Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

101 Ways to Say "Thank You" Giveaway sponsored by e.l.f. cosmetics


The time is here, my lovelies! I am DELIGHTED to present to you my 101 WAYS TO SAY "THANK YOU" GIVEAWAY, sponsored by e.l.f. cosmetics!

For this giveaway, I wanted to partner with e.l.f. because this brand truly represents the philosophy of Nouveau Cheap: affordable beauty products that work. All of the products below were selected by me because they're all products I sincerely love and use on a regular basis. I wanted to give you a present that I myself would be THRILLED to receive, so a HUGE thanks to e.l.f. for making that dream a reality!

This giveaway is my way of saying thank you for your support of this blog in 101 ways, as the retail value of this prize package is $101!!

(click to enlarge, again to magnify)

One VERY lucky winner will receive ALL of the following products (NOTE: all products are full-size and I have included links to each product for more information):

1) One each of the following new shades of e.l.f. Nail Polish (these shades are currently SOLD OUT on the e.l.f. website): Mint Cream, Smokey Brown, Desert Haze, Lilac

2) One each of the newest shades of e.l.f. Luscious Liquid Lipstick: Perfect Pink, Raspberry, Strawberry

3) One e.l.f. Train Case in burgundy

5) One each of ALL of the new shades of e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow: Golden, Caffeinated, Girly, Partier, Royal, Angelic, Trendy, Innocent, Enchanting

7) e.l.f. Waterproof Eyeliner Pen (one each of every shade): Coffee, Black, Midnight, Ash, Plum

8) e.l.f. Body Lotion (one each of all four new fragrances): Milk & Honey, Shea Butter, Cherry Berry, Candied Strawberry

And last but certainly not least:

9) e.l.f. 11 Piece Brush Collection (which includes my favorite e.l.f. brush of all time, the Small Smudge Brush. I use this brush for all of my gel liners and I would never part with it even if you paid me!). This brush collection alone is a $30 value so it's truly the icing on the cake!


1) This contest is open to residents of the continental US only, ages 18 and over (sponsor requirement). Void where prohibited.

2) To enter, leave a comment on this post and answer this question: Why do you read Nouveau Cheap?

3) You MUST leave your email address in your comment. If you do not leave your email address in your comment, you will be disqualified.

4) Additional entries: You may earn one additional entry if you follow this blog via Google Friend Connect. You may earn another additional entry (for a total of three entries) if you follow me on Twitter and tweet the following message:

Win a 29-piece e.l.f. Cosmetics beauty prize package from @nouveaucheap

5) Example of contest entry:
1) My answer to your question: XXX
2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is XXX. I tweeted about the giveaway
4) My email address is: XXX

6) This giveaway begins today, July 27th, and will end Monday, August 2nd, 2010 at 11:59PM Pacific. I will select a winner via's random number generator and notify the winner on Tuesday, August 3rd. The winner will then have 24 hours to respond. If the winner does not reply within 24 hours, he or she will forfeit the prizes and another winner will be selected. I will also announce the winner here on this blog, so if you do not receive my email , you can see if you have won by visiting my site on August 3rd.

Thank you so very much for all of your support over the last year an a half--I am so excited to see who wins! Best of luck to all of you! :)

Disclaimer: I have received several of the items mentioned in this post for review directly from e.l.f. cosmetics and have reviewed them on this blog. All reviews are the honest opinion of e.l.f. cosmetics is the sponsor of this giveaway and has not received any form of compensation whatsoever for hosting said giveaway.


  1. 1) My answer to your question: because I love getting heads up and reading reviews about beauty products in the drugstore that I love and use.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is hnjohnso. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: heathernjohnson at gmail dot com

  2. 1. My answer to your question is: Because your blog is awesome! I have found some great deals on drugstore make up that I normally wouldn't have bought(I usually use minerals that I purchase online.)
    2. I'm a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3. I don't even have a Twitter account! Now, if you were on Facebook, I would follow you!
    4. My email address is

  3. This is so exciting! It's awesome that you were able to team up with ELF for this giveaway.

    1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveau Cheap because it helps me find out about all the good deals and ways I can save money. I also never knew how to use coupons and where to look for them before starting to read your blog.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is /inhermakeupbag. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

    Thanks so much!

  4. 1.) I read NouveauCheap because while I am in grad school I am struggling financially, but I do not think that that warrants an inability to be stylish and chic. Nouveaucheap keeps me up to date with the latest offers, deals, and sites to help me keep my budget in check while indulging in the cosmetics that I love.
    2.) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3.) I follow you on Twitter and my twitter handle is stylemesilly. I tweeted about the giveaway.
    4.) My email address is

  5. Congratulations, G!
    I was thrilled to find Nouveau Cheap. I'm a bigtime drugstore m/u & np fan so I really appreciate the news & reviews you provide; also how I've learned so much abt online couponing!
    I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader.
    My email address is opponatrix at gmail dot com. Thanks for the opportunity :)

  6. 1) I follow because I love beauty product reviews, which you do often. :) I find them helpful when making my decisions.

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my twitter handle is soloensemble

    4) my email is

  7. 1) I read because I LOVE the drugstore reports about new products. Of course, I love the detailed reviews also. <3
    2) I follow via GFC.
    3) My e-mail is

    Congrats on the followers! You totally deserve it, bb. Your hard work is fabulous!


  8. 1) My answer to your question: I read NC because I love getting the update on when drugstore sales are going on, and I love seeing your haul posts, and how much you saved.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @integgy. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: lnhreads at yahoo dot com

  9. 1. i read and love your blog because i really appreciate your honest reviews. after all, it doesn't matter how affordable a product is if it sucks. you have helped to show all us penny-pinching, broke ass gals how to not give up the things we enjoy, and that saving money and being frugal is nothing to be ashamed of. its fun!

    it also doesn't hurt that you are hilarious.

    2. i am a follower via google friend connect.

    3. twitter frightens me.

    4. my email address is

  10. 1) I love getting information about new products as they hit the drugstore shelves and then reading reviews to find out whether they are worth getting. It also helps me find good deals.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    3) My email address is

  11. 1) My answer to your question: I love to hear about all the great deals out there!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    2) My email address is: cat dot barts at gmail dot com

  12. I read for the cheap beauty products because i don't like to spend too much on makeup.

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted about this at @hadleighstork.

    my email is :)

  13. Hi NC! I love this blog mainly for the beauty reviews and the vintage vault posts. I'm SO glad you do those!!

    I follow you on google reader.

