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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Wednesday Question

Time again for the Wednesday Question (and how do you like the new logo?). This week's question is one I *think* I've asked before, but with the colder weather upon us, I think it's worth asking again:

What is your favorite inexpensive hand cream?

I'm always looking for new hand creams to try, especially since my hands currently look like those of a 90-yr-old woman (not really, but close). So let's hear it! What's your go-to hand cream? Is it working for you? Are you on the hunt for a new one? As always, I look forward to you seeing your answers!


  1. I love Aveeno's Intense Relief hand cream. I get pretty dry skin, and this moisturizes without ever feeling oily, and there's no fragrance so no allergic reactions to be had. And it's relatively inexpensive; I found my current tube at a dollar store for four dollars, but I think it's around six at Walgreen's.

    hope this helps :)

  2. I love this Bath and Body Works hand feels amazing and smells light and refreshing!

  3. I have 3 staples: Neutrogena Norwegian Formula, St Ives Intenive Healing and a Chilean classic called Pielarmina, that's a cheap and always effective remedy for winter dry hands.

  4. I like Nivea Hand Intensive Nourishing Care, as it smells good and is pretty moisturizing. But I think hand cream doesn't last long, due to hand washing during the day, unless you use it at night before bed. I'm testing out Korres Quince body butter as well

  5. I love Sally Hansen's 18 hr hand cream, but I didn't buy it last time because it is slightly costly ($6 or 7). It works wonders though.

  6. Thanks for all the good ideas, ladies! There are quite a few here that I haven't tried yet--can't wait to pick some of these up. I thank you, and my dry hands thank you! :)

  7. Burt's Bees hand cream has almond butter and smells like marzipan! it's also super emollient. i usually use it at night since my day job is writing- my hands would get stuck to the keys!

  8. ditto on the Aveeno intense relief. love it, love it, love it. professional hand washer, and this has saved mine, literally. Dig.

  9. I also love my Burt's Bee almond hand cream. It smells so nice and yummy! But I had to put on gloves immediately so I don't turn everything I touch into a oily mess.

  10. I third Aveeno Intense Relief. Bonus: it smells like... nothing. No old lady smell, no overpowering perfumey smell, just nothing.

    A second one I like is Curel fast-absorbing hand and cuticle cream. It's a little thinner and slipperier than the Aveeno but still not greasy, and while it is scented it's very light and doesn't last (smells faintly like Froot Loops to me).

  11. I just did a post on handcreams on my blog this week... great minds think alike! My favorite cheap cream is the Vaseline hand and nail cream, only about £1.20 here in the UK- bargain!

  12. I love Neutrogena Norwegian Formula. I'm allergic to most things with scents, and this has no scent. Also, it's thick, but not greasy. Sometimes at night I slather the lotion on and put gloves over that.

  13. Shikai Borage dry skin therapy cream. It costs less than $5 at and it's so concentrated that a little goes a long way. But it's not greasy like that Neutrogena salve. It's protective and softening but not silky or slippery because I hate my hands being slippery. I'm clumsy enough as it is.

  14. Alrighty, well it looks like Aveeno, Burt's Bees and Neutrogena are in the lead so far!

    Thanks for all the great replies--I've got so many I want to check out now. I love that I can count on you ladies for such awesome info. xoxo

  15. R, for a better Canadian recs on hand creams:

  16. Ooooh, H, thank you for this!! :)

  17. My favorite hand cream is Neutrogena's "Norwegian Formula" Hand Cream. I can also use it on my lips and anywhere else on my body that's dry. I mainly use it at night I guess as a "deep conditioner" and my hands, lips, and body come out super soft! i also use CeraVe during the daytime.


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