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Monday, March 21, 2011

Searching my blog...

In my ongoing quest to find the perfect search engine for this blog, I have recently noticed that the application I have been using for a while now, Lijit, has changed the way it brings up search results. It seems to now be picking up any mention of a search term, including sidebar info that isn't really relevant (and also creates redundancies in search results).

So...I have added a second search box to my right-hand sidebar. I brought back the Google search application, but I've kept Lijit there too.

If you wouldn't mind, I'd love it if you used both searches and let me know which you prefer. If you could leave your preference in the comments on this post, I would really appreciate it. I just want you to be able to find what you're looking for, so your feedback is crucial here. Thanks SO much!


  1. Hi! I tried both search engines looking for NYC foundation.
    I liked the google one better, because the results came up with the name of posts, date, I could easily choose which post to click on for more info. As for the Lijit the results were very strange illustrated and it was very hard to find what I was looking for. Hope this helps ;)

  2. After playing with them awhile I've decided I like Google waaaaay better. When you search for something Google also includes the name of the post and more relevant information while the Lijit just has your blog url and a paragraph that may or may not pertain to what you are searching for below it. I also like that the Google one opens in a little window at the top of your blog while the Lijit one opens really huge and covers everything. I also like how Google highlights the search term in your results while the Lijit one doesn't.

    I'm not sure why it so dificult to make an adequate search feature! You should be able to search by most recent, different tags, etc. Also maybe show a thumbnail picture from the post. Hmm, maybe some day!

  3. I like the Google search engine better.

  4. Google is definitely better! I typed "wet and wild" (incorrect on purpose to see if I could get results!) into both. With google I got numerous relevant posts and with lijit I got a message saying no results found. google format is better too.

    I love your blog and check it multiple times a day. :)You actually inspired me to start my own! <3

  5. I agree with everyone who has posted so far. Google is the better of the two by a mile.

  6. Hands down, Google!!! For some reason, I always had trouble with Ligit on my computer. Please keep Google, and thank you for asking us for our opinions. <3

  7. Google is way better....when you search something, it bolds the words so you can clearly see whether or not the product you are looking for is in the post and not just the brand or something else with that word. Ligit is a little more confusing, it brought up posts that had nothing to do with what I searched, at least from what I saw. :)Hope this helps

  8. I agree with the others, google is way better. It's easier to see the names of the posts & navigate thru the results.

  9. THANK YOU, LADIES, SO MUCH!!! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your feedback, and the fact that you took time out of your day to give me such detailed information! This helps SO much, and I guess it's pretty much unanimous that you all prefer google so, buh-bye, Lijit!

    You know, I originally had google as my search widget on this blog, but after a while I noticed that it wasn't bringing up the search results it should have been bringing up--it was missing things. So that's what led me to Lijit, but something wacky has happend with Lijit recently, and I don't like how it's pulling up results. And apparently I'm not alone! So...back to google it is!

    Thanks again for taking the time to help me out with this and give me your opinions.

    Ella: GREAT thinking, to deliberately search for something incorrectly. :) And yay for starting your own blog! xo

  10. I know I'm late to the game, but I'm throwing my vote in anyway: DEFINITELY Google. MUCH better than Lijit.


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