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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Based on the number of comments I received on this post, I'm going to assume that the occasional non-beauty-related post on this blog isn't going to annoy most of you (thanks again for the comments on the blackout post--it meant so much to me that you'd take the time to be so thoughtful and helpful in your responses).

So today, with the anniversary of 9/11, it felt wrong to let it go by without acknowledging this anniversary on my blog.

I understand that it's too painful for many of you to talk about (or even think about). I was watching the replay on MSNBC earlier and in so many ways it feels like 9/11/01 was just yesterday. For many of us, the memories will probably remain intensely vivid for the rest of our lives.

Everyone's got their own unique 9/11 story, but the pain we felt on that day was universal. We're all coping with this anniversary as best we can. I just didn't want to NOT mention the significance of this day, and remind you that it's OK to grieve, to cry, or feel anything else you're feeling today. 

If you need a diversion, read your favorite blogs or anything else that interests or entertains you. We all cope with things in our own way, and it's pointless to judge. Do what you need to do today, and remember you're not alone.

G. xo


  1. I love this, G.! You made the right choice putting this up. It's sad, but needs to be acknowledged. XO

  2. What a wonderfully written and well thought out entry G.

    Today hubby and I were in the grocery store and they had a moment of silence. I just cried. I have found myself crying off and on for the past few days. It just seems more painful this year.

    Every year the kids and I make homemade goodies to drop off at our local Firehouse. Some years they are there and some they are off on a call. I always tell them, to us they are Heroes and we are thankful for them. And we are lucky enough to run into them often in town.

    You are not alone either G, remember we are all in this together.

    Always remember, never forget.

  3. Thank you G for always being so kind and honest. I love all your posts by I really respect your non beauty ones. The power outage one really touched my heart. Thank you for acknowledging 9/11 today. You're right it's hard to think about and sometimes it's hard to know what to do or say on the actual day. I think you found the perfect way to say the right thing.

  4. G, thanks sweets. I think this was a lovely way to post an acknowledgement of this tragedy. And of course, you know I don't mind if you go off topic. *hugs*

  5. Thank you for acknowledging this day so nicely.

    Had it happened five years earlier I would have been arriving under the towers on the train. I worked in 7 World Trade Center (the building that fell later that day) for a while but I walked through the Trade Center almost every day for 12 years. It was all destroyed. Everyone I know either knows someone who was either involved or died there.

    Today, like every past 9/11, was a very emotional day for me and many, many others on the east coast. The hurt is overwhelming. It is extremely comforting to know that people in ALL parts of our country share in honoring those people who left their houses that morning and never made it back home.

    May God bless all those who lost their lives in NY, DC and Pennslyvania. You are not forgotten.

  6. Great post. I know what you mean. In some ways it doesn't feel like 10 years.

    No I don't mind going off topic. I really like when talk about a variety of things.

  7. Only a few bloggers (& even fewer Youtubers) acknowledged 9/11. It really infuriated me. We ALL were touched somehow by that day. Thank you,G. You just showed us a piece of your's as huge as I thought it would be. Love ya! Ter xoxo


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