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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spotted at Dollar Tree...

A big thanks to one of my lovely Twitter followers for the heads-up on this one!

Maybelline Expert Eye Eyeshadow Singles in tons of different shades!

It looks like Dollar Tree has gotten a large stash of Expert Eye eyeshadow singles recently in colors like green, teal, brown, peach, silver, purple, white, etc.  If you're a fan of these singles, definitely stop by your nearest Dollar Tree and see if you can find these.  This is a great deal since the retail price of these at most drugstores is $3.49 each. 

If you saw my review on these (click here if you missed it) you know that I was pleasantly surprised by the singles that say "New Formula" on the front.  I couldn't spot any singles at Dollar Tree that said "New Formula" so I'm guessing they're getting rid of these old-formula singles in favor of the new ones. BUT, if you have used the old formula and like it, then now's your chance to stock up. I don't have much experience with the old formula, but maybe there are some hidden gems here (if you know of any, definitely leave a comment and let us know!).

Happy hunting!


  1. Glad you found them. I was pretty bad, I picked up 10 of them. I swatched them all and was presently suprised at the color payoff on all of them.

  2. I picked about a million of these. Another thing that are at my Dollar Tree right now are Almay Pure Blends foundation (it's the 97.4% natural one), and I saw every color from the lightest to the darkest that I'm aware of. I love it, for the days I don't want a lot of coverage, because it's pretty sheer. But it is totally worth $1.

  3. Pretty colors! Too bad I'm far from dollar tree.

  4. OH! I forgot, I also saw Sally Hansen Line Smoothing Mineral Lip Treatment, and Sally Hansen Diamond Lip Treatment. I can't think of anything else right now but if I do I'll probably post again. LOL

  5. oooh I spotted this at my Dollar Tree this week too. I should have pick it up, but I feel so bad for spending money. I ended up not getting any thing on the cosmet section. Man I know they are going out fast. I hope it will be there next week. There are a lot of the Mineralized E/S from L.A color too. I been wanting to pick them up. Still have to wait. Um I will probably get some single E/S from Maybelline. There are tons of other products in stock, but I am not exactly know the names. I love my dollar tree!!!

  6. The Maybelline e/s haven't popped up at my DT yet but I spotted the Almay Pure Blends foundation there. I was going to buy one but when I grabbed the tube on the rack, it made a crunching noise. I gave it a firmer squeeze...actually I gave a few tubes a squeeze...and all the foundation tubes made a gravelly, crunching noise, and they all felt semi-hard. I'm not sure if they're supposed to be that way or if they've gone bad. I decided to pass on the Almay, but I picked up some more Sally Hansen Natural Butter Lip Shines and Lacquer Shines.

  7. I bought a couple of the foundations, and so did my sister, and neither of us had a problem. I just picked up one that I hadn't taken the plastic off of and squeezed it and it made a sort of crunchy noise, maybe that was what you heard?

  8. I've spotted a few old sally hanson polishes at my dollar tree.

  9. I found these at my Big Lots for $1 each too! I was SO excited!!!

  10. I hate my Dollar Tree, they never have anything! I went last week and all they had were 2 bottles of LA Colors black nail polish. That's it! I was sad :(

  11. geckogal,
    no, it felt really weird, too, like a big, bumpy solid block of something. The whole tube was rather hard, and when I squeezed the tube I could hear and feel the solid block cracking apart inside into smaller chunks and pieces. It reminded me of those instant cold/heat packs, the kind with the crystals inside.

  12. ilovesoap: Thanks again for this fantastic heads-up!! You're the best!

    geckogal: Wow, you scored! Thanks for the tip about that foundation and the glosses! :)

    PCS: Awww, that sucks. In SD there seems to be a DT on every corner. I guess it's not the same in LA? :(

    ngocupham: Let me know if you go back and end up getting anything! :)

    Mimsy: I'm glad you were able to get a few of those SH Lip Shines, but YIKES! Those foundations sound super scary! Good thing you squeezed them first, right?

    vita86: Yep, I've seen those too! I bought a few but I haven't actually tried them yet. Did you get any?

    Tropical Mind: Yes!! Did you get any? And if so, what colors did ya get? :)

    chickadee: Awwww man! That sux!! I have a few DTs in my area that are like that--they literally never get new makeup products. But then there are some that are amazing every single time I go. It's so weird. :(

    Mimsy: I am shuddering thinking about this foundation! lol.

  13. I was there yesterday & ours didn't have these. They had hardly nothing.

  14. Went to Dollar Tree today because of this post!

    Got one of those Almay foundations, a Sally Hansen Comfort Shine Lip Glaze, Maybelline Shadow Stylist eyeshadow and a lip liner and eye liner. The liners were also Maybelline, and the eye liner was one of the line stylist one and I think it is defective.

    They had only a few colors of the Maybelline eyeshadows you mentioned, but I wasn't interested in any of the ones they had.

    Then I went to two other Dollar Trees and they didn't have as much of a selection...

  15. OH! And I also got a Sally Hansen Carmindy eye liner. Swatched it on my hand, and I rubbed it really hard and it didn't budge, so I am hopeful about it's staying power!

  16. Kimberly: Awww, I'm sorry about that, honey. I hate it when that happens. :(

    Jenny: SCOOOOOORE!!! You picked up some great goodies, honey! Congrats!! I love those SH glosses! And WOW! I have yet to see Carmindy stuff at Dollar Tree. You REALLY scored! I have been wanting to try those liners forever. Thanks for the heads-up! :)

  17. My daughter found the cinnamon spice color (with the new formula) and she loves it. She was so surprised! She saw you raving about it and she had to have after seeing it at our dollar tree she was so happy. :)


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