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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Would a punk rock gorilla with snot coming out of his nose make you buy this hair gel?

Living in a border town has amazing benefits, such as access to wonderful people, cultural events, food(!), art, products. Living close to the border has its advantages in terms of the vast array of Mexican beauty products that can easily be found at my local drugstores (deliciously-scented products by Grisi and Vanart immediately come to mind).

I was at my local Walmart yesterday when this rather unique display for a new Mexican hair gel line caught my eye:

Moco de Gorila Styling Gel (English translation: Gorilla Snot Styling Gel)

I have to be honest, at first I giggled, and then I kind of grossed out. But then again, I'm probably not the target demographic for this line (nowhere near it, I'm sure!) and I had to wonder if the average teenage boy might say, "Oh cool!" when he sees this in the haircare aisle.  

For me, it's kind of gross, yet so bizarre that I'm oddly drawn to it.  I had to open a bottle to see the product for myself, and it's a pretty thick, goopy gel that smells sweet and fruity.

In case you want more details, Moco de Gorila comes in three different strengths:

 Strong Hold 
 (See how this gorilla is kind of conservative and has his studious glasses on?)

 Mega Hold
(Uh oh. The glasses are off and he's rocking some piercings.)

Extreme Hold
(He's a full blown punk rocker now with a raging red Mohawk. This guy means business!)

See what I mean? It's kinda cute, kinda gross, kinda bizarre, and totally unique, right? I could easily see the snot-theme in candy (in fact, I think I've seen something similar to this manufactured by a US candy maker but it was in the form of edible candy "ear wax"--eeeeew!) but I don't think I've ever seen the "gross-out" concept applied to haircare products before. Have you?  As always, I'd love to know what you (or your 13-year-old teenage son, neighbor, cousin, etc.) think of Moco de Gorila!



  1. Gorilla Snot is very popular in Chile, between the 9 year old kids or so. They have shower gels and body sprays too, they smell citusy, almost unisex.

    The only difference between your Gorilla and ours, is that the one sold on Chile comes in a jar.

  2. haha moco de gorila means gorilla boogers. pretty gross but i have to admit...i'm not a guy but i would totally ask my mom to buy something like this for me when i was younger.

  3. Ha ha ha ha! I think it's quite charming XD

  4. OMFG! That's so gross it's awesome. I so would not buy that but I can totally see a 12 y.o. boy thinking this is the coolest thing ever. Awesome post!

  5. I'm going to try to look for one of those in the more diverse area of town for my brother. He's 22 but he would love those. He used to buy a whole bunch of fake blood, fake ... um other things and gross me out with them when we were little. He'd love this!

  6. How do people come up with these things?!

    I don't think I've ever been that up close and personal with a Gorilla to even notice its slimy, drooling boogers.

    As for the US Candy maker, ah yes, Jelly Belly have made all sorts of wacky flavors like Boogers, Vomit, Dirt, etc

  7. Elena: First of all, I am SOOOO happy to hear from you! The minute I saw the news about the earthquake I wondered if you were OK, so I am hoping by your comment that all is OK with you and your friends and family! :D And thanks of course for the info about this Gorilla line! xo

    giz89: lol! Yeah, I think that my pre-teen self would have maybe wanted this too. :)

    Lillian: Ha! Glad you find this amusing! :)

    Elvira: I am right there with you. I really think this might appeal to younger boys now that I think about it. :)

    JT: Oh that is too funny! You've got to let me know if you bro likes it if/when you find it! :)

    Anon: It's definitely creative, right? And OMG about Jelly Belly. I have never, ever seen those flavors before! Have you tried any of them??

  8. And OMG about Jelly Belly. I have never, ever seen those flavors before! Have you tried any of them??

    I'm in N. Cali and there's a Jelly Belly factory up a ways from me and they had all sorts of crazy flavors and yes I did taste the boogers flavor. LOL It was just really chewy with no real flavor.

  9. Yes! I remember driving by the factory in Fairfield when I used to live in N. Cal! Wow, I had no idea they had those wacky are brave to try one! :)

  10. I'm in the US and actually thought it sounded pretty gross, but I did purchase it. Its thick and gooey and lives up to the name gorilla SNOT. Its the BEST gel I've used ever and the smell is AWESOME! I'm a customer 4 life now lol =)

  11. I saw a kid at Wal Mart the other day who really wanted some of this. I'm willing to bet I'd have wanted it as a kid too... even though I didn't use gel!

    About the Jelly Belly's: I'm pretty sure I've tried all of them... some of them aren't bad others are pretty foul tasting... I'm one of those who will try anything once (sometimes twice).

    I can't believe any PR person would approve this!!
    Luckily we won't have to see this often cause it will be an epic FAIL hahaha ;)

  13. NJchic: Wow, thanks for the info! That's very good to know! :D

    Aedd: OMG that is too funny!! I can totally see that happening, too. And wow, thanks for the info about those Jelly Belly flavors. I have a feeling if they were in front of me, I wouldn't be able to resist. I'd just be so darned curious! :)

    BeautyMaven: Well, I guess we know where you stand on this line! LOL! I can say that it was probably not the intention of the brand to cater to women like us, but I can totally see young boys going crazy for this. lol. :)

  14. My older brothers use Gorilla Snot, so kids and teenagers aren't the *only* consumers of this product. I've never tried it myself, but this post makes me curious to do so. Also, wanted to translate the text describing the 3 strengths of gel: the first one is roughly translated as "gentleman style," the next one is "rocker style" and the 3rd one is "punk style." I think it's interesting as related to the pictures on the packaging!

    I also wanted to provide further info about the weird flavored Jelly Bellies. They were a limited edition product that tied in with Harry Potter, although I'm not sure what specific movie/book was being released at the time. The items are still available for sale (mixed in with regular flavors) at the Jelly Belly website as Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean.

  15. Hah! I've seen these before too and never really got them... I mean, gorilla snot? Really? Brain-blank much? =)


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