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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Review: Wet n Wild Limited Edition Juicy Lip Balm in Gingerbread

As soon as I spotted the Limited Edition Sweeten The Season display at a local CVS, I immediately grabbed the Gingerbread one. I love anything gingerbread-scented and this balm just had to be mine. One of my favorite gingerbread-y lip products is the one that B&BW released for Holiday 2011 (Gingerbread Giggles) and since it doesn't look like B&BW is releasing a gingerbread lip gloss this year, it compelled me even more to pick up this Wet n Wild balm:

Wet n Wild Limited Edition Juicy Balm in Gingerbread
(retail: $2.99, 0.26 oz)

My full review, after the jump...

I couldn't photograph the full ingredient list because when I peeled off the second layer, it totally destroyed the sticker and made it unreadable. Sorry about that, but I can confirm that, with the exepction of the SPF that's in the regular Juicy Balms, the ingredients look pretty much the same. These holiday versions do NOT have any SPF in them.

I can't speak for the other flavors in this collection, but Gingerbread does not have any color to it. It is completely clear. 

As for the texture, it's just as smooth and slick as the regular Juicy Balms. Like I mentioned in my original review of the Juicy Balm line, this is a lighter lip balm and not really a balm that I'd recommend if you have extremely dry or chapped lips, but it does impart some hydration. I think it feels nice on the lips--it's not a heavy or waxy balm.

The fragrance of this balm is, sadly, not gingerbread. In fact, I don't even get any ginger from this lip balm. What I DO get when I sniff this product is...curry powder. I know, that's weird, but I swear to you I smell curry when I use this product!

The flavor, on the other hand, is gingerbread-y. It's sweet and a touch spicy, but it's not a strong, bold flavor by any means. When the fragrance fades (which is does rather quickly once it's on the lips), I can taste a sweet, very soft hint of gingerbread cookie when I lick my lips.

FINAL VERDICT: I'm totally torn on this one. The curry powder scent throws me off every time I use it, but it fades pretty quickly and it does taste like gingerbread, although it's a very soft, subtle flavor overall. I think this is one of those products that you've just got to try yourself, because you may not get curry powder from it at all; that could just be a weird thing that's unique to me. Who knows? Just keep your receipt so you can return/exchange it if you buy it at CVS, Walgreens or Rite Aid, since all three of those retailers accepts returns/exchanges on used beauty products.

Do you own any of Wet n Wild Sweeten The Season Juicy Balms? What do you think of them?


  1. I like your tip on keeping your receipt : ) I have actually been encouraged by the drugstore cashier to keep it in case I don't like my lippie or whatnot!

    Too bad about the lack of gingerbread smell on this gingerbread balm : (

  2. While looking for the limited edition palettes (went to twenty stores and no-luck. Three had the display, but was wiped out), I saw many locations having these. I didn't grab any though because I'm sensitive to certain scents otherwise, I liked the colors though!

  3. Man I love gingerbread and wnw so I was hoping for better :/ I guess its okay I cant find them lol

  4. That sucks this doesn't smell like gingerbread! I'm kind of thinking about picking up the Vanilla one!

  5. That's kind of funny, I was just telling someone how the Kate Somerville ExfoliKate smells like curry to me, and they thought I was crazy to think anything smells like it.

    I miss Bath and Body Works' gingerbread one, too :(

  6. even if this smells like curry to you I might just pick this up anyway because I love gingerbread things as well.

  7. Oh no! That sounds gross! After i eat anything curry, I can't wait to have a mint to cut the aftertaste- I defInitely wouldn't want that smell on my lips all day!

  8. Well, when you look at ginger, it has a spice to it whenever you have anything with it, even ginger snaps. I may have to find these on a future Walgreens trip before the holidays end.

  9. I picked up the candy cane and candy apple varieties; I've only used the latter, but I quite liked it. I didn't really notice that it had any color - as far as I could tell, it went on clear. I'm really happy these don't have SPF, too. I bought one of the originals but use it very sparingly because the SPF tastes gross :(

  10. oh that does not sound appealing...but thanks for sharing!

  11. I got the apple and gingerbread one and although I haven't worn them yet, I very much like the scents to these. I don't get a curry note at all (although I can totally see how you might since ginger is spicy and found in some curry blends) and I'm a little glad the gingerbread isn't too strong since it can overpower. The apple smells sweet, tart and juicy.

  12. Has any one spotted these in the Midwest yet??

  13. Has anyone spotted these in the Midwest??


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