    I follow you on Twitter. I am @Penny_Wyse on twitter, and I tweeted about your giveaway and linked to this post.

    My email is

  14. 1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveau Cheap DAILY because i love reading about real people finding real deals in stores i shop at. The reviews are very honest and helpful. Through this site, i have saved by buying dupes that you have found! Thanks for that! Not to mention it is very entertaining reading this blog!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    4) My email address

  15. holy cow! super giveaway.
    1) i read nouveau cheap for the reviews and great sale tips!
    2) i subscribe to your blog through google reader
    3) my email address is mmmanda at gmail dot com
    thanks for the chance!

  16. 1) I read your blog because I honestly have no idea where to find the best deals, until someone on the internet tells me. Sad? Maybe.

    2) I follow you via google connect.

    3) I follow you on twitter (AmandaxRenee) and I tweeted:


  17. I read your blog because I LOVE a great deal!
    My email address is

  18. 1) My answer to your question: I enjoy your posts, getting the 411 on new products/sales, and I love your reviews.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect- Indeed I am!
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is XXX. -sorry, no twitter account for me.
    4) My email address is:

  19. 1) My answer to your question: I'm such a total klutz at make-up, but I've learned so much through your blog. I love the swatches and detailed reviews. Plus, who cares if a certain shade just isn't me if I got it for such a great deal! Thank you for updating consistently and for enabling my nail polish addiction! hahaha

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is sweetlime. I tweeted about the giveaway.

    4) My email address is: skafunkmelt at hotmail dot com

  20. 1) My answer to your question: I read NC because I enjoy the thrill of a good deal and finding out about new beauty products. I have a busy life and you do all the legwork for me so that I know what to look for. :)

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is kittymcbee. I tweeted about the giveaway.

    4) My email address is:

  21. 1) I love a good deal, and I love to read reviews before I go spending!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) My email address is: psalm(dot)of(dot)

    What a tremendous giveaway! WOW.

  22. My answer to the question : I follow this blog because I love hearing about the good deals and all the fun new stuff you get! I love your reviews,swatches,and photos that you take at the store to show us exactly what the certain display looks like!!

    2) I am a follow through google friend connect

    3) I do follow you on twitter, my screen name is CoastiesWife2

    4)my email address is:

  23. 1. i love reading nouveau cheap because i can find out about awesome new stuff in stores (have been to 3 walgreens today in search of those jordana neon eyeliners!!) plus... i just love makeup, especially drugstore makeup!
    2. i am a follower via google friend connect
    3. i follow you on twitter -- my handle is texaspretty. i tweeted about the giveaway
    4) my email address is sjchao at gmail dot com

  24. 1) My answer to your question: I love reading NC because it shows me that you don't have to spend $50 dollars on makeup to get a good quality. Its also fun reading about bargains so that you know what drugstore to visit and what products you want to try.

    2) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is newtomakeup. I tweeted about the giveaway

    3) My email address is:

  25. 1.) I read NouveauCheap because I love a the hunt for a good deal!!! I love the fact that you give honest reviews!!!
    2.) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3.) I don't have a twitter account
    4.) My email address is

  26. 1) My answer to your question: I follow Nouveau Cheap because I love reading your reviews & awesome finds. I pick up some great makeup items at great prices thanks to you! I am a broke college student & i really appreciate all the great, cheap finds you post about! Thank you for your honest reviews/info & congratulations on the 1000+ followers! You are one of the great bloggers I look up to ^^

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is ticteuk. I tweeted about the giveaway here:

    4) My email address is: mizzqtpnai @

  27. 1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveaucheap because it is a convenient way of getting information about quality, drugstore cosmetics as well as reviews about town-reading nouveau sweet. Prevents me from spending a lot of time and money through trial and error purchases.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is kimchiextract. I tweeted about the giveaway

    4) My email address is: tray16/at/gmail/dot/com

    Read more:

  28. 1) My answer to your question: i love getting the inside scoop on exciting new drugstore products =]
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is cutegingerbread. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

    Read more:

  29. 1) My answer to your question: I love your blog! I have the same oily skin, and I really appreciate how your reviews help me discover beauty finds on a budget! (I'm currently loving the Physician's formula healthy skin) Thank you so much! :)
    2) My email address is

  30. 1. I love your blog, it is the very first thing i read when i go to my computer. You always have real reviews, especially of affordable cosmetics that of of can find in our areas. It's great to find out about new deals & steals going on!

    2. I'm a follower via email.

    3. I tweeted, iowagirl301.

    4. My email is

  31. 1) I LOVE Nouveau Cheap because it is right down my alley - I love cosmetics but only buy super inexpensive ones, and I've always been a drugstore shopper. My mom and I both agree it is our favorite blog and have done a lot of bonding by reading it together. (I'm 19 and live at home while attending online college)We also have boonded by going out to the drugstores and buying makeup using the deals you talk about here, and then coming home and swatching our new goodies while watching a lifetime movie :) It's been really amazing for me, because I suffer from a condition called Dysautonomia and going out to the drugstore is often the only time I get out of my house. Makeup has been such a fun way to get my mind off of my health while having fun and bonding with my mom.
    2) I follow you through google and blogger :)
    3) I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway using my name ChanShelly
    4) My email address is:

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. 1) My answer to your question: I love your blog because it gives me ideas for GOOD and inexpensive makeup to buy when I get the extra funds.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is dianek93. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: dianek93 (at)

  34. 1) I like to keep myself looking good on a budget, and though I am new to this blog you have great reviews and products that I may not normally try- but can get a heads up on their quality before I buy them!
    2) I am a follower via GFC.
    3) I follow on twitter. My twitter name is ellaanachronism. I tweeted the giveaway:
    4) my email is:

  35. 1) My answer to your question: I read because I do like to know about all of the good products that are out there and cheap, that I may not know about already.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    4) My email address is:

  36. I read your blog for everything I need to know going on in the drugstore world. And you are so witty and sweet, your blog is the first one I go to everyday to check on any updates or even love to read past blog posts! Your amazing and keep up the good work! :)

    I am a follower through Google friend connect.

