Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spotted: clearance deals on nail polish Walgreens

I have a few Walgreens clearance deals that I'd like to tell you about but, before I do, I want to say that I'm aware that sometimes not ALL Walgreens locations clearance the same items at the same time, so I cannot guarantee that you'll find these deals at your locations. BUT, it's always great to know what others are finding so that we can be on the lookout, right?

First off, the lovely Ruthie spotted ALL of the core collection Maybelline Express Finish polishes on 50% clearance at her local Walgreens recently. She even took the time to list all of the shades in her post, which you can see here. Thanks for the heads-up about that, Ruthie! (And if you spot them at your Walgreens today, you can still take advantage of the BOGO1/2OFF sale!)

Second, my sweet Twitter follower @deyimizu just told me that she spotted ALL of the Sally Hansen HD polishes on 50% off clearance at her Walgreens. You can see her pic and more details on her post here.

Thanks for the heads-up, lovely ladies!

Happy clearance-polish-hunting, and please leave a comment on this post if you have spotted these deals at your local Walgreens. The more info the better!


  1. At my Walgreens some of the Sally Hansen Salon Effects are on clearance/sale for $5. I noticed the Hounds tooth pattern (Check It Out) and I believe Squeezed! (the orange shade). I'll check later if there are any other shades!

  2. @G: Thanks SO much for the awesome shout out and link to my "fledgling" blog!!! You're so sweet, girl! XOXO ~Ruthie

    @Mai: That is a GREAT find and I'm wishing the Walgreens around me had that deal! I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled for it - maybe they'll clearance/reduce some of them in the next several weeks, who knows?! :)

  3. I was in 4 different Walgreens looking for the new Sally Hansen polishes (with no luck), but I did spot the Maybelline Express Finishes (used a coupon and got Sunset Prisms for $1.29!)... now I'll have to go back to see if I can find the HDs on clearance! Thanks for the heads up!!!

  4. I picked up a lot of the Maybelline polishes at Walgreens and used some saved up $1 off coupons to get them to $1.29. All the Walgreens in my area had them discounted, although some just had selected shades, others had the whole range.
    On a side note, I was in RiteAid tonight and found some 75% off items similar to those that were at Walgreens - Revlon eye pencils, age-defying luminizing lotion and foundations, bronzer, Almay concealer - I'm not sure if this was specific to the one RiteAid or not. Also, there were little Almay booklets with Kate Hudson on the cover and a $2 off coupon in the store, adding up to great savings.

  5. I saw all the Sally Hansen HD polishes 50% off at Duane Reade as well. (they also had several Maybelline np on clearance.) This was yesterday in northern nj. Nothing appealed to me. However I went to Target today and got two of the SH tracy Reese polishes. $5 each before any coupons. Wheee!! Cannot wait to try them.

  6. I had to work today, so I stopped in the closest Walgreens on my way home, and they had the (older) HD polishes marked 50% off, but not all of the ones I grabbed rang up that way? So, I don't know if it's certain colors on clearance, or they just weren't ringing up right? I ended up just getting Digital (a glowy hot pink).
    Also, I was in Target just now, and ALL of the HD polishes are $5. Not a bad time to use the coupon that was in the paper today!

  7. At my local Walgreens today only a few of the older HD polishes were on sale, darn. But there were THREE new Sally hansen displays-- crackle topcoats (including a gold one!), new Complete Salon or whatever (I think this is the yearly Tracy Reese collaboration) and some $1.99 Hard as Nails in a new bottle shape & new colors. None of the HaN colors grabbed me, though, and wasn't ready to pay $7-8 for a np today so went away emptyhanded. Hope you see those displays soon!

  8. More Walgreens nail polish clearance news (in my area, at least)!

    Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro on clearance for $2.19 however sale colors varying from store to store: One Walgreens here had almost all shades on clearance (only 2-4 NOT reduced) yet a different store had only 2-4 shades marked down, the rest were still regular price (even had a cashier scan one to make sure).

    Picked up #350 Violet Metal - so gorgeous in the bottle, can't wait to try it - which was on clearance at both of the Walgreens I've checked thus far.

    I had a printable manufacturer's coupon for $1 off any Rimmel Eye or Lip (from, IIRC) that brought the price down to $1.19! YAY! :D

  9. I didn't see the Maybellines on clearance, but I went by two different Walgreens stores today and found the HD polishes on clearance at both. (I also found the SH crackles...woohoo!)


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