

For both shadows, I think this primer does an excellent job at pumping up the pigmentation and also creating a consistent, even appearance.
Texture and consistency: I find the consistency of this primer to be a bit thicker than Urban Decay Primer Potion, but it spreads across the skin as easily as UDPP. It doesn't get gummy or ball up as you're working it onto the skin, and after it dries (you do need to wait about 30 seconds for it to dry before you apply your shadow), it is still quite easy to apply your eyeshadow. It provides a nice, smooth surface on which to work, and I have experienced no issues with spotty or inconsistent application when using this primer. The dried finish is not sticky, but it does give shadows something to cling to.

Staying power: Excellent! I have tried using this primer with a variety of high-end and drugstore shadows in all forms (matte, shimmer, loose pigment, cream, pressed powder) and it hasn't let me down once. In fact, the other day I used this primer with some shadows that didn't work too well with UDPP and they worked beautifully with this primer, lasting several hours longer than when I wore them over UDPP.  

Fragrance: This product has the same type of "eyeshadow primer" note that you find with UDPP and other primers like that. But I find that the only way I really can smell it is if I put some on my hand, and then hold my hand right up to my nose. I don't detect any fragrance when I'm applying this product to my eyes.

FINAL VERDICT: I am seriously impressed with the Prestige Primed & Ready Eye Primer. I know that eyeshadow primers don't always work the same for everyone (so many variables to consider) but all I can tell you is that I have super oily skin and this primer consistently made my shadows vibrant and crease-free all day and into the night (no matter which shadows I used). It's super easy to use, it's super easy to apply your shadow on top of, and I just can't find any faults with it aside from the slightly high price point and white matte packaging. If you're in the market for a new primer and you generally like primers that have a similar consistency to Urban Decay Primer Potion, then I think you might want to consider this one. The consistency is actually a tiny bit thicker than UDPP, but I find myself liking that.

Have you tried Prestige Primed & Ready Eye Primer? I'd love to hear how it's working for you!


  1. Drat! Another one with Bismuth Oxychloride. I hate that ingredient as it makes my Rosacea go NUTS. Oh well.

    1. Have you tried the NYX or LORAC primers? They're BO-free. Have you found a good one?-- I'm all ears.

  2. I'm STILL on the search for my eye primer holy grail. I'll put this one the list to try out.

    1. Now that you live near Rite Aids, you can wait for the next Prestige sale and pick this bad boy up! ;)

  3. I almost bought this at Rite Aid on Saturday, but I hadn't ready any reviews so decided not to. Do you prefer this or the Milani eye primer? Thanks!

    1. I'm actually still in the midst of testing out the Milani, so I can't quite comment on how they compare yet. Sorry!!

    2. No worries! I totally thought you had already reviewed it for some reason.

    3. Yes I would like to know how Prestige and Milani compare also! I'm almost out of my UDPP and would like a less expensive alternative.

  4. I've tried this primer, along with many others including drugstore and "high end" and this beats out all of them. I like the staying power and how it makes the eye-shadows pop! It's very affordable and what I love about it is that a little bit of product does go a long way!

    1. Sooo glad to hear from someone who had a very similar experience with this product! Thank you for the feedback!

      And you mentioned something I neglected to write in my review--you're absolutely right that you only need a tiny amount per eye. Thank you for saying that! This tube will last forever, huh? :)

    2. Then this makes the price tag not so bad! I've been looking for a drugstore eyeshadow primer to replace UDPP. This sounds like a better, cheaper alternative.

    3. I've had mine since mid December and it's still pretty full, and I've been using it everyday since then. So even though this is $10, it will last a very long time therefore making it worth it in the long run!

  5. I'll have to see if this is on clearance at my RiteAid also. However, I'm usually using my concealers as primers. They are usually better at priming rather than covering up my eye bags. :-)

  6. Do you prefer this one or the wet n wild one! I have super oily eyelids and all the primers I've tried my eyeshadow a crease not long after.

    1. You know, that's a very good question because I love the WnW primer very much. But after having used both now, I THINK I might prefer the Prestige, only because I like the thicker consistency of it. They both perform excellently, but I just like how the Prestige feels when I apply it, which is a personal preference thing, more than anything else. But now that you've got me thinking about it, I do feel that, with some of the shadows I own, Prestige tends to beef up the color a bit stronger (although the WnW does intensify color for many of my shadows). I don't know if that helps, but I tried! LOL!

  7. I know what you mean about the "Sweet spot" which is what I am going to refer the little shelf in the back corner of a Rite Aid near my office. I usually head there second after I scope out the display with any new offerings, which is often slim! But I have been known to make a good score in the clearance! LOL

    1. Glad you understood what I was trying to say there, Robin! And yes! I'm so glad you have a "Sweet spot" too at your Rite Aid. :)

  8. Do you have a strong preference between this Prestige primer and the Wet 'n' Wild Fergie one you reviewed recently? Thanks!

  9. I still need to get the WnW and the Milani primers, but I have all the other good drugstore ones (prestige, nyx HD, ruby kisses, Palladio) and I've had both tfsi and UDPP. Out of the lot, I personally prefer nyx HD! Ruby Kisses & UDPP would be second.

    Still dying to try WnW an milani, hopefully you'll do a comparison post of the ones u have! I'd love that!

    Thanks for the review :)

  10. I purchased this primer after seeing it mentioned on a blog as being superior to either UDPP or TFSI (don't remember which one). I'm in Canada so it cost me $13.99 but that's still cheaper than either of the others. I have experienced similar very positive results & don't hesitate to recommend it. also sells it as I got a second tube during their 30% makeup sale.

  11. This week and last week my local Rite AID has been doing a "Buy $12 get $6 +UP Rewards" for Prestige.

  12. Looks like a great primer! I've been so happy with the elf one though, so for a buck, I'll probably just stick with that one! :-)

  13. Not sure if you have an HEB where you are, but here in Texas we do. And this week they have an in store coupon for $2 off any prestige product!

  14. I'm still on my quest for a shadow primer that works for me. And, you are right, with that Ulta coupon, it does take the sting out of that price. However, have you noticed that almost all of the new makeup coming out, regardless of the brand, have increased enough that it's noticeable?


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