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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Review: New Revlon Age Defying Cream Makeup SPF20 with DNA Advantage

When I first saw the display for Revlon's newest foundation and tried the tester on the back of my hand, I knew that I would eventually have to make a purchase. So a few weeks ago when it was on sale at CVS, I used some Extra Bucks and picked up the shade Bare Buff (second-to-lightest shade in the range) for about $5 (retail price at CVS is $13.99).

Revlon Age Defying Cream Makeup SPF20 with DNA Advantage in Bare Buff
(retail: around $13.99, 1.0 oz)

I think the shade Bare Buff is a pretty good match for my NC20 skintone, although perhaps a tiny bit more on the pale side than my actual skin. As you can see, this bottle comes with a pump dispenser, which is ALWAYS a plus (I'm talkin' to you, Colorstay!).

The ingredients (click to enlarge):

Let's start with the positives:

I LOVE that this foundation contains SPF20.

I also love the texture of this foundation. It's not too thick, yet not too watery. It spreads onto the skin effortlessly and the first time I applied it (using my fingertips), I got SO excited because it really seemed like it was going to be a nice, full-coverage foundation that wouldn't look too heavy on my skin. Also, the scent is not strong or overbearing--it smells kind of like a non-scented lotion, if that makes sense.

As you can see, it's got a creaminess to it and, after blended onto the skin, it really seems to minimize fine lines and imperfections. Take a look at it on my hand, in two forms of light:

If you enlarge the above photo, you can really see how it gives the skin almost an airbrushed quality, without settling into the fine lines on my hand. It does the same thing when applied to my face; it really makes my skin appear smoother and practically flawless, especially after I apply setting powder.

Looking at the pic above (on the right), which was taken in full sunlight, you can see that this foundation seems to give the skin some luminosity and sheen. Nice, huh?

Well, all that changed when I caught a glimpse of myself in my rear-view mirror, in broad daylight. Here's what I discovered:

Shimmer. And TONS of it. Here's a closer look at the back of my hand (it was SO hard to capture the shimmer in photos, but I assure you that it is extremely easy to see with the naked eye):

If you look toward the lower half of the above photo, the camera caught (and magnified) the shimmer particles (they look green in this photo). In real life, the shimmer looks silver in color, and it's actually very dense. In other words, when I wear this foundation, I have shimmer EVERYWHERE. Around my lips, on my nose, under my eyes...everywhere.

When I look at myself in the light of day, it's as if I used the Revlon Colorstay Mineral Finishing Powder (which you know I love) over my entire face. I'm sorry, I love a little sparkle and shimmer on my skin, but I only like it when it's strategically placed in certain areas such as on the tops of my cheekbones, above my eyebrows, etc. NOT on every nook and cranny of my face.

Moving past the high shimmer content, this foundation let me down in another way as well. After about an hour on my skin, it suddenly seemed to go from a medium-to-full-coverage foundation, to a sheer coverage foundation. Once it had time to interact with the natural oils of my skin, it seemed to fade and make the flaws on my skin more visible. So...if you're a full-coverage-loving-girl like myself, and you have oily skin, this might not be the one to get you through the day.

FINAL VERDICT: Sadly, the new Revlon Age Defying Cream Makeup SPF20 with DNA Advantage is not for me. At 40 years of age, I'm pretty sure I'm in the target demographic for a foundation with the words "Age Defying" in the title, but a product packed with shimmer is not something I look for when I want my skin to appear younger-looking. This much shimmer seems to actually draw attention TO the imperfections in my skin--the very thing I'm trying to disguise. Yes, I love the texture of this product and I could even handle the fact that it goes from full-coverage to sheer-coverage within an hour of application if it continued to make my skin appear smoother. But when I walk outdoors and see this much sparkle, I'm afraid that's all I see. It's nice that the shimmer in this foundation is only apparent outdoors, so if I were to be spending the day inside, I could wear this. But honestly, why bother, when there are so many other great foundations on the market (including Colorstay) that don't have these stipulations?

Have you tried Revlon Age Defying Cream Makeup with DNA Advantage? If so, what are your thoughts?


  1. boo... it looks so fun in the packaging!

  2. That's silly, this is kind of the the Revlon PhotoReady liquid foundation. Thanks for the review!

  3. Seems really disappointing, I'm wondering why they chose to add shimmer to the foundation. I much rather prefer a regular creme foundation so I have the option of adding shimmer if I want to!

  4. I am sorry this foundation didn't work out for you :( It looks really cool too.
    I have been noticing that a lot of anti-aging foundations seem to contain some sort of shimmer in them. I guess the company believes that shimmer helps give the appearance of a young, healthy, dewy looking glow to the face. But they also need to need to take into account what amount is considered too much.
    A healthy glow is fine, but not an overbearing, noticeable one! LOL!

  5. I totally was going to pick this up! Thank you for the pics because I won't go near it now. I have photoready and some days it is too glittery and other days it is just right. There must be pockets of glitter in the bottle!

    I definitely like the option of adding shimmer...


  6. I was going to buy this foundation since I was curious if it really didn't settle into lines...but I won't now. I have oily skin and I'm sure this will look super shiny and will melt off in 15 mins. Thanx for the review!!!

  7. I am embarrassed to say I have worn this for two weeks (same shade) and I never noticed the shimmer!

  8. eek, that's too bad :( They really need to repackage Colorstay. I loved their Photoready foundation packaging, if they could just switch that over to Colorstay, I'd be so happy...

  9. I love the photoready foundation but I know it has a lot of shimmer. So does the colorstay aqua, which is my current favorite foundation. Fortunately I can't detect the shimmer once it's on my face. In fact I think I may pick more up since Revlon's 40% off at rite aid this week.

  10. Wow, maybe it's just because I go for the matte look in my face makeup, but I'm honestly surprised that a regular, run-of-the-mill foundation would have that much shimmer in it.

  11. I really wanted to try this, but not now if there's that much sparkle in it. I love that it has SPF, the bottle looks neat, and the age defying tag sounds great. Oh well. Thanks for the review!

  12. Too bad. I was hoping. What is it with Revlon and shimmer/sparkle in their foundations lately? Photo Ready has it too. I'm all for a little brightening and 'glow' especially with my ahem, aging skin type (meaning I'm not 22 anymore LOL) and a tendency towards dryness, but not the the point where my foundation blinds anyone if I walk outdoors.

  13. Thanks for this review, I was wondering if it would work and how it would look. I LOVE the colorstay w/combination skin its the ONLY product out there that stays on my face and doesn't create a mess.


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