    I follow you on twitter and my twitter handle is @aquaheart I tweeted about the giveaway.

    My e-mail address is: :)

  37. This is an AMAZING Giveaway!!!

    1) My answer to your question: I read your blog because I love inexpensive cosmetics, but I'm a sucker for advertising and I will buy almost anything without trying it and knowing the pros and cons. You try all the things I want to try, give me the pros and cons and really help me decide what works for me. Since reading your site I've found every drugstore makeup purchase has been one that is perfect for me!!!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is bisprettyinpink. I tweeted about the giveaway

    4) My email address is:

  38. 1) My answer to your question: Why do I read NouveauCheap? Because G, you're funny and informed! I never thought I could learn so much about coupons, sales and savings! I love drugstore makeup, and your reviews and pictures are so much help when I go shopping. I'm also a soon-to-be broke college student, so I figure, I should be saving where I can and your blog is amazing for that.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect!
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @dancer14927. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  39. 1) I follow because I've always believe in the potential of drugstore & more economical beauty products. Now that I'm unemployed your reviews make it easier to manage my beauty related budget.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is CallMeRox. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: fashiondyva at gmail dot com

  40. 1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveau Cheap because you're always so genuinely excited about everything, and it's really refreshing to see that kind of energy directed at drugstore products.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is pnclementine. I tweeted about the giveaway

    4) My email address is: p.n.clementine at gmail dot com

  41. 1) i read because i'm a poor college student and still want to look good! your site is so awesome at showing me coupons because i never knew where to look in the first thanks!
    2) I am a follower on gfc
    3) my email is

  42. 1) My answer to your question: I don't want to miss any of your posts because I LOVE a good (beauty)deal! Your email in the morning is like reading the newspaper is to some.

    2)I follow with GFC as well as by email subscription.

    3)I follow on Twitter and I'm 'KimberlyIsHere' Tweeted about your giveaway

    4)My email is: libbyspinkvanity at gmail dot com

  43. 1) i love your blog because i am cheap when it comes to beauty products and your blog helps me find the perfect deal (:

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) my twitter: kyungheeee
    i tweeted about your giveaway.


  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. 1) I follow your blog because i too believe in the philosophy of not having to spend a fortune to look great, and i love all the updates on new drugstore items.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    3) My email address is

  46. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I love getting a good deal. I also think inexpensive makeup can rival some high-end products.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) My e-mail adress is:

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  47. 1) I love your blog and honestly I read it because we have the same views of makeup and price. I dont have $40 for eyeshadow, and you help me find it for $4, haha! Your blog is my right hand lady =)
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect (Tattedsparkles)
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is TattedSparkles. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  48. 1. I really like to read reviews of products before I buy them, even if I am just paying drugstore prices. Also, I like the way you write.
    2. I am a Google Follower as of two minutes ago.
    3. I don't use Twitter.
    4. star.hopper27 AT gmail DOT com

  49. 1) My answer to your question: I love fashion/beauty, but I also love saving money, so this blog helps me to do that!
    2) I am a follower via Google Reader.
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is jnavarro84. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  50. 1) I follow Nouveau Cheap because I love a good beauty deal and drugstore cosmetics are often so. You've turned me on to so many great products-- I love the reviews! So helpful and just fun!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect (Ruby)
    3) I'm not on Twitter :(
    4) My email address is:

  51. 1)I read Nouveau Cheap because I love finding great cosmetic products at great prices, I also really enjoy Gianna's personal reviews and recommendations.
    2)I follow Nouveau Cheap via Google Friend Connect
    3)I don't have twitter but if i did i would follow you :)
    4)my email address is

  52. 1) I LOVE reading Nouveau Cheap because I love reading and knowing about makeup and beauty deals. Whenever I'm feeling down or sad, I read Nouveau Cheap and I get so absorbed reading about makeup that I forget about my troubles. Reading Nouveau Cheap makes me excited about makeup and lets me know which cosmetic items are good to buy and which ones aren't.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3) I follow you on Twitter but I don't have a Twitter handle.
    4) My email address is:

  53. 1.) I read Nouveau Cheap because I can always count on you informing me on products that I don't have to worry about spending a fortune on. I love the "ah ha" moments that I often have when reading Nouveau Cheap.

    2.) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3.) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter hand is @indulgenceiskey

    4.) My email address is

  54. 1. I follow your blog because it makes sense. I love beauty but I also love a deal. You bring two things I love most together! THanks for that!
    2. I am a follower on Google Friend Connect
    3. My email address is

  55. 1. I read Nouveau Cheap because I love getting the most up-to-date affordable beauty news!

    2. I am a follow via Google Friend Connect.

    3. I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is hlwood426. I tweeted about the giveaway.

    4. My email address is

  56. 1)I read Nouveau Cheap because this website gives me all the sales for drugstores and lower end makeup brands. Also provides me with money saving codes and ideas. I am a drugstore makeup junkie and this website tells me of the new products that will be available soon at my fave place to shop.
    2)I am a follower via GFC
    3)MY email: kimmydadiva_blog(at)yahoo(dot)com

  57. 1. My answer to your question: I can find out about amazing sales that I normally may not know about. I also get information on the latest cheap cosmetics, which is important to me as I am a college student in a tough economy. And I love reading reviews from a trusted source before making a purchase. Plus, your blog is the best out there!!
    2. I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3. I do not have a twitter.
    4. My email address is

  58. 1.) I read Nouveau Cheap because you give me the kind of information that will ACTUALLY help me save money with realistic tips and focus my time on resources on products that are actually what I want by providing fantastic, detailed reviews and swatched. I cannot justify paying top $$ for the HE stuff, which is what most other blogs care about, so while they are entertaining, they don't help me a whole lot. Plus you are about my age :) and I feel like we share similar sensibilities and preferences. I can totally relate to you and everything I read is extraordinarily helpful!! THANK YOU!

    2.) I am a follower via Google Reader.

