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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Target Beauty Bag is BACK (and it's their last one ever!)

A huge thanks to multiple readers for this one (and when I say "multiple" I really mean it--so many of you were nice enough to give us a heads-up about this via Twitter, Facebook and email that I unfortunately can't list you all here--I'm so sorry!).

The FREE Target Beauty Bag is BACK, and according to the Target Style Facebook page, this is Target's LAST FREE BEAUTY BAG EVER. If you've never signed up for a free Target Beauty bag before, this is your one and only chance to get in on the fun:

Click here to snag yours NOW on Facebook. This is an absolutely free (you don't even pay for shipping) makeup bag full of beauty samples. Based on past Target Beauty Bags, there might be one or two full-size products as well, but I obviously cannot guarantee that. Also, based on previous Target Beauty Bags, you might also receive a coupon booklet full of beauty-related coupons redeemable only at Target.

Based on the frenzy surrounding this offer in the past (I've posted about these bags many times before), you may run into technical difficulties when you try to sign up for your bag but keep trying. Hopefully you'll eventually get yours!

Thanks so much to all of you for the heads-up!

PS: If you'd like to see what this past summer's Target Beauty Bag looked like, click here.

PPS: If you were one of the readers who left a comment about this bag on the You Tell Me page and you don't see your comment on that page, it's there! We've just hit the 200 mark on comments and that means the comments are now loading very slowly. I'll be making a new You Tell Me page later today. Sorry for the inconvenience!


  1. I signed up for one earlier this morning, and I really am hoping that's the bag they are sending out! I NEED it!! Also hoping there's less shampoo in this one.

    1. Don't hold your breath, 3 out of 5 of the products shown are shampoo lol

  2. Just requested mine! I am so sad they won't be doing this any longer, I wonder if it just got too popular and isn't sustainable for them anymore :( Hopefully they'll come up with an alternative sample program, it's a great way to try out new drugstore products that you don't normally get to swatch/ sample before you buy!

    1. My guess is that people would get the bags and use the samples, but they weren't using the coupons/noticing an increase in the products being purchased. Without winning results to show to the companies providing the samples, I bet the companies weren't willing anymore to participate in advertising that doesn't help them increase revenue. But that's just my guess.

    2. I would agree with this guess. Speaking for myself, since the coupons were typically only good for a month at most (depending on when the bag actually arrived) I rarely got around to using them. And while I have liked many of the samples, some of them are products I already buy (like some of the hair stuff). I like to throw the samples in my collection of minis for travel. That way it's like a perk and i don't have to decant my big bottles.

  3. Got mine this morning :)

  4. I never got the summer bag, and that was one I really wanted. I signed up for this one, but I really don't like that I had to authorize an app for it. I try to be very careful with my personal info.

    1. I'm wondering if they opted to use a Facebook app because of all of the malfunctions with past registrations on The last time I tried to snag one, I kept getting errors, but I did receive the bag.

    2. That's an excellent point. I usually have a lot of difficulty getting signed up for a bag, but I had no problems at all this time. I'll go back in a couple of weeks and revoke the app's permissions.

  5. Snagged mine, thanks for the heads up!

  6. Thanks for the heads-up G, just got my request in.

  7. Aw, too bad these are going away! they are so much fun! I'm really excited about the pixi foundation sample it looks like is coming in this one.

  8. Am I the only one that has problems loading more comments on the "you tell me" page? No matter how many times I hit that button, it does nothing, just says "loading"

    1. I addressed this issue in this post. Please see the last paragraph above.

  9. To be honest I am not even going to both to sign up for this one. The last two target beauty bags I signed up, got a confirmation email and then never received the bags. Hopefully it works out for everyone else.

  10. Woohoo! Got one! This is why you and the YouTellMe page are my must-checks every day. =) xoxo Rach

  11. I certainly hope I get this one! I signed up for the last two and got the confirmation number but no bag came :(

  12. this is the best blog ever. First the honey gram offer and now this! Where have you been all my life NC? :D

  13. Thank you so much...I have signed up..xoxo

  14. ok so I don't know if you know but target right now through the 10/6 has an in store coupon for Simple moisturizers. The coupon is for 3.50 off any one product with a limit of two per transaction.I bought the Simple night cream for 5.49, originally 8.99. I love the whole range of simple products! I do not have overly sensitive skin, but I do like to use nighttime moisturizers that are designed for sensitive skin since I do tend to do all exfoliating at night and my skin doesn't like the moisturizers that are perfumed of have other chemicals in them.

  15. Thanks for posting this, G. I just signed up and it said I'd receive the bag in 4-6 weeks. I sure hope I get it. Love those cute little bags. ;)

  16. I just signed up! Thanks! Hoping it actually comes...

  17. Yes! I'll finally get a Target beauty bag. Thanks for sharing this!

  18. Thanks G! I missed out last time but snagged one this time! Here's hoping! I did want to try that Pixi foundation.

  19. I got mine and I like the coupons and bag just as much as the samples.

  20. Very exciting! Set mine up, hooray! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  21. Woohoo! Missed the last one, but just got my confirmation number! Thanks again G!

  22. And theyre thats what i get for not checking ur blog til late in the evening!!!! Lol....everybody that got one in time, enjoy!! Target rocks!!!..and of course so does G.:)

  23. Thanks for the heads up, G! I managed to get one, but I saw that the bags have all been claimed now! O.O That was faster than before, I think.

    The major sample I'm interested in is the Pixi one~
    Love the animal print for the bag! ^^

  24. So many people were hoarding the summer bags. Some people had 6 bags. Some sold them on ebay for up to $10. I never got a summer bag. I bought the actually cosmetic bag at Target but missed out on the samples.

    I'm actually glad they won't do it anymore. When people start hoarding and selling sample bags it's not fun anymore. It's time to end it.

    1. I don't understand how they were hoarding them. Were they getting them shipped to various addresses? I mean, that's the only way you could've gotten more than one. Or if they got their mom, brother, etc. to do sign up for them, too.

    2. I don't know. People posted pictures with all the boxes that the target bags come in all in one photo.

  25. I was lucky to get the summer one. No go on this one, all gone. For some reason, I get the NC emails a day late. Received this one at 2:24am 10/3. Any idea why?

    1. Not sure I understand your question. I published this blog post on 10/2, and my daily email, which contains all of the posts from that day, goes out at about 11PM Pacific (2AM eastern) at the end of each day. So from what you're yelling me, this hit your inbox exactly when it should have, with no delay.

      The only way you could have gotten it a day earlier is if my daily emails were sent in the future, meaning before I actually write the blog posts. Lol! Hope that helps! :)

  26. That animal print beauty bag in the pic above was sent to Latina magazine subscribers from Target a couple months back. I have the exact one. The color treated shampoo and conditioner from fekkai was in there, a BB cream from Maybelline , and other stuff. It came with a letter saying thank you to Latina magazine subscribers. I wonder if the contents will be the same in this bag. I did get a confirmation code for this last one. I also got the summer one in that cute blue bag. It was my first one. :)

  27. How do I sign up exactly? I want one despite it being the last!! I am trying to find the sign up button.

  28. As always, thanks for the heads up. Without your blog, I would never know about these things. Anyway, when I tried to sign up for it last night, they said they were all out.
    But I went back today and it says that there was an error and they had a few more available so I signed up and got a confirmation #. Hope I get it in the mail in a few weeks =)

  29. i received my beauty bag the other day!
    while i love the bag itself and am excited to try the pixi primer, i was disappointed to find that literally everything else in my bag was shampoo/conditioner. i was really hoping their last bag would be a bit more exciting. oh well!


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