Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lots of new haircare coupons!

If you've been planing on making some haircare purchases or you've been interested in trying out some new products, today's a great day for you! I've got lots to cover so give this post a read if you've got a minute or two.

1) Big thanks to the lovely Nessa over at Contests and Such for the heads-up about this one: TREsemme has posted a $1 coupon good for any Fresh Start product (click here to grab it). If you read my Fresh Start Dry Shampoo review, you know I had some mixed feelings about it, but I also know that it works well for A LOT of you, so if you're a fan, or you'd like to try some Fresh Start products soon, grab this coupon before it's gone!

2) I promised you that if CellFire started posting beauty-related coupons I would let you know ASAP, and sure enough, they just posted one today. (If you have no idea what CellFire is all about, click here and scroll down to the 5th item in my post.) Up until now, I have only seen food coupons on CellFire, and quite honestly, the assortment hasn't been that great (lots of 50-cent coupons for granola bars). But WHOA have things changed! There are ton of good food coupons now and several are high dollar value ($1 and $2) for things like olive oil, etc. that are normally pretty expensive at the grocery store. But the best coupon posted on CellFire today was for $2 off any Infusium haircare product (click here to see my love of Infusium if you missed it). Here's a pic I took of my Blackberry screen:

This coupon is good for Vons, but as many of you know, CellFire requires that you tell them where you are located so that they can link you to grocery stores in your area. I'm hoping that other grocery stores will have this coupon as well (let me know if you're in a different area and have access to this one!).

3) Look what I got in the mail from CVS yesterday:

Did you get the CVS Beauty Report for Summer/Fall 2010 as well? I'm not sure how I got on this mailing list (maybe they send it based on the amount of beauty-related purchases you make with your CVS card?), but I am certainly not complaining! I LOVE getting beauty-related info and samples from CVS and I'm sure you do too if you receive them. And this issue of the Beauty Report has a great L'Oreal coupon:

As you know, last week's Red Plum insert had a lot of L'oreal coupons in it, so combine this $2 coupon with a manufacturer's coupon and you've got yourself $3 or $4 off a haircare or cosmetics item (or wait for a BOGO sale and you'll save even more). Yay for CVS coupons!

That's it for now, but as always, I'd love to hear from you!


  1. That's an awesome coupon from L'Oreal. Is there any other way to get that magazine? In store maybe?

  2. Kamani: To my knowledge, I don't think you can get this in-store (it's a small brochure really, not the size of a regular magazine). I don't know how you get on this special mailing list, but maybe you can contact CVS customer service for info? Hope that helps! :)

  3. Speaking of haircare, Got2B hair products are BOGO free at Rite Aid this week!! I went on a mini shopping spree thanks to this sale.

  4. b5ley: Ooooh, thank you for the heads-up! I will mention this in my next post! :D

  5. Ok, not sure what the deal is but when I went to my nearest Rite Aid I got the sale and then at the one a little further from my house, they weren't on sale! So not sure what the deal is there, but went to Walgreen's to look for something else and they are BOGO free at Walgreen's definitely. I went to 2 Walgreen's.

  6. None of the grocery stores in my area (NH) participate in cellfire. >:(

    CVS has been giving me bleh coupons from the slot machine lately. I got a dollar off Charmin and bogo Dove candy bars yesterday. Sure, I used them, but I wasn't thrilled about it like I would be if I was getting cosmetics coupons.


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