Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A quick note about comments...

Hello there, my lovely readers! I wanted to take just a minute to let you know what's been going on with me lately. Things have been really hectic in my "real life" over the past few weeks. Mr. R just got back from a trip to the midwest and, well, you know how it is when a loved one is gone and then comes back. I want to devote every single minute I have to him right now when I'm not fullfilling work or other family obligations.  But unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day, and something has to suffer. At this time, the thing that's suffering is my response to comments. 

I value and treasure the comments you leave on this blog, and I would never want you to feel like it's a waste of time to comment here.  Like many of you, I love bloggers who respond to comments. Whenever I have something to say to a blogger, it's because I feel like I connect with them and I value their opinions (and I just like talking to them). It's frustrating sometimes when I leave a question on a blog and never receive a response, and I never, ever wanted it to be like that on my own blog. So you can imagine how frustrating it has been for me over the past week to not have a chance to respond to you.

I have always made it a priority to post content that I think is valuable (or at least interesting) and that's still my number one goal.  When things calm down a bit here, I will definitely return to responding to comments on a regular basis. Promise!

Until then, please know that I do read each and every comment, and it's always the highlight of my day when I see that a new, awesome comment has been posted.  And so many of you leave comments that are helpful to not just me, but to all of my readers! That happens 99% of the time here, because you all are so amazingly knowledgeable and have such great information to share with the rest of us. I swear I have the best readers in the world! 

Which reminds me, if you haven't checked out my "Great deals spotted by you" page lately (link above), it's a must-read! I am GRATEFUL for all of your wonderful, helpful comments on that page and I hope that you will continue to contribute there.  I often want to post a comment on that page just to thank you for YOUR comment, but I told myself I would not clog up that page by leaving "thank you" comments.  So if you have taken time out of your day to post about a great deal on that page, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You may not realize it, but you are helping SO MANY OF US, and I gaurantee that several readers have taken advantage of the deals you've posted. I know it because I get emails from readers all the time telling me that they saw a great deal on that page that helped them score some beauty products for next to nothing. How awesome is that? :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and I promise things will be back to normal eventually.  Until then, thanks for your patience and for hanging in there! And please keep the comments coming, OK? This blog would really suck without you.

R. xo


  1. Totally understand!!

    I have similar challenges. While I read all comments, I have a hard time responding to all comments -- I try to as much as possible but like you said, there are only so many hours in a day.

    When I do post a comment and the blogger responds, it's always a bit of a thrill and agree it's a great connection.


  2. No need for apologies!!! Real life is #1 priority :).

    I really appreciate you as a blogger. You are the first blogger I encountered when I first started reading blogs who I felt really acknowledged and went out of their way to appreciate their readers. You have a real genuine nature. That's why you have so many avid followers and fans!

    No worries you are still loved! <3

  3. I am new to your blog (I stumbled upon it when searching for reviews on E.L.F products). I just wanted to say that I am definitely loving it! I'm sure that your long-time readers are understanding; your personal life should always be priority.

    I hardly comment on blogs so I guess I never have had expectations about a blogger being able to respond to each person. I think it is so sweet of you to be so concerned about it and do a post!

    Anyway, long-winded comment but I look forward to your future posts. =]

    P.S. Is it pathetic I almost started crying at that image of the puppy saying 'sorry?' I must be horribly hormonal or something, haha!

  4. The doggie pic made me go awwwww ;) Shocking right? :D


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