    3.) I don't do Twitter. :(


  59. 1) I love feeling pretty, and you help me find products to do so without breaking the bank. I don't get to check out stores very often, so it's great for you to show new products and deals that I would miss.
    2) I follow with Google
    3) I don't do Twitter :(
    4) email address: twoamgoodbyes at yahoo dot com

  60. Congrats! =)

    1. I get to find out about the amazing deals that is going on or up coming sales, and coupons! Something you give us heads up about coupons. It's great!
    2. I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3. I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle may82may and I tweeted about the giveaway.
    4. my email is snowsunset(@)yahoo(dot)com

  61. 1) I read NC because I never knew how much great beauty stuff was available at my local drugstores! I've saved so much money and ended up with some great beauty supplies after I started following your blog. (My nail polish collection has also increased ten-fold, but that's another story...)
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is carolynell. I tweeted about the giveaway.
    4) My email address is: carolynell at gmail dot com

  62. 1) My answer to your question: I read/follow your blog because I love hearing and reading about great deals and honest reviews. I also enjoy looking at the pictures you post. Another plus is that you're in San Diego so even though the deals you post about could be countrywide, it is better for me since you are local. I don't know of many people from San Diego that do makeup/beauty/budget related blogs. I'm still young (just turned 20) but I do love a great sale and saving money!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) My email address is:

  63. 1.
    2. I follow with google reader
    3. I enjoy learning from u.....I never knewallthe other possibilities like ELF or coupons and sales@ rite aid
    I have always had to save up buy at mac or go to my near wart. Well not more I have learn lots from u. Never stop sharing

  64. 1. I read your blog for the in-depth reviews and hottest news about drugstore products! I'm a total drugstore junkie and love searching for that perfect product.
    lee period jiyun at gmail period com

  65. My answer to your question: I read this blog because I have a very tight budget and it certainly helps to have a helping hand in knowing what beauty products are excellent and which are "meh" I don't waste my money.

    My email address is:

  66. 1) My answer to your question: I love the way the website is set up as well as how the reviews are written. Your blog is clear and very informative.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I do not Twitter
    4) My email address is:

  67. My answer to your question:
    You do honest reviews on things I am interested in, and it makes it easier for me to decide what might work for me because we have the same eye color, skin tone and type.

    My email address is:

  68. 1) My answer to your question: I love drugstore makeup, but I hate wasting money on things because I couldn't test them! I love your descriptive reviews and tips on how to save money!!
    2) I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about the contest
    4) My email address is

  69. 1) Hi! I read NC because I'm always into knowing what cheap products work - and also what's on sale! It's nice to know about high-quality but affordable indulgences.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    4) My email address is: emilys at livejournal dot gmail dot com.

  70. 1) My answer to your question:
    I read/follow your blog because I enjoy deals and good reviews! You always provide a solid, balance review and I know I can count on finding out about the best sales around.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I don't Twit.
    4) My email address is: jules.noctambule at gmail dot com

  71. 1) my answer to your question: I love getting updates on new drugstore products, sales and swatches.
    I also really enjoy hearing about upcoming sales and coupons.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) my email address is:

  72. 1) My answer to your question: i follow you because i'm always looking for great deal for makeup
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect my name is lunasea85
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is lunasea85. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  73. This is such a nice giveaway! Thank you! :) I hadn't even seen the new elf nail polish shades, so cute.

    1. I read your blog because I love finding good deals. I'd love to wear Chanel every day of my life but I find it hard to buy a single high end lipstick when I could have 10 drugstore lipsticks for the same price. And you are super nice! :)

    2. I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    3. I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is lovelyandroid. I tweeted about the giveaway just now.

    4. My email address is:

  74. 1. The answer is because you have exquisite taste and always give us the earliest heads-up on beauty bargains! :)

    2. I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    3. I follow you on Twitter, and my Twitter handle is @Marmendy. I Tweeted about the giveaway!

    4. My email address is

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. 1. I read your fabulous blog because I am passionate about makeup, but not the price tags that higher end brands carry. Your blog is great for heads-ups about new products, and for somebody who isn't very coupon savvy like me you make it easy to score great deals. I love how you make makeup accessible for anyone! I search all over the blogosphere for a blog that can stack up to yours but I can't. And your product reviews are wonderful! Thank you, and congrats on the followers!
    2. My email address is savshu at Comcast dot net
    Thanks and congratulations!

  77. 1) While I love high-end products, I'm trying to make more budget-friendly purchases, and your product reviews and helpful advice has helped me save money. Thanks!
    2) I'm a follower through GFC under the name Kimber
    3) My email address is kirby.monk(at)gmail(dot)com

  78. 1) My answer to your question: You know about all the sales at drugstores...the ONLY place I shop,so I get a heads up about new things I might be interested in! Thanks!!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I do not have a twitter =(

    4) My email address is:

    Read more:

  79. 1) My answer to your question: I read your blog because I can't afford high end makeup and you help me make the best decisions when it comes to drugstore makeup and I feel like I can really get my money's worth with your recommendations.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is keepingheather. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

    Read more:

  80. 1.) I love your blog. Its my entertainment while I'm at work so I know what I can get after work!!! I really enjoy reading your thoughts on all sorts of beauty products so I can get a clue of whether I would like the product or not. I esp. enjoy those blog entries of yours describing great deals at the drugstore
    2.) My email address is:

  81. 1. I read your blog because I like your writing style and the content. There are a lot of blogs out there that do the same, but you're very personable and honest! And I thank you very much for that

    2. I follow via Google friend connect

    3. No twitter


  82. 1. I don't use Friend Connect, and nor do I have Twitter, but this blog is bookmarked! I follow this blog because it's like Walgreens, to me - my one-stop shop. :) I can get all the information on drugstore buys that I need before I head out to make a purchase. The reviews and hauls are just the best and there's some amazingly helpful links all around Nouveau Cheap. It's just a great blog, and that's all it takes for me to follow it.
    2. E-mail:

  83. 1) I think the original reason I started reading your blog was because I wanted more info on E.L.F. being available at Target! And I have been back at least once daily since then because I LOVE your blog! I love your style with it, and I just love all the information you always provide, and your blog is often how I find out about new products!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is icecoldjenny. I tweeted about the giveaway!

