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Monday, September 27, 2010

Short break

I just wanted to post a quick update to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a short break from blogging for the next day or so. I hope to be back by tomorrow, but honestly, I can't promise that's going to happen.

In a nutshell, I'm going through a very sad family situation at the moment, and for the first time since I started this blog, my heart just isn't in it today. This blog has seen me through a lot of hard times in the past, and I've always welcomed talking about beauty as an escape when "real life" gets difficult.  But today, I'm just very much full of sadness, and believe me, you do NOT want to see an eye look given how puffy my eyes are from crying (and let's not even go there with the dark circles).

I'm trying my best not to get cheesy, but when real life is difficult, it means the world to me that I have this little community and I thank each and every one of you who visit my slice of cyberspace every day. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't care about each and every one of you, and I hope you understand that I need this small break just to get my head back on straight. I'm crying as I type this (wow, that sounds dramatic, I know, but it's true) and I just need some quiet time for myself and my family right now.

Until I get back, I encourage you to take a look around at my sidebars and top menu bar. There are lots of little bits of information on this blog that might help you discover a new beauty bargain or find a new blog that you fall in love with (I've got a ton of wonderful ones in my blogroll). And if you get really bored, you can always scroll through my archives and check out past posts. You never know what you might find.

Oh and for the time being, I'll be moderating my comments, which means your comments will not appear until I approve them. I just don't have the time to delete spam and that sort of thing as quickly as usual, so that's why I'm turning on the moderation. This will not be a permanent change--just for the next day or so.

Thanks so much for your patience and understanding, I hope to be back tomorrow with fresh content and my normal, ridiculous enthusiasm about all things budget-beauty-related.

All my love,


  1. love you G! sending you lots of good karma and hope <333

  2. Oh, honey. I hope you and your family get through this rough time. I can't speak for everyone here, but I (we) all support you, and to be quite honest, take as much time as you need. We'll be here when you come back.

  3. Take all the time you need to get feeling better!! Tears are hard to shed but they're a necessary part of the cleansing & grieving processes. My thoughts are with you.

  4. I'm sorry for whatever you are going through. Take care of yourself. That should be first and foremost!

    I know you care about your readers just by the fact that you even take the time to write out a post to let your readers know what is up even when you are going through such a tough time!

    Don't fret. Us readers will be here for you.

  5. feel better, g. and whatever you are going through, i'll be praying.

  6. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. /me sends good vibes... and hugs.


  8. Sorry to hear you're going through rough stuff. =( I hope the situation improves very soon.

  9. Hope things get better soon, G. Take all the time you need, and sometimes, tears are the best therapy

  10. Please prioritize your own needs. I love your blog, but you need to take some time for yourself. Good wishes to you.

  11. Good luck with everything Gianna and take all the time you need for your family. You have wonderful, understanding readers that whole-heartedly understand!

  12. Sending big hugs to you! I truly enjoy your blog and your personality shines though your writing. I hope that whatever you are going through gets easier asap.Take time for yourself and your family and see you when things clear up. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

  13. Whatever the situation is, I hope it improves soon! Take all the time you need and your faithful readers will be here when you return! You'll be in my prayers. (((hugs)))

  14. Hugs & love to you. Take all the time you need. I'll be here when you get back :)

  15. My best wishes to you and your family, whatever the issue may be. Family cases are always the hardest and I truly wish you the best. Whenever you're ready I'll be here waiting as I love your blog. Keep trekking onward.

  16. aww whatever has happened, I'm sending u lots of love and support! I know that you are a strong person and can get through it. Take all the time you need <3

  17. take all the time you need, G. whatever it is, it sounds most grievous and i am praying for you and yours. we won't leave.

  18. We all have our justifications for what we do, and you of all people don't need to justify to us :) Somethings are just better left w/o words... after all, we all do have real lives outside of our internet personas!

    My best wishes to you for a "IRL pick me up" but knowing how life and punches can roll, here's knowing you can keep up with them and we'll see you back soon.

  19. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through a tough time. I hope things improve soon.Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you come back.

  20. I'm so sorry. I hope thingd eill be better soon.

  21. I hope things work out for you real soon. And, I'll be here waiting for you when it's time for you to return.
    You're the bestest!


  22. Feel better and don't feel sorry for not posting for a few days! Real life and your family is much more important even though we'll miss your wonderful posts :)

  23. I am sorry you are sad. Sometimes we have to embrace the sad. Just know we are hear for you if you need anything! You know how to reach me! ((hugs)) and *postive thoughts*

  24. I know how that feels! When Grandpa Jaques died I didn't blog for a week! I admire your dedication to this blog and I am consistently impressed by the volume of posts you can put up in a day alone. I hope you feel better soon and remember, this too shall pass.

  25. Aww, so sorry! It will all get better soon! Sending good wishes and hugs your way!!

  26. Many hugs and much love to you, darling. Please feel better soon!

  27. Despite whatever you are going through, just know that it always works out in the end. I, too, have had a rather HORRENDOUS week and even contemplated ending it, and I am so a "glass half-full" kind of girl. Keep your head up, stay beautiful, and we will all be here for you when you come back, no matter when that may be! All the best! xo

  28. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Hope things even out for all of you soon.

