Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Wet n Wild LE 8-pans have landed in California

I promised some of my fellow Californians that I would post an alert when the Wet n Wild Limited Edition Where's The Party? Collection landed in California, so here's your alert, my lovelies!

I just approved a marker on the interactive sightings map and it looks like this collection has landed at one of the CVS locations near LAX. If this weren't a 2+ hour drive for me, I'd be racing you there right now to try and find them. Ha!

Thanks to whomever left the marker on the map today, and thanks as always to everyone who continues to leave markers on these sightings maps. It's an invaluable resource for so many of us!


  1. Hope they come to Ohio soon! :)

    1. I saw a marker for Discount Drug Mart somewhere north/northeast. I wish they'd hit Columbus already!

  2. Gah! 41 minute drive for me. I may suffer the pain of driving through the LAX area just to get them...

  3. which walgreens in arlington texas

  4. That's about an hour for me, but I'll definitely be checking the CVS locations around here later today or tomorrow morning! Thanks so much for the heads up.

  5. I found the darn nail polish display but not the Palette display in NYC grrr!!!

  6. Yay! I've been stalking the local stores and your maps waiting to see if any have popped up at least close by.

  7. YAY!

    Thank you so much for the update G! I try to check the map once a day, but it's so much easier to actually SEE a post about it (since I'm on my iPhone!)

    Hopefully they'll be around CVS next week....>__<;;;!!!

  8. Whoever found the WnW 8pan palettes in LA can u list an address please. Thank you

    1. It's the location on the corner of Sepulveda and Manchester. If you google ”CVs sepulveda” the exact address should come right up.

  9. These were at HEB grocery store in College Station , Texas 2 weeks ago, big display on an end cap of the makeup isles

  10. FYI, these are NOT at the Raritan , NJ Harmon's. they have the ferries palettes, but not these. Save yourself the trip.


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