    (I have my tweets protected because of a previous issue I experienced, but I will totally allow you if necessary! :) I hope this is okay!)
    4) My email address is:

  84. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because you keep me updated on new drugstore beauty products and you have excellent reviews! I've found some really great stuff because of your blog. Thank you!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    4) kitsune820(at)gmail(dot)com

  85. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I love seeing new makeup displays and seeing reviews.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) No Twitter
    4) themonkrat at hotmail dot com

  86. Congrats, Gianna!!

    1) My answer to your question: You are my hero, I love your posts, I love getting the dibs on everything before I shop, and Mr. Gianna (LOL) is hilarious!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect. Of course! ;)
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @BGgals AND @Shelatat. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: shela(.)tat(@)gmnail

  87. 1. I read Nouveau Cheap because I'm a student on a budget who loves makeup, and though I often run to Sephora just to drool, I can't always justify dropping my money there. I love how frequently you post, and how you genuinely care about your readers' opinions. I also love your easy-going, conversational writing style! Some blogs have excellent content but the bloggers sound snobby or add lol to the end of every sentence... your blog is fun and easy to read!
    2. My email address is evanescentkitty at yahoo dot com
    Thanks! :)

  88. 1. I read Noveau Cheap because you keep me in the know of all the good discount and deals with some of the best products.
    2. I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3. I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @dimplesncurlsmu. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4. My email address is

  89. 1. I read Noveau Cheap because you keep me in the know of all the good discount and deals with some of the best products.
    2. I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3. I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @dimplesncurlsmu. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4. My email address is

  90. 1. I love the product reviews & your writing style. It's like a chat with a friend.
    2. I follow via Google Friend connect.
    3. My email is adani76 at aol dot com.

  91. I'm only seventeen. *sniff* It looks like a great giveaway... :(

  92. 1) My answer to your question: Why not? You give out coupons and show the most amazing sales. I loveee your site
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) no twitter =[
    4) My email address is:

  93. 1. I love reading about all the great budget-friendly beauty finds! After my SO got laid off over a year ago money has been really tight. Then I got laid off this past year and money has been practically nonexistent. It's nice that your blog helps me choose an inexpensive treat to enjoy every so often. :) I also really like your writing style. You're one of the most friendly and approachable bloggers I've "met" in the beauty blogosphere.

    2. I am a follower via GFC ;)

    3. I am on Twitter as @glossmenagerie and I tweeted about your contest. :)

    4. gloss.menagerie(at)

  94. I read Nouveau Cheap because I'm an old girl relearning about cosmetics. Also, I can't afford high end stuff. You give the best reviews and know where to find the best deals.

    I am a follower on google friend connect.

    My email is dmj618 at gmail dot com.

    (PS. You oughta see my latest haul. I spent less than $9, but found a whole bunch of Max Factor going for 10-25 cents each. You can get a ton of cosmetics with only $9 at those prices!)

  95. aww, no love for non-u.s. residents either? my heart breaks.

    well, can i answer the questions anyway? i could provide a u.s. mailing address.

    1-i read because when i did live in the u.s. i LOVED trying all the drugstore makeup brands and especially scoring awesome deals on clearance items. now that i don't live in the u.s., and there's nothing like that in china, i can still do it vicariously through your blog. sometimes the things you describe doing (driving around to various rite-aids just to get a particular thing) really reminds me of me.
    2-i follow via feedburner e-mail subscription
    3-my e-mail address: voodikon [AT] yahoo [DOT] com

  96. 1) My answer to your question: New product reviews and swatches - and also store sale information
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is CarlaMay815. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  97. 1) I just found this site through another blog link. I'm a makeup newbie so I shall have fun trying to learn things from here.
    2)I follow you on Twitter & my Twitter name is dreamgazer1985

  98. Oh I forgot, I also tweeted about the giveaway.

  99. I love Nouveau Cheap because I love deals and I love having the info on knowing where to get them! I especially love the side tabs for the drugstore blogs - I use those all the time.
    My email address is
    I do follow you through Google Friend Connect.
    This is an awesome giveaway!

  100. My answer to your question: I love makeup but just don't have the money to buy high end brands. This gives me a good idea of what is affordable that is out there.
    My email address is,

  101. 1) I follow your blog because I love deals and makeup and nail polish :) Plus you have such a friendly personality and I can't help but love reading what you write.
    2) I follow via Google Friend Connect

  102. 1) My answer to your question: to find out about drugstore specials

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    4) My email address is: peripatetic33athotmaildotcom

    thank you

  103. i love to read your blog because it helps me to keep up with the latest in fashion and beauty without breaking my bank balance :) keep up the good work!
    my email address is

  104. 1) My answer to your question: I love cosmetic porn, especially when I know that I'll be able to afford the goodies and you have awesome giveaways!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is THE REAL ANDRA. I tweeted about the giveaway.

    4) My email address is: andraruscoe at hotmail dot com

  105. 1) I read your blog because I enjoy your comments about tips,tricks and candid comments on makeup (love the vintage ones and photos of what the makeup/nail polish looks like on a real person!), great bargains and of course, your funny humor!
    2) I am not a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I do not follow you on Twitter - I do not have an account.
    4) My email address is:

  106. 1) My answer to your question: I follow this blog because I find it ridiculous to pay premium prices for make-up when drugstores have fairly comparable products at a fraction of the cost. Your reviews help immensely!
    2) My email address is: niftyfoodie at gmail dot com

  107. I read Nouveau Cheap because I enjoy reading your honest reviews of Drug Store products and I love your personality.
    I follow you on Twitter @slgkag
    I read your blog everyday! I look forward to it in my e-mail everyday! I follow via Google Friend Connect.
    My e-mail address is

  108. I read your blog because I love to look good but can't work outside the home so I'm on a tight budget. Your blog helps to give me a heads up on great deals.

    My email address is: trying2help at ymail dot com

  109. 1) I love your witty writing style and the valuable information you provide. You are personable and honest. You sort through the masses of products and steer me in the right direction. Thank you for all your work and this great giveaway.

    2) I follow your blog on Google.

    3) I follow you on Twiter.

  110. Hi =) I love your blog and I am a loyal reader because I absolutely love your product reviews, you take awesome pictures, and I like your writing style.

    I follow you via Google Friend Connect. I follow you on Twitter and tweeted your message about the contest.

