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Saturday, June 4, 2011

A little Kleancolor haul...

If you take away just one thing from this post, please let it be this: 

Don't ever be afraid to check out your local, independently-owned, mom-and-pop dollar stores.

I can never find Kleancolor products in my area (aside from the same core-collection polishes I seem to see at every beauty supply store in San Diego), but then one day I spotted a brand new independently-owned dollar store and I pulled the car right over to check it out.

I was AMAZED at all the Kleancolor products they had, and they also had close-outs of long-ago discontinued drugstore makeup (so old I couldn't bring myself to purchase any of it) including Wet n Wild Twist-up Blush Sticks (remember those??).

So anyway, my focus was really on Kleancolor because it's probably the one super-inexpensive brand that I have the least experience with. Check out what I bought!

Kleancolor Wicked Witch Gothic Nail Lacquer Mini Collection
(dollar store price: $2.99)

I've seen this collection retail online for anywhere between $6.50 and $9.99, and it retails for $8.99 on the Kleancolor website, so I was VERY happy to snag it for just $2.99!

I haven't played around with these colors yet, but I'm so excited to try them!

I also purchased two Kleancolor Everlasting Lipsticks for $0.99 each (these retail for $1.99 on the Kleancolor site):

 Kleancolor Everlasting Lipsticks in Tea Rose (left) and Coco Malt (right)
(dollar store price: $0.99 each)

My camera has been acting up lately and I couldn't get a sharp photo of me wearing Tea Rose, but I hope you can see that this shade is much paler on my lips than it is when swatched on my arm. Coco Malt was more pale on my lips than I expected it to be as well, so next time I know to go a shade or two darker when I purchase Kleancolor lipsticks. 

Both shades are just too pale for my skintone and they REALLY wash me out. I'm so bummed because Tea Rose also settles into the fine lines on my lips (my lips are chapped to begin with though) and it looks really unflattering. I would definitely exfoliate before attempting to wear this shade!

As for the texture of these lipsticks, I was pleasantly surprised by how they glide across the lips. They feel so silky during application, with no pulling or tugging whatsoever. These lipsticks feel very light and weightless on my lips--I can barely feel them at all once they're on. I don't think the formula is too drying--they're very creamy, actually. But since they're so light and creamy, the staying-power isn't the greatest, but who cares for $0.99, right? I also like both the fragrance and flavor to these lipsticks--it's kind of a fruit-punch type of scent and the flavor is barely detectable.

My biggest qualm with these particular lipsticks is that they don't fully retract into their cases, so I know I will nick the lipstick with the lid eventually. Other than that (and the paleness of the shades I selected), I can't find anything wrong with these, and I would certainly give them another shot in the future.

What are your favorites from Kleancolor? I really hope my dollar store starts carrying the new Kleancolor crackle polishes. I really want the green and purple ones! Anyone try those yet?


  1. Tjose lipsticks are so pretty! I wish we had Kleancolor on my area. I wonder if you could email Kleancolor to see what stores near you carry it. Im gonna be going to Myrtle Beach in about 6 wks so hopefully some store there would have them. I live about an hour away from Charlotte, NC i would think some stores there would carry it.

  2. I haven't tried the crackles yet but one review I saw, they crack really slow and you need to wait around 8 mins before applying them on top of the base colour. Also, cracking pattern is different from OPI or China Glaze crackles. Brace yourself lol

  3. The lipsticks are really pretty! The tea rose reminds me of a little lighter version of the NYX tea rose I have. But for .99 that is a steal!

  4. I got some of the Kleancolor crackles a couple of weeks ago. I also found a new brand that had crackle. I'll be talking about that one later.
    I would like to find that set; mostly for that blue!!! You got a treasure!!

  5. I love Kleancolor's range of unique nail colors, but anymore the smell is just too much for me. It's a shame since they're so pretty.
    One thing they are AWESOME at is eyeshadow palettes.

  6. You're right about the Mom & Pop Dollar stores. I went to one for the first time and got two Orly Cosmic Effects polishes for $2 each. The had the vinyl one too, but only in the orange.

  7. I love Kleancolor! Thir formula is great, and their color 151 Sheer Cocoa is my HG nail polish. (And I have over 100.) It's the most perfect warm rosy color, like my nails blushing very gently. And the formula is so glossy, I can just slap it on, and my hands look like I just got a manicure on the Upper East Side. Seriously, the only nail polishes I like this much are the $20 polishes from Rescue Beauty Lounge. Kleancolor sheers are a steal.

  8. The lipsticks are such great shades!

  9. Awesome score!! I love Kleancolor polish and makeup but those Crackle Polishes...I don't know. I got two NOTDs on them so far on RG...and got two colors left to try.:(

  10. Never seen the Kleancolor polishes before. Great find! (: Tea Rose looks like a pretty color, too bad it's too light for you. :(

  11. My experience with the KleanColor crackles is that if you don't top coat them within seconds, they will just flake right off. Then, if you do make it time with the top coat, they are not fun to remove. I had to use other fingernails to scrape it off because it would not come off with remover. :( They were cheap, but very disappointing to me.

  12. I just snagged a blue Kleancolor crackle at a random beauty supply Saturday for $1.99. I plan on trying it later this week. I hope I love it as much as I love their other polish. This post makes me want to check out my mom-and-pop dollar stores. I usually avoid them since most things end up being over $1 (like $8.99) and I feel they should name them something else. LOL

  13. I've tried the Kleancolor crackles, and I like them. Every brand of crackle I have behaves differently, so I don't mind the longer crackle time with Kleancolor. My BF had a KC crackle pedi for over a week, and mentioned how hard it was to remove when he finally tried. So yes, they wear like crazy.

    I *do* need to make a spreadsheet or something so I can keep the brands straight! For instance, this brand needs a dry base coat, this one needs a wet base, this one dries super fast, etc....

  14. Where in San Diego is this store located? You got some awesome deals :) I've been really interested in Kleancolor lately but haven't been able to find any in stores yet.

  15. You can sometimes find Kleancolor on beauty ticket- or there website:)


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