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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pardon the dust...

If you've visited my blog today you've probably noticed that things are changing! I apologize if my blog is a little bit confusing as I iron out the wrinkles in my new template. I'm adding some new features, deleting some old ones and generally just making things a lot easier to navigate.

Thanks for your patience and I hope to be finished in a few hours!


  1. I was wondering why you didn't post anything this morning. And now I know :)

    Anyhoo, hope you've got the layout figured out. It takes me at least an hour to get mine set.

    And check out my new Beauty blog! I got inspired to start one. You know I can't help myself...

  2. I like the new layout :)you're such an inpiration!

  3. I like the layout but tbh I miss the old color scheme! I liked that yours wasn't pink when so many others are. =X

  4. I think the right navigation far is a bit too wide- it detracts a bit from the main content. I also miss the old colour scheme, but other than that this layout is great :D

  5. Ooooh, how did you know pink is my favorite color??? :-P Looks great, chica!

  6. Hey Shela! Yep, I worked on this template transition for most the day yesterday and...I'm still working on it! lol. I like your new blog! You are off to a great start and congrats!! I just followed you. :) xo

    Hi Nix! Awww, thank you SO much!! xo

    Hey ndoodles! Thank you!! By the way, I added you to my blog roll. :) xo

    Hey Alyson! Yeah, I miss the old color scheme too, but unfortunately that template had some glitches that I just couldn't fix, so it had to go. :( Since I'm going for a very clean, steamlined look now, it's hard to convey "beauty" with a blue or green or brown scheme. I might actually change it to violet or lavender if I get sick of the pink, but so far I like it (but you're totally right--everyone seems to have a pink blog!). Oh well. :)

    Hi Emily! Thanks for the feedback. I actually need the right sidebar to be a little wider to accommodate some of the sections, so I'm afraid it's got to stay that way. I hope that over time we'll get used to it and it won't be that much of a distraction. :)

    Hey femputer! YAY!! You know what? Light pink is actually my favorite color too! I'm so glad you're liking the changes--I had to get rid of the old template due to some bugs I couldn't repair, so I'm SO glad that at least of few of us like the new one so far! lol! :)

  7. Looks great and very functional, great layout! **thumbs up**

  8. Hey giselle! Thanks so much!! xo

    Hey Beda! Thank you thank you!! *hugs*


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