    My email is

    Thanks for the chance to enter such an awesome contest and congrats on 1000 followers!

  111. I love to read your blog because you show that beauty doesn't have to be expensive. You are my source for information on cosmetics sales and reviews.


  112. I read Nouveau Cheap because it gives me great info on all the new collections that are out at the drugstore as well as what deals are going on that week. It's so helpful!

  113. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I love the product reviews; I always look up products before I purchase to see what other people think about it, and I love your blog in particular!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    4) My email address is:

  114. 1) My answer to your question: I mainly use drug store makeup and I can visit your blog on any given day and see that you've found great new products. You also have great advice. I really enjoy it.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @staylee

    4) My email address is:

  115. 1) My answer to your question: I read because I am always looking for good beauty deals and I love the reviews!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is muppetmusic. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  116. 1. My answer to your question is: I love drugstore finds and saving myself money! I want to save for a house :)
    2. I am not a follower on Google Friend Connect... it's blocked at work where I usually read my blogs. :(
    3. No Twitter account here. Boo!
    4. My email address is

  117. 1) My answer to your question... I read because I appreciate that you post about drugstore brands, new displays in stores, and I really like seeing the old products you found in that box! haha :)
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @mbgblog. I tweeted about the giveaway here -
    4) My email address is: daniellebrookenichols at gmail dot come

  118. I read Noveau Cheap because being in graduate school and perpetually broke doesn't mean I can't still indulge my makeup obsession without breaking the bank! I am a follower via Google Friend Connect. My email address is

  119. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap for the heads-up on new and interesting products and sales, and I like how your personality comes across each post. I found your blog when I was searching for Aromaleigh reviews for my last order, so you've definitely helped ease the pain of their closing.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @jessimiller. I tweeted about the giveaway!
    4) My email address is:

  120. 1) I read nouveau cheap because the entries are interesting to read and are more than just product reviews. they keep my interest and give me ideas to apply to my own beauty habits.
    2) I am a follower via google friend connect.
    3) my email address is:

  121. 1) I read your blog because it helps me when it comes to saving money. I have probably visted the local drugstores more times since I've started reading your blog than all the times combined before! Instead of spending a fortune on items I end up saving a fortune! I also always check to see if you have reviewed an item that other bloggers haven't. Nine times out of ten you have, and it always helps in my decision of "to buy or not to buy". No doubt I owe you a huge THANK YOU!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) My email address is:
    ashley_c_014@hotmail dot com

  122. 1) I read Noveaucheap regularly because it gives me up to date deals going on at local drugstores and coupon deals I never knew existed. I love all the excitement that you show in each blog post.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is LTee16. I tweeted about the giveaway

    4) My email address is: lady dot tee16 @ yahoo dot com

  123. 1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveau Cheap because I, like all of your readers, LOVE getting good bargains on makeup and beauty products, and over the time that I've been reading your blog, I've really enjoyed it because of the "voice" you write in, so pleasant and happy, and you are always so nice to everyone! :)

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is Laceescapades. I tweeted about the giveaway

    4) My email address is:

  124. 1. I read Nouveau Cheap because i love the reviews of drugstore products and a heads up on various sales and promotions different places are doing.
    2. I am a follower via google friend connect.
    3. I don't tweet.
    4. My email is gnabeana at gmail dot com

  125. 1) Because you're the best *around* and nothing's gonna ever keep you down! And because your reviews and sales tips are priceless. During that whole CVS clearance - that I only knew about from your blog - I got around $200 bucks or better worth of makeup for like $40.
    2) email addy is

  126. 1. My answer to your question: Once upon a time I only used department store/Sephora cosmetic brands. Then again, once upon a time my income allowed for this. Now I'm a returning student in a grad program, so my income is not what it used to be. I'm makeup and toiletry obsessed, so I started using more drugstore brands just by cost necessity. The up-sides--sale prices/BOGOs, coupons, good value and some surprisingly excellent products! The down-sides--not knowing what you're getting, frequent disappointments in color match/quality, and not being able to return products I've tried.

    I've been reading your website everyday for about 8 months now. Your reviews, bargain alerts, and dupe reports have been extraordinarily helpful and informing, and make me feel less alone in my quest to pay less and still look good!
    2. Sorry, I'm not on Google Friend Connect
    3. Sorry, I don't tweet either. I'm technically behind the times.
    4. But, I DO have an email address:

  127. 1. I read this blog because most of the time, I'm going to be wearing drugstore brands of cosmetics, and I want to know what works, and what doesn't.
    2. I follow via GFC
    3. email address is

  128. 1) I read your blog because I love great makeup as much as I love getting a great deal, and I don't see why I can't get both! Also, your site has exposed me to new brands & products that I perhaps would've never tried otherwise.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is Mimsy_Borogove. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  129. 1)i read nouveau cheap because i know i can find good products without paying up the booty for department store stuff.
    2)i am following via google friend connect
    4)my email is

  130. 1) I read your blog because I love hearing about new affordable make-up that I otherwise would have just passed over in the store.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3) My email address is:

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. 1. I really don't know how to answer this question... I LOVE your blog and have read every single review from lipstains to dry shampoos to ped eggs! I guess the reason I read this blog is because you always give me the heads up for great deals, you show me amazing beauty product that can match department store brands, and you give quality reviews on products i like to know about
    2. I just became a follower via friend connect... not just because of the giveaway (but that certainly had a part in it =]) but because this inspired me to finally do it, which ive been wwanting to for a looooooong time
    3. I don't tweet
    4. my email is aveshu at comcast dot net

  133. 1. My answer: I love Nouveau Cheap because you are always honest in your reviews!
    2.I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3. I follow you on Twitter, I'm @erinmichele819
    4. My email is

  134. 1. Because your blog is easy to read and I love the great bargains! Also because you are a sweet and funny person. :)

    2. I am a follower via GFC.


  135. I love Nouveau Cheap because I am a make up junkie! I have a limited budget, so catching up on all the deals really helps me out.

    2. I don't have Google Friend Connect. : (
    3. I do follow you on Twitter. My twitter handle is @jennshelley.
    4. My email address is jennshelley at charter dot net.

