Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Important new feature on Nouveau Cheap (please read)

It's a very sad fact but I have to admit this: I'm severely behind on my email (several months behind, in some cases). Every day I say, "This is the day I'm going to get caught up" but sadly, it never happens.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want to first apologize to so many of you who have emailed me with information about great deals you've spotted at your local drugstore, dollar store, Big Lots, Target, etc. If I could, I would post about every single deal you've taken time out of your day to share with me, but sadly there are just not enough hours in my day to do it at this time.

But I'm putting my foot down, people! I don't want to let another great sale tidbit pass us by, so I'm finally doing something about it! Beginning today, I've created a page on this blog where YOU can tell ALL of us about any great beauty-related bargains you've come across in your town. Click here or click the right-hand sidebar feature titled "Great deals YOU HAVE spotted" and leave a comment on that post with all the information you have about beauty-related deals you've spotted lately.

I am hoping this will be a great way for all of us to have up-to-the-minute info about great beauty deals and bargains, and it's a way that you can share your knowledge with the rest of us (especially if I can't devote a post to it). I strongly encourage any of you who have emailed me recently with beauty bargains to take a minute and leave a comment on this new page--it would help me out so very much!

And PLEASE, if you take advantage of a deal that someone posted about here, by all means feel free to leave a comment and let us know how it went! If someone tells us about a good CVS slot machine coupon that can be paired up with a sale, I would LOVE to hear from you if you took advantage of this deal and purchased some goodies for yourself. Sharing is caring, so give us all the deets on your latest beauty bargain!

I'm not sure how this is all going to play out yet, but I will continue to write regular posts about the bargains and deals that I personally spot at my local stores. That is not going to change. But again, if YOU find a great deal somewhere, please tell us about it right here, in the comments.

I hope that eventually this new page will become a part of your daily viewing when you check my blog. It would be wonderful if the comments were full of reader-submitted deals each week, but that won't happen unless you start commenting. :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and don't forget: share you beauty deals with us when you spot them!

R. xo


  1. I think the fact that -you- take the time to post about being behind shows just how much you care about this blog and your readers. =)

    Great idea btw. If only I found awesome products at my Dollar Tree but lately it's been crappy.

  2. This is a great idea! Thank you! :-)

  3. JT: OMG, you are just too darn sweet for saying that. Thank you SO much. :) And I'm so sorry you haven't found anything haul-worthy at DT lately. :(

    JenJen: You are so welcome! Thank you for saying that, hun! :D

  4. Thanks for caring about us and doing this. I think it's a great idea, hope everyone else does too! Also, I think if we post the area we're in it could help those who live there too. I've found that not all the products you mention are always in my area(I live close to Washington, DC)at the same time it's in yours. What do you think?

  5. serious genius! i can't wait to use it next time i see something notable.

    i have a coupon for 5 off 25 from CVS and also 8 Extrabucks and a coupon for 4 off 20 in L'oreal cosmetics (my fave!). am trying to figure out how best to stack these great moneysavers!

  6. This is absolutely awesome and helpful. Thanks.

  7. Great idea! I don't know what drives you to spend so much time helping us, but I am clicking the LIKE button!

  8. great idea! i'll have to add that page to my google reader too.

  9. Yay!! Thank you all so much for taking the time to chime in and let me know you like this idea! I see that we already have three fab comments on that page, and I hope to see lots more as the days go by! This is so exciting and I hope it helps ALL of us out! :D

    And Lysses: Yes, if people are comfortable with stating their location, by all means I think they should. It would really help!


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