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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Wednesday Question

Time again for the Wednesday Question and this one's going to be very easy to answer:

Natural nails, acrylics, artificials or other?

I have 100% natural nails, and they've been this way for about 10 years (since the last time I wore acrylics).  It took me about a year to get my nails back to normal after my last round of acrylics, so I told myself never again.  Every once in a blue moon I'll apply artificial nails (like the ones by Nailene) when I get a craving for that perfect French mani, but other than that, I'm natural all the way.  How about you?


  1. My nails are currently recovering from having acrylics for a few months. I hate how they look now, but I will probably get gel ones soon. My nails are very soft and without some kind of enhancements, I feel like they never look pretty. And I have 2 little kids, so no time to fuss over my nails every day. I also love how long polish lasts on fake nails!

  2. natural! i got gel acrylics one time (i was with a friend and couldn't understand what the manicurist was saying) and they were amazing but i got tired of them and they were hard to get off!

    i rarely do my fingernails because they get so much abuse (and because i adore cooking which is unkind to nails) but have just developed a taste for pedicures and toenail polish. (aided by the W'n'W BOGO! mwuahaha.)

  3. i am natural only right now... i used to wear gels but couldn't afford the upkeep. now that i learned how to take care of my natural nails they look 100 million times better than my gels ever did.

  4. Natural for me. The only time I've ever had acrylics is when I was breaking myself from biting my nails. It really ruined them though, took forever for them to get in good shape again!

  5. NATURAL! Always!!! If I need a little extra oomph in strength or durability I get Shellac'd :)

  6. All natural! Have had acrylics a few times for special events, but always hated how my nails felt after they fell off.

  7. Natural for me too. The upkeep and expense of acrylic nails turns me off. And I have never liked breaking up with acrylic or gel nails; they tear up the place when you tell them to go.

  8. I'm all natural - I did have acrylics a lot when I was yonger but looking back they don't look nice.

    I was a nail biter until I was about 17 so 5 years on I'm pretty damn pleased with my lovely long natural nails :-)

  9. Natural- I'm scared of what's going to happen to my nails if I wear acrylics even once :/

  10. Natural all the way. I used to wear acrylics all time only because I never did my nails. It was so pricey to keep them up the cost of a new set and fills every few weeks. Plus, they completely ruined my nails underneath. They took a long time to recover. I won't ever go down that road again!

  11. I have acrylic nails. I've had them for probably 10 year or more now.

    My own nails are always too soft despite my best efforts to go natural.

    I design, create & sew high end dog collars so my hands can take a beating.

    Acrylic nails have saved me from some serious damage when I've accidentally gotten my finger under the presser foot of my industrial sewing machine. That bad boy can sew 1/2" (25mm) of leather with NO problem.

  12. I wear acrylics, my natural nails are paper thin, and as soon as they start to grow past my fingertip, they split at the very edge and peel all the way across. I'm taking Biotin now, hopefully they'll be a bit stronger when I soak off these acrylics!

  13. natural for me! ive had acrylic nails once for my HS prom and having it taken off (aka PRIED off)and then seeing the thanks lol i do love how on those nails polish lasts SO long...but not worth it, personally =]

  14. I wear acrylics all the time. I let my nails breathe for about a week before putting on a new set. When I can afford it I treat myself to powder sculpted nails. I'm too anxious and bite my real nails to nubs and a hereditary issue gives me super soft brittle nails, so I'm stuck with the acrylics!

  15. Natural! I just wouldn't be able to justify the expense that acrylics or gels require. I'd rather take the money I'd spend for a full set/fill-in and buy new nail polish to do my own nails! :-)

  16. Natural.
    I prefer the look of Acrylics, but they're a pain (literally) to take off, too much trouble.

    Thankfully I have strong nails that grow fast.

  17. Natural. I don't care for long nails on myself be they natural or fake, I don't care for the look of fake nails in general, and I don't have the money to do them even if I wanted to.

  18. Mine are natural now, but I used to wear acrylics all the time because my natural nails would split and peel, plus they were very thin. Found the answer to my nail prayers though--pre-natal vitamins! Seriously, my nails and hair grow extremely fast plus they are in much better shape. Bonus factor: the vitamins are great for ANY woman of Any age!

  19. I would def say normal nails. I hate doing damage to my nails.

  20. Natural. I've never had acrylics. I worry about the damage they would do and I'd rather spend the money on something else. I have worn artificial nails from the drugstore a couple times. I think I prefer the look of natural nails.

  21. Natural...Never had acrylics, probably will never try them either.

  22. natural all the way, i have been blessed with long fingers and good nails except that i cook a lot and suffer from occasional breaking , but i tried the acrylic once and have sworn never to wear them again!

  23. Natural. I have never tried acrylics but I have tried the at home fake nails when I was younger. I used to have beautiful nails and skin, but as I get older they have both gone to you-know-what. :P

  24. Natural all the way. I had acrylics once, and my nails felt so horrible after they were removed that I vowed never again. I don't even know where to buy fake nails that fit my super wide nail beds, so I try to keep my natural nails as healthy as possible.

  25. I prefer natural nails. Every once in a while, I decide that I want long nails and I buy a set of press-ons (haha!) from the drugstore, but in general I prefer my nails on the short side.

  26. I have natural nails. They are the longest they have ever been in my whole I am obsessing over them. I just an hour ago put on a Silk wrap on my nails and some gel resin to make them super strong, like Acrylics without ANY damage to my nails. When I take the wrap off, my nails are in the same condition they were when I started. I love long beautiful nails and used to get acrylics,but the damage they do is too much for me, so now I have long nails that are natural and I love them!

  27. I've never tried acrylic nails, but I do like how artificial nails look... Other than the fact that the nails don't pop off one by one at the same time

  28. I've never had the same nails after getting acrylics and the last time I had them was over 3 years ago. I wish I had perfect regular nails but I can't seem to get there. But I would say that's my favorite.

  29. Im a HUGE kiss and broadway nail kinda girl! I always wear these types of glue on nails! I developed a serious reaction to my acrylics about 2 years ago and had to go to the hospital because my hands blew up so big and had to soak them off ASAP! so I cant get acrylic anymore, and these badboys look just as good for a quarter of the price, I can do them on my own time, and best of damage to my natural nails!! :)

  30. Other! UV Color Gels. I have them right now. It's your natural nail, with really tough polish that lasts for 2 weeks. I think the product is called "OPI Axxium", and you have to find a salon that does it. I got mine when I was visiting Westport, Connecticut. And I LOVE them. I've had them for 3 weeks, and they just started chipping today.


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