  136. 1) I read it because I love to hear about great deals and great drugstore products!
    2) I am a follower on Google Friend Connect.
    3) I don't have Twitter.
    4) email is

  137. -My answer to your question: I love your blog because you are the real deal: an excellent researcher and true lover of budget-friendly beauty stuff!
    -My email address is:

  138. I- I follow your blog because I love that you really know your brands, and can clue us in on awesome dupes. I also love products and don't have a lot of cash so I like knowing whats worth my heard earned dollars and what to avoid. Thanks and keep it up!

    My email is shayalikespink at gmail dot com

  139. 1) I read because you always have the BEST deals on makeup. I'm a devoted discount diva and I love that you are too!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3)My email address is allymooney919 at yahoo dot com

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. I read your blog because I love seeing the reviews & swatches.

    Hearing about the deals is really awesome & helps me find the best deals myself!

    my email address:

  142. 1) I read your blog because I enjoy that you post entries on saving money/great deals on cosmetic related items (it's like killing two birds with one stone for me!)

    2) My email address is

  143. 1) I love seeing reviews of less expensive products than you see on a lot of the other beauty blogs.
    2) I follow via Google Friend Connect.
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is himeykitty. I tweeted about the giveaway.
    4) My email address is himeykitty at gmail dot com.

  144. 1) I read your blog because I'm broke(LOL), and can't even afford all the drug store make-up I want. So I love reading your informative posts, and sale notices. They help me out a lot, and your just fun to read even when I'm not buying anything.

    2) I follow you on Google Friend Connect.


    4) My email address is: Rubia0001@gmail(dot)com

  145. I love elf!
    1) I love to read Nouveau Cheap b/c your reviews are great and they are mostly products I would buy since they are pretty inexpensive.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) My email address is:

  146. 1) My answer to your question: I love your reviews (although I am not as big of a fan of the collages, and have been meaning to give you that feedback)
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) sorry, I don't retweet these no matter how cool the prize is
    4) My email address is: nortonATmaigreyDOTnet

  147. 1) My answer to your question: Because I love saving money on products I'm going to purchase anyway.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is meiambriz. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:


  148. 1. I read because love your honest reviews and photos which are insanely helpful for deciding if I want a product or not. Always looking out for good deals and dupes. Thank you for sharing your insight!

    2. My email address is

  149. Thanks for the giveaway G!
    1. I read your blog because it makes me smile! I love drugstore products and I love the way that you review them for us to take the guesswork out of what to buy!
    2. My email is

  150. 1) I started following you a couple of months ago because you have a great eye for beauty bargains like myself! I know I can always count on you for up to date info on sales and reviews! Thanks doll!
    2) I'm a follower on google friend

  151. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I am going back to school and am wanting to put my best "look" forward without breaking my limited student's bank. Looking good helps my confidence and makes me less nervous about starting a new adventure!
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is gingermatcha. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. 1) My answer to your question is that I value your honest opionion regarding affordable beauty products.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is workgrandma. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: kimberly.reuter (at)

  154. 1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveau Cheap for your product reviews and to get the scoop on all the latest in-store sales. After following your blog I have become an official "bargain hunter" and I save loads! Thank you.
    2) I am a follower via: Google Friend Connect
    3) My email address is:

  155. 1) My answer to your question: because I love learning I can have look good with drugstore products and save money on already reasonable priced makeup!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3) I don'd have a twitter.
    4) My email address is:

  156. 1) My answer to your question: I love finding out about good deals on drug store make up. I am also just getting into using coupons, so the cheaper the better!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is smarifa. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

    Read more:

  157. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I love reading the reviews and tips on affordable make-up! This blog is my favorite!
    2) I am a follow via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is tiffanyrose519. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  158. 1. I follow you because you post great makeup deals.
    2.I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3. no twitter =/
    4. My email address is:

  159. 1) My answer to your question: I read your blog because I just love finding good affordable products! It definitely don't need highend or expensive makeup to achieve great looks.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is crashingg. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  160. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I love reading the reviews and tips on affordable make-up! I pretty much only buy drug store makeup I know you've reviewed!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is MissSpatty. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  161. 1. I read Nouveau Cheap because it's great to find a blog that has so many inexpensive product reviews, and even better to find one that has ONLY inexpensive product reviews. You also always seem really nice and get excited about products, so that's really fun. I also love it when you respond to my comments.

    2. I am a follower via google friend connect.

    3. I follow you on twitter. My username is hanaoneesama. I did tweet about the giveaway.

    4. My email address is hana.onee.sama[at]gmail[dot]com

  162. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I have found out about so many wonderful things, and honestly, you cheer me up every afternoon! Thank you!
    2) I am a follower through Google Friend Connect.

    4) My email address is

  163. 1. I read Nouveau Cheap because I love the fact I can easily afford the things you review, I get a heads up on sales and your blog is fun to read!
    2. I follow via Google Friend Connect
    3. My addy is asweetp2 at yahoo dot com

  164. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because I love the swatches and reviews on drugstore products. Definitely can't afford to buy expensive makeup with my small budget, so thanks for your thoughts!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.
    3) I don't have a Twitter account :(
    4) krazieredchik AT gmail DOT com

  165. 1) My answer to your question: I love reading about coupons and sales. And I LOVE reading about your amazing trips to CVS where you make out like a bandit!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is brittany_stubbs. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  166. 1) I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and love that you focus on drug store items! Love MAC but there is no way I can afford it!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

    3) Wish I had time for twitter!

    4) My email address is:

    Fingers crossed!

  167. 1) i stop by everyday because i love hearing about the latest drug store items and more important bargins.

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) My email address is:

  168. Do we comment again if we get a second entry? Again, I love your blog! I started painting my nails again because of you.

    I am a follower on Google Friend Connect.

    I do not use Twitter.

    My email is star.hopper27 AT gmail DOT com

  169. I've always been a big makeup nerd, but I don't currently have the budget for all the pretty glossy pics of high-end products I see elsewhere. Looking at some of the other blogs that feature high-end brands is more of a look-but-don't-touch thing for me - I love drooling over the pictures but very rarely go out and buy makeup over $20.

    It was so refreshing to find your blog! I love how you keep us in the loop about all the new collections and provide swatches - something very valuable when it comes to untestable drugstore items. I can actually get excited about the products on your blog and act on that excitement!

