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Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I just wanted to let you know that I'm unexpectedly taking a break from blogging for the next few days. My mom was admitted to the hospital today and as I write this, we are still not sure exactly what's going on. That's about all I can tell you right now. I will update you again in a few days if I feel that I need more time away from the blog. Until then, I would be grateful if you could send positive thoughts our way. It's been a rough year, with my dad just recently in the hospital (he's doing much better, by the way) so I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your patience and support. 



  1. I'm so sorry! Your family has really been going through it lately. Take all the time you need. I'm sending good vibes to your mom, and to you and your family.

  2. Sending positive vibes to you and your mom!

  3. Hi G! Sending positive thoughts to you and your family. Please take all the time you need. Best wishes to your mom for a speedy recovery. Xoxo

  4. Wishing you and your family all the best! I hope everything turns out okay!

  5. G take all the time you need prayers to your mom and to your family <3

  6. Family first, G; do what you gotta do, and when things settle down, we'll all still be here. Thinking good thoughts for you, your mom, and your family.

  7. You have been dealing with so many unexpected emergencies lately! I hope things go smoothly with your mom and your life gets calmer again soon. Sending good vibes!

  8. Take care and I hope she recovers quickly!

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your mother - you and your family have my best wishes for her fast recovery. It's been that kind of year around here, too, so I understand - take all the time you need (for yourself too!), we'll be here when you get back!

  10. So sorry, also sending positive thoughts your way!

  11. Sending you and yours supportive thoughts....

  12. So sorry to hear about your mom.

  13. I'm so sorry - sending positive thoughts your way!

  14. Oh G. I'm so sorry. This goes without saying (I hope) but take all the time you need - we will be here whenever you get back. I'm praying for your mom and your family. ����

  15. Sending positive vibes ❤️

  16. Take care of you and your loved ones. The blog can wait. Sending you all positive thoughts.

  17. {{{hugs}}}. Prayers for your Mom.

  18. I'm sorry your family is going through hard times. I know how you feel. My Father just recently passed away (3 weeks tomorrow). My heart is broken and I know how hard it is to be at the hospital at the mercy of the doctors and a higher being (if you believe in God, I do.) I will be happy to include your mother in my prayers. My father went unexpectedly and nothing will replace the emptiness at this moment but prayer has helped. I hope you have a support system and get rest. Your Mother will need you when she gets out of the hospital.

  19. Family first. We'll be here when you get back.

  20. I'm so sorry. All the positive/healing thoughts for your mom. I'm glad your dad is doing better.

  21. Thoughts out to your family. I hope your mother will be okay soon!

  22. Best wishes to you, your mom and your whole family. It's been rough on you all, and hope it's smooth sailing from here on out. :hugs:

  23. Oh so sorry G. Thoughts and prayers that all turns out well and quickly. What an awful medical year for your family. all the best!

  24. Sending positive vibes to you, your family and for your Mother!

  25. Hope all is ok. Praying for your mom and your family.

  26. Hey G. Sending thoughts & prayers for your mom through this tough time. Hope you and your family will be well.

  27. Prayers and blessings for you and your family. Take care of yourself.

  28. So sorry to hear this G. Hope they find out what's going on, and that she's okay soon.

  29. Prayers of well being to you and yours and for the doctors treating your mom that they may find what's ailing/treat her speedily. Take care

  30. Dear G,
    I love your blog and I send positive vibes to you, your whole family and your Mother! You are the best!

  31. Sending you more of the positive vibes to you and your Mom!

  32. Praying for you and your family 💕

  33. Sending prayers up for your mother and family.

  34. Sending prayers for strength and healing.

  35. sending you love and light! i'll be thinking of you and your family!

  36. So sorry about your Mom... prayers for her, you and your family.

  37. I'm sending good thoughts to your mom and to your family.
    Take care, G.

  38. Oh man, what a year :( thoughts and warm fuzzies to you and your family. Get well soon.

  39. Oh my goodness. Sending love to you and your Mom! I appreciate all your hard work on the blog and hope you take all the time you need.

  40. Sending prayers to both your parents. Take care.

  41. Sorry to hear about your mom. Best wishes for a quick recovery!

  42. Absolutely. You, your mom, and your family are in my prayers.

  43. Oh no! I'm so sorry! 😢Sending all my good and positive vibes to you & your family!❤️ May mom feel better soon and praying that it's nothing serious.

  44. Oh no! G you and your family are in my prayers. Hugs

  45. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family. Take care ❤️

  46. Prayers her way! Peace and strength in the name of Jesus!

  47. Hope your mom is okay, G. I always liked hearing about how she loves having her nails done etc.

  48. Prayers to you and your family.

  49. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your mom.

  50. Family first! Sending good vibes your way!

  51. I'm so very sorry to hear this, you've had to deal with so much. Stay strong and positive. Don't worry about us, we'll all be here patiently waiting to hear good news from you when you are able to write again. Sending healing thoughts!

  52. You will always have our support and understanding G. Best wishes to you, your mom and entire family. xxx's
    Kelly (my drunken bulldog pic has disappeared with my mind ��)

  53. My love you you and your family! You are so good at what you do with this blog! I appreciate all your hard work SO MUCH! Stay strong and we are all sending positive vibes your way!

  54. Sending positive thoughts and lots of healing energy to you and your family. <3

  55. Positive vibes being sent out to you and your family G. I hope your mom will be ok, take care of yourself and family. Love you

  56. Hi G, I am sorry to hear that your mom is ill! You have been dealing with quite a load lately with all that has been going on for you. Sending love, hugs, positive vibes and prayers because I believe in them. Hope all is well with no serious effects. Best

  57. take care! Prayers and good wishes towards your whole family, and to you!

  58. Sending love to you and your mom, hope she gets back to health soon!

  59. I'm so sorry, G. I'll be thinking of you and your family!

  60. Prayers for fast and correct answers and peace for the family in the waiting time!

  61. Take care, G family! You are missed here, but family first! Positive thoughts to your mom and all her caregivers!

  62. Hope your mom is out of the hospital quickly. Sorry to hear it take care of yourselve and family first.
    No one ever died from a lack of makeup maybe spf...take your time.


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