  29. I'm sorry hun. I understand how you are feeling. I'll be thinking about you. Take all the it time you need. :)

    <3 Steph

  30. Sorry to hear about your family's loss. I hope you feel better soon. We will all miss you, but your well-being is more important than our beauty fetishes. :)

  31. *hugs* I'm sending positive vibes your way.

  32. Take your time coming back. Bless you and your family. You'll be in our thoughts. xx

  33. G-I hope you know how much you help me/us by blogging!! Every post you write makes me smile, because YOU are shining through! Take as much time as you need, we, your faithful readers will be here. Praying for you and your family and sending much love your way--

  34. warm thoughts sent your way - come back when you feel better.

    even though I don't live in the USA - i am still thankful for all the bargain posts and in-store photos you share with us

  35. Many hugs and wishes for comfort at this time. Take all the time you need-- your readership wants the best for you and yours.

  36. I'm so sorry you are going through a hard time right now. :-( I hope things get better for you real soon. Take as much of a break as you need, and we will all be here when you get back.

    sending you lots of love,prayers and hugs.

  37. I rarely comment but I read you daily and I couldn't not comment in this post only to give you my best wishes, I hope that things get better. A big hug for you.

  38. I haven't been around in a while, but still visit. Thinking if you and saying a prayer.
    Take care.

  39. No need to be sorry at all! Do what you gotta do for yourself and your family. Your loyal followers will be here when you get back : )

  40. I hope all is well and that you feel better soon.

  41. You're in my thoughts! Hope things get better soon. *hugs*

  42. Please feel better soon, my prayers and support goes out to you. I hope you feel better soon, and a million hugs from me goes out to you!

  43. Take all the time you need.
    Hugs and best wishes.

  44. I am so sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time right now! I send my hugs, support, and best wishes (and kitty kisses from my 2 cats...they asked me to tell you that!) Please take as long as you need. We love you! :)

  45. I'm very sorry that you're going through something rough and sad and I really hope that things go as best they can with as minimal hardship as possible. Know that your readers appreciate you and support you- if someone doesn't understand you need time then there's something wrong with them. I will be thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.

  46. Take all the time you need, dearest, we'll be patiently awaiting your return, and like you said, there is plenty of great stuff here to keep us occupied, so don't worry about it at all:-)
    Sending you and your family much love, good thoughts and prayers, and may you all find strength and comfort in each other.

    xox from Char

  47. Aww, I will miss you for those days. I hope everything will be Ok. Everyone need time when they go through problems. I wish you all the best, hope things will get better.

    May all the great comforting wishes come to you. Good Luck.

  48. Even though I love reading your blog, you need to take a break for yourself! *hugs*
    Theres nothing cheesy about your post, I'm pretty sure many of us blog to escape "real life" too, myself included, lol.

    Get better soon!

  49. You always deliver a great post everyday that I always look forward to receiving in my inbox! So, please don't ever feel bad for taking a break when you have a personal issue. Here's to things looking up for you and to happiness restored in your life! Take care!

  50. I hope everything will turn out for the best. Lots of love and support.

  51. I'll keep you in my good thoughts and prayers, G. I hope that things get better for you soon. Take all the time you need, honey.

    *lots of hugs*



  52. I am sending my thoughts and prayers! Please take your time, and do what you need to do. We will all be here when you return.

  53. I hope you know that while you are gone I will have to take responsibility for myself. Not good, not good at all. It's so much easier for me to look at all the wonderful things you are showing me, that I suddenly NEED, and then of course blame you for being such an enabler to my obsession...

    Sending you so much love. You'll be missed while you're gone, even if it is only for a day. But of course we would rather you take all the time you need, and take care of yourself. Do what you need to do. We will be here when you get back. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  54. The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. ~John Vance Cheney

    Hang in there, lady. This, too, shall pass and add to the rainbow.

  55. I am so sorry to hear things are not good right now. And I truly hope you read the comments that are full of well wishes. It is amazing how much they can help.

    Please know that I am sending you and your family hugs and love and prayers and healing comforting thoughts right now.

  56. Everyone deserves a break. I hope things get better for you soon.

  57. Take all the time you need- a day may seem like a long time on the internet, but offline it always more like an instant to me. :)
    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. *hug*

  58. I hope everything turns out for the best, and I'm sending good thoughts and <3 your way!!

  59. So very, very sorry to read your email today. Take good care of yourself.

    From your fan who nominated you for Fab Fave Site.

  60. Hope you will feel better soon sweetie, hugs.

  61. you are in my thoughts and prayers! xxoo

    will miss your posts!!!

    <3 abby

  62. You take care of you and yours first. God bless.

    Un abrazo fuerte.


  63. Sending you hugs, good vibes and lots of happy thoughts.

  64. i hope everything gets better for you soon.

  65. Please take all the time you need to recover and sort this out... real life always is the most important. All the best for you.

  66. Awwwww G. I might not know you, but you've been so kind and helpful to me, you have a lovely blog that keeps me company and you seem like a good person, so I want all the best for you! Take as much time as you need, you know we'll be here for you!


  67. Oh my gosh, I am sorry I haven't seen this post before now G! I am soooo sorry for your sadness and for the difficult time you are having right now! I am sending HUGE hugs, best wishes, prayers & love to you!! Take Care!!!


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