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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Review: Method Coconut Cream + Honey Moisturizing Hand Wash

By now, I think you all know that I'm a hand soap freak. I just love trying new hand soaps with interesting fragrance combinations, so when I spotted this new Method hand wash at my local grocery store a while back, I couldn't resist a purchase.

I also want to mention that this week at Walgreens, Method hand soaps are $2.99 with $2 Register Rewards, making them just $0.99 each! I don't know if your Walgreens will have this new scent, but hopefully you can find it if you're interested.

 Method Moisturizing Hand Wash in Coconut Cream + Honey
(retail: around $3, 7.5 oz)

If you're a Method fan, then I probably don't need to tell you that their products are cruelty-free and made with lots of natural ingredients. This particular hand soap does not contain tricolsan, SLS or parabens (I don't think any of their soaps do, if I'm not mistaken). 

The scent of this soap, Coconut Cream + Honey, just could not be any more delightful. It's not super strong on either the coconut or honey notes, but I'd say it's a beautiful balance of the two. You can definitely smell the coconut and the honey, but neither is overpowered by the other. It's a warm, rich, comforting scent that still manages to stay clean and fresh to my nose.

The craziest thing about this soap: I used it in my kitchen and I swear it lasted FOREVER. I have gone through this entire bottle and, I'm not kidding you, it must have taken me months to finish (and I wash my hands a LOT when I'm in the kitchen). After several weeks, it got to the point where I kept saying, "You mean this bottle's STILL not empty?" It really seemed to last longer than the usual hand soaps I put on my kitchen sink, so that was definitely an added bonus.

The soap itself is creamy and luxurious. I think it builds an excellent lather and it rinses clean, no problem. My hands feel very clean after using this soap, but I do want to warn you that I didn't find it terribly moisturizing.  My hand are always dry, and I'd say that they remained just as dry after using this soap (not drier, but not moisturized either).

FINAL VERDICT: If you're already a Method fan, I don't think the new Coconut Cream + Honey Hand Wash is going to disappoint you. If you're a coconut or honey fan, I think you might love this one. Cruelty-free and loaded with natural ingredients, I think this hand soap is a safe bet for anyone who is drawn to warm, comforting, sweet scents. I personally love it and will definitely repurchase.

Do you like Method products? If so, what are some of your favorites?


  1. I love that Method is expanding their scents. I really love the brand and what they stand for, plus, this is an amazing deal. You really can't go wrong!!

  2. I love a wonderfully scented handsoap too and it there is a hand lotion to make it a set, even better! I am going to remember this scent for the next Wags run this week. I went to Target to buy the Cranberry/Cocoanut that you reviewed and ended up with Violet instead and OMG! It It is spot on Violet!!!

  3. I've tried a lot of Method soaps and some of their cleaning products. It always seems to be hit or miss, though. I do love the Squeaky Clean shampoos they have at Big Lots.

  4. I love Method products! I just noticed that the Virgin America planes use it as their handsoap in the bathrooms. :D I've tried the Coconut Cream & Honey and its amazing... so yummy! I esp love that they use natural ingredients!

  5. I get tired of the soaps I'm using much quicker than they seem to run out whether it be shampoo, hand soap, or body wash. When I first get something I like I try to conserve it by using less and as the weeks pass I start using more and more at once trying to use it up so I can buy something new. I'm so weird!

    Thank you for the review G! Coconut and honey sounds delicious. I don't know if I want to wash my hands or just eat the soap!

  6. at my walgreens, it was the "sea mineral" hand soap that had the $2 register rewards...& i don't think they had any other kinds of the method soaps :/


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