    You also have a great personality, it really comes through in your writing. Your posts are just a pleasure to read, and I can always count on at least one blog update daily.

    Yours is one of the two makeup blogs that I make sure to check EVERY day when I have a free moment.

    Keep up the great work! You are much appreciated!

  170. Oh, and my email is!

  171. 1) My answer to your question: because I love getting information about new products as they hit the drugstore shelves and then reading reviews to find out whether they are worth getting. It also helps me find good deals.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is christy1531. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is

  172. 1) My answer to your question: I love our blog because its keep me updated on good deals and newest products and also because I love ELF, I found you cause i was looking for an ELF review.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is christaddei. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is

  173. 1. My answer to your question: I love your blog a lot because you constantly updated your blog with sales and new lines of cosmetic, reviews and great swatches. You blog is easy to access and I can easily find what I need. Moreover,you help me save money since you have give me ideas of how a product would be like before I buy it.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is ngocupham. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is

  174. 1) My answer to your question: I love reading your blog because I love learning about drugstore makeup that is affordable and of great quality!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is gracewong1. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  175. 1) My answer to your question: because i think you are genuine, honest, funny, beautiful, and have an informative blog :)
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect - YAY!
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is kelliegonzo. I tweeted about the giveaway:
    4) My email address is:

    love ya G!

  176. 1) My answer to your question: because you enable my drugstore nail polish addiction -- an addiction I have no desire to overcome.
    2) I am a follower via GFC
    4) My email is fennelbat-at-gmail-dot-com

  177. 1) My answer to your question: Because I love your thorough reviews and you really are so dedicated to beauty on a budget :)
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    4) My email address is:

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. 1.) I read Nouveau Cheap because I am tired of all the beauty blogs that ONLY show/use products that are in an unrealistic price range for most people. Additionally, I love the way you present the product (your humor is also a plus!)
    2.) I don't know what Google Friend Connect is.
    3.) I don't use Twitter.
    4.) My e-mail alicenseason AT gmail dot com

  180. 1) My answer to your question: You always have good info on deals.
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my ID is sparklemidori. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is:

  181. tweeted.

  182. I follow NC because I need all the discount beauty tips I can get! Plus most beauty bloggers tend to review/swatch only department store/high end products, which is nice, but limited. I don't limit my stash to a certain "caliber" of product. I use what works and what is of good quality, regardless of if it is drugstore or high end. That's why I like your blog. :)

    My email is

  183. 1) My answer to your question: I read Nouveau Cheap because I feel that whenever I'm in a drugstore I spend hours just looking at the makeup, wondering which will actually work for what I want. I really like that you do drugstore stuff, because most bloggers only do high-end reviews, and as a college student I personally can't afford to buy high-end makeup. Plus, when I buy the cheaper stuff I've found that with my extra money, I can buy more things I want!

    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) My email address is:

  184. 1. I read because I love to hear what you have to say. I trust and value your opinion and you are so sweet! I love to drugstore shop and this is the site I check many times a are wonderful!

    2. Follower via google

    3.Follow on twitter and tweeted @spifftiff88


  185. I read because I like to hear about other products besides the super expensive ones, and also your swatches are amazing.

    I just read your blog, and I dont have a twitter.

    amatrix_fetisha at yahoo dot com

    Thanks! :D

  186. 1) I love reading your blog because you post updates on drugstores and awesome deals. Also you're an all around sweet person. :D
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect: JammingJen
    3) I don't have a twitter. :[
    4) My email address is:

    thanks for hosting this giveaway and congrats on all the followers! :D

  187. 1) I follow your blog because being a student, I am on a budget and its always great to see swatches of drugstore products that I'm interested in buying, especially since you can't swatch them at the store.

    2) I follow via Google Friend Connect


    4) my email address is

  188. Answer to question: I like reading about deals on beauty products. Thanks for the chance!!
    smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com

  189. 1) I read your blog because I love the coupon posts.

  190. 1) My answer to your question: I love reading your posts because not only do I love frugal beauty, but you have such a passion and commitment to your readers, it makes your blog very personal and inviting!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is chuchumeister. I tweeted about the giveaway here:
    4) My email address is:

  191. 1)My answer to your question: I'm a newbie to makeup and I found your blog while looking for affordable makeup options. I love coming to your blog everyday and checking out your reviews and getting heads up on deals and coupons. The blog has inspired me to start using coupons and has made me realize that most of the time drugstore items are as good as some of the high end products.

    2 I am a follower via Google Friend Connect

    3) My email address is:

  192. 1) My answer to your question: We have the same tastes in beauty products (inexpensive). And I'm addicted to nail polish!
    2) I am a follower via Google Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is lorrainechew. I tweeted about the giveaway
    4) My email address is: lorraine.chew at gmail dot com

  193. I like quality products but do not want to pay full


  194. I love reading the reviews on the beauty products.

  195. 1) I read Nouveau Cheap because you guys introduce me to some great new products but are mindful of budget constraints! I know I'm getting my bang for my buck when I buy products you recommend.
    2) I am a follower on Good Friend Connect
    3) I follow you on Twitter and my Twitter handle is @AmberGoo and I tweeted about the giveaway:
    4) My email is hurdler4eva(at)gmail(dot)com

  196. 1. I love getting great deals and bargins and your site points me in the right direction for those deals.
    2. I'm a google follower (rickpeggysmith
    3. Twitter follower (peg42) and tweeted:
    4. My email is:

    Thanks so much

  197. 1. I love reading Nouveau Cheap because I love drugstore makeup and I love the witty tone of the articles. Entertaining and informative!

    2. I am a follower via Google Reader.

    3. I follow you on twitter and my twitter handle is @sarahetc. I tweeted about the giveaway.

    4. My email address is

  198. 1. I read Nouveau Cheap for information given in reviews. Find out what other people are interested in as far as beauty supply.

    2, follow via google friend
    waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com

  199. 1] I adore your blog. I love how honest you are in every review, how entertaining each post is, and how you genuinely care about your readers. You take the time to try to reply to all comments. As a fellow blogger, I appreciate that because I know how overwhelming blogs can be =]


  200. 2] I follow you on Google Friend Connect.



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