Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you reading this in the US. I hope you're having a day filled with family, love, laughs and, of course, lots of food!

While we all take a moment to reflect upon the things that mean the most to us (a roof over our heads, family and friends, food in our bellies), I'd like to take a moment to share with you a great idea submitted by a lovely reader recently.

Reader "A" (I'm not sure if she'd like me to use her name) is part of a forum on Reddit that discusses beauty, and she let me know about a recent topic regarding beauty products donations to women's shelters. You can check it out here if you'd like.

If you're in a position to be charitable this holiday season (or any time), I'd like to encourage you to take any unused beauty products or feminine hygiene products you may have and seek out your local women's shelter for a donation.

As the folks on Reddit mentioned, women's shelters have a HIGH DEMAND for things like foundation, concealer and feminine products. These are things we take for granted in our daily lives, but many women across the country may not be able to afford them or have easy access to them.

We all know that something as simple as being able to cover under-eye circles can give us a little bit of extra confidence to meet the day. When you're shopping at the drugstores this holiday season and you come across a great deal, consider picking up an extra lipstick, concealer, foundation, shampoo, box of pads or tampons or anything else you think a women in need could use.

I'm not going to link to a specific women's shelter directory on this post (there are a lot of scam sites out there), so if you don't know where the local women's shelters are in your town, do a google search for "women's shelter" and your city and see what pops up. If you're not sure as to the legitimacy of the organization, jot down a phone number and give them call. Find out who they're affiliated with, and if they accept donations. Ask them what they need the most for the women in their facility and build a small list for yourself.

A few years ago I came across a great sale on some shampoo at Big Lots and ended up purchasing way too many bottles (you know how that goes). So on the suggestion of a co-worker at the time, I gave my stash of unused/unopened shampoo to a local women's shelter and they were incredibly appreciative. If you have unexpired, unused stash that you KNOW you won't get to within the next year, please consider giving it to a woman in need. (NOTE: all beauty product donations must be unused and unopened.)

I know that many of you reading this are not in a position to purchase things for yourself right now, let alone give to others. I completely understand and respect that and I'm in NO way trying to guilt-trip anyone into making a donation that is beyond their means. I'm just suggesting to those who CAN purchase an extra lipstick or two, or have a bountiful stash that they can't use up themselves, to give to a women in need.

The power of a new lipstick may not change someone's current position in life, but it can give them a tiny boost of self-confidence at a time when they need it the very most.

Thanks again to reader "A" for the great reminder and suggestion.
G. xo


  1. Happy Thanksgiving G! That's such a great idea, I need to look into that. I usually donate extra shampoo, body lotion, and toothpaste to Goodwill. Never thought about doing make up before.
    Hope you have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving with your family and friends :]


  2. I definitely know how getting items of this nature can lighten up someone's day. It can take away just one more thing to have to worry about.

  3. Hop you had a nice Thanksgiving! Super idea! I definitely have items in my stash, especially toothpaste that could be of good use instead of sitting in a plastic bin... I'm going to do a search right now!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I will definitely look into donating to my local women's shelter. What a great idea!

  5. Great idea, I hadn't thought about this but it is something we will look into. Thank you!

  6. Wow this is such an awesome idea!


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