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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

UPDATE: Sinful Colors Coupon

Update: I know that so many of you were excited about this 99-cent sale for Sinful Colors that started today at Walgreens. But thanks to so many of your comments here and on twitter, I've come to realize that what I thought was a nation-wide sale, apparently is only going on at select Walgreens locations. As I write this, it seems that about 50% of you have found the sale to be going on in your towns, while the other 50% of you have said that your Walgreens location is not promoting this sale (i.e. there are no special circulars in-store).

Even though the coupon in question (which I previously posted a link to on THIS post, and also tweeted about) does NOT state that it's only valid at certain locations, I don't feel comfortable posting the link now that I know that not EVERY Walgreens is participating in this sale. So I've taken it down.

Basically what I'm saying is, if your Walgreens is participating in the sale, you'll be able to find the circular either in-store in your local newspapers. And if you can't find it in-store or in your town, then your Walgreens locations are probably not taking part in this sale.

I'm sure there are tons of other places where you can find this printable coupon online, so it's not like I was your only source for it. I just cannot, and will not, ever post anything here that might potentially cause any headaches for store employees at ANY Walgreens location. I respect store employees too much to ever do that. So if you've used the coupon at your local Walgreens and they've accepted it, great. If they haven't accepted it, then that means they are not taking part in this sale, and well, that's that.

I hope you all understand my decision to remove the link. I posted it in good faith, believing that this sale was going on across the nation. Now that I know it's not, it just makes sense to me to remove it. I always like to keep in mind that coupons are a privilege, not a right, and I'm sure you all agree with me there.

If you've got any comments or questions, as always, leave them below. And thanks so much for your understanding!



  1. I printed out 3 so I can go to all the Walgreens around me lol

  2. Ah! Thanks for this! I LOVE Sinful Colors!

  3. I was just at my Wags, and I did not see the circular in store! I was shocked, but luckily I printed out the coupon beforehand. Also, there were no signs or anything that the polish was on sale. It says limit 3, but my cashier gave me my coupon back "just in case I wanted to get more," so I will def be going back before the sale is over!

    Some things I noticed on clearance - various Burt's Bees items, L'Oreal HIP items, Revlon lip glosses, and Nivea lipgloss (I think only the red color is clearanced)

    **The HIP and Revlon glosses are the same ones that are on clearance at CVS, and they are cheaper at CVS

    Happy bargain shopping :)

  4. Bummer I went yesterday! Maybe I'll go again. :)
    I'm not sure who has or hasn't entered BUT I'm having a brand new giveaway on my blog.

  5. I just came back from using the coupon that I printed online. I had some trouble with using the coupon because the SC promotion wasn't in their system. Eventually, the assistant store manager entered in the price so I did end up getting the deal. But I'm not going to try again for more polishes. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the sale may not work.
    FYI: I am from the Riverside, CA area and I bought San Francisco (for a friend) and Love Nails.

  6. Not only did I find the circular in question at one of my local Wags (haven't been to my usual one yet), the beauty SA actually pointed it out to me in a helpful and friendly manner! I found the circular on the normal circular stand, but it was on the top section (the section where the monthly coupon booklet holders are attached), with the regular weekly flyer stored in the bottom section of the stand. I don't know if other Wags have their stand set up similarly, but if they do, I hope that info helps someone find the coupon!

  7. I didn't even look for a coupon book since I printed one, but it didn't work at my store either. The cashier ended up having to override the price.

    I got Easy Going, See You Soon, and Feeling Great.

  8. I went to two different Walgreens in the NY metro area this morning and was told by the managers there that those particular stores weren't running the 4-day sale. The special ad wasn't in-store and it wasn't available online for my zip code either.

    I wonder if they'll accept the coupon you linked in your blog post. I noticed it came from a NJ store circular.

  9. Hey ladies,

    Thanks for all of your helpful comments. Apparently this is NOT a nation-wide sale. I am so so sorry I didn't know this before I posted that link, but now that I know, I have decided to pull the link from my blog.

    But just to be clear, nowhere on that coupon does it say anything like "valid only at participating locations", so if you used it at a store that was not participating in this sale, it appears that they're honoring it. I just would never want to cause any potential headaches for store employees, so that's why I pulled the link.

    I hope you all understand, and congrats to those of you who live in areas with stores that are participating in this sale! It's a GREAT sale and there are lots of wonderful deals going on!

    R. xo

  10. I just saw the ad in the paper and I got my 3 nail polish for 99 cents each. Thank you so much for the heads up :D

  11. Diana: Lucky you!!! I'm so glad you were able to find the ad in your local paper and take advantage of this sale! What shades did ya get? :)

  12. Blogger is not letting me post this on your latest post about Confetti polishes, so I thought I'd toss it here... I saw the Confetti display at my usual CVS on my outing Sunday, but... I don't know, something about the polishes left me saying "meh". I know they're dirt cheap to begin with, but I think I'll wait for a sale to try them.
    I have another question for you: During my visit to Wags today, I saw a new WnW display; it may be a replacement for the display that held the 3 for $2 promotions (we had those displays in this are, but without the promotion. Crazy!). I didn't have too much time to look at it, but I did notice that this new display has eyeliners, eyeshadow crayons in 4 shades (black, navyish blue, green, nude), 6 eyeshadow singles (including Envy), some MegaLast nail polishes that I *think* may be LE's, and a set of Craze polishes that I think are also LE's, as these are named after television shows (How I Met Your Magenta, Teal or No Teal, Saved By the Blue, buffy the Violet Slayer, Gray's Anatomy, The Gold and the Beautiful all being names I recall off the top of my head); I think one or two may be rebottlings of the summer LE's (which I have not found anywhere, so I cannot compare). There were no Wild Shine polishes, and I'm pretty sure there were no lipglosses. Have you seen this display, and if so, do you know which products are LE and which ones are not?

  13. Works in the Miami, FL area! Thanks for the heads up.

    For a quick check of your area you can enter your zip code on the website. I found the coupon listed in the "featured" ad, not the weekly ad.

  14. The two Walgreens closest to me don't even carry Sinful Colors. Kind of a letdown. :(

  15. Thank goodness I brought my coupon with me! I wish I'd printed a second one though, because I took my mother with me, hoping that we could get 6 polishes, but upon absolutely scouring the circular for the coupon, we couldn't find it at all, so I ended up with just the three (Love Nails, You Just Wait, and Mint Apple). Wish I'd gotten San Fransisco instead of Love Nails, but eh, oh well. However, the person at the register did honor the coupon, but I felt bad, because she had to put in all the prices manually, and called a manager over to figure out the coupon. >.<

  16. I stopped in two different Walgreens today. Both of them had the coupon at the beauty counter. I didn't even need to use mine!
    So if you missed the circular, don't have a printer or you want more that the 3 limit on the coupon- try asking an employee. :)


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