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Monday, July 18, 2011

Revisiting the Revlon Sweetly Seductive Collection

 image credit: Michelle for Nouveau Cheap

On June 16th, I posted lots of pictures of the new scented polishes and glosses from Revlon. It seems that many of you missed this post because, in the past few weeks, I have been flooded with pics, info, tweets, comments, etc. from several different readers alerting me to this new collection. (If you were one of the people who did this, please know you were not alone!). 

I'm not sure why this is happening, but I feel compelled to post this info again and let you know that I did cover this collection and you can see photos here. I'm sorry that so many of you missed my original post, and I want to be clear that I'm GRATEFUL that you're alerting me to it anyway!

By the way, Nicole posted lovely swatches of some of these polishes.To see Orange Fizz, click here. To see Grapefruit Fizz, click here. To see Colada Fizz, click here.

I haven't heard much about the glosses from people who have purchased them, except that they're pretty sheer. If you have purchased a gloss, I'd love to know what you think!

[UPDATE: The lovely NeutraKris reviewed two of the glosses! Check out her post here.]


  1. I reviewed two of the glosses on my Blog. If anyone is interested, and if G permits it, you can see it here:

  2. Hey sweetie, thanks for the shout out! Just to let you know, you've GOT to see my post tonight on Orange Fizz. I know you'll be drooling. So funny that you posted this today and that's tonight's post!

  3. I first heard of them from you!! Here is my mini review....

  4. I have Grapefruit Fizz and it is very sheer, but I like it for on the go. They taste and smell good - not too over the top and perfume-y, but nicely fruity. I wish the citrusy scents were less sweet and more zesty, but I nearly always want that from drugstore brands. I agree with NeutraKris that they are thick and tacky, but I would amend that by saying I hate tacky glosses and I really like this gloss.

    Here's my long attempt to describe the texture/feel:
    It is definitely not thick and tacky in the same way to a MAC Lipglass or Lancome Juicy Tubes, which I really don't like. I would say it's more on par with the Bobbi Brown Tube Tints, if you've ever tried those (I think they're discontinued); the texture is similar in thickness, but the tackiness is less. It's very hard to describe. I would say it's less of a sticky tackiness and more of a gel tackiness, like a mix between the Bobbi Brown Tube Tints and Chanel Glossimers. When you rub your lips together, you can feel the gloss feels a bit thick, but the lips don't stick together, they slide, more like a gel.

    I have found this gloss is great for summer on the beach as well as working out because they last for a long time, are easy to apply since they're sheer, are comfortable, and don't gunk up your hair or stick to stray strands.

  5. G I love it when you let us know about great blogs!

    I think it is great you share the love around the net =)

    I passed on these, and now I have buyers remorse big time :(

  6. Hey I was one of those peeps who tweeted to you. thanks for the mini shout out!!!

  7. The names of the polishes made me instantly interested in them, but as soon as I saw them at the drugstore, i just knew that they wernt something I wanted. They just look too sheer, and scented polished remind me of the grape peel-off "nail polish" i had as a kid.

  8. For those that can find these they are on sale at Walgreens this week bogo half off. There's an instant value coupon in the little walgreens coupon booklet for $1 off and also a revlon coupon for $1 off that was in the paper a few weeks back.


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