Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Free samples of the new Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner

I just saw in my Facebook feed that Suave is giving away free samples of their new Moroccan Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner RIGHT NOW (click here for details on this new line).

This promotion has been up for 4 hours now (as of the time of this post), so expect delays and system overloads. If you're patient (and NOT on a mobile device), you will probably be successful in snagging these samples if you hurry and get over there right away.

And if you don't get them, I want to let you know that I just spotted one of the new shampoos and conditioners in this line at Rite Aid, so they are making their way to stores as we speak:

 Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Shine Shampoo and Conditioner at Rite Aid

By the way, this shampoo and conditioner smell heavenly (rich and a teeny bit spicy/ambery)

Good luck!


  1. Hey. Just wanted to say that their servers are down. They're currently working on the problem according to their facebook page. Don't know how long that might take.

  2. Fbook link busy too
    will look for them in the store, I really like the one for color treated hair

  3. I LOVE Suave's new products! They are amazing and such a great price. I cannot wait to try this one. I'm in love. Thanks G for the info! All of these new products showing up have my panties in a wad to say the least!

  4. I got the busy signal too. But the site said that I may get an email confirming shipping, so who knows. If I get it fine, if not fine! I know I came on board late. I saw this posted on FB last night on your page but just didn't have time to read the link or any thing but I do love me my Suave!

  5. Really late, but if you use a browser like Dolphin that can impersonate desktop browsers, you can still access Facebook and sites that don't like mobile browsers from your phone.


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