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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Review: Nexxus Dualiste Color Protection Shampoo and Conditioner

If you've been in a drugstore in the past month or two, you've probably seen this new collection of products by Nexxus. Dualiste Color Protection shampoos and conditioners were made for a packaging sucker like me. I don't care what kind of product it is but throw it in a cool, innovative bottle and I'm there. (More on the packaging later.)

I clipped a $3 off coupon from the newspaper a while back and decided to wait patiently until there was a good sale at one of the drugstores. Finally, a few weeks ago CVS was running a sweet deal: Dualiste products were BOGO 50% off, plus you received $10 in CVS bucks good toward your next purchase. When all was said and done, I pretty much received the shampoo for free (retail: $11.99) and the conditioner for $12 (retail: $14.99). I should also add that I've seen these Dualiste products retail for around $17.99 at other drugstores so definitely check out CVS if you're planning to purchase.

I picked up the Nexxus Dualist Color Protection + Volume Shampoo and the Color Protection + Intense Hydration Conditioner.

I normally buy the matching shampoo and conditioner from a collection but this time I wanted to mix it up because my hair could use some extra volume yet it's very dry on the ends.
The first thing I noticed about these products is the double-pump bottle. If you look at the nozzle closely you'll see it's got two openings, thus the name: "Dualiste".

So for the shampoo, one side of the bottle dispenses the color protection formula, while the other side dispenses the volumizing formula. I had to squirt some on a cotton pad to show the two colors because they're very subtle. One is green and the other is clear:

When you dispense the conditioner, one side is blue while the other is white:

I've got to tell you that using the conditioner is sort of fun because it's like conducting a mini-science experiment right in your shower. I like mixing the two shades together in my palm before I use it. :)

My one gripe about these bottles is that the pumps are very flush with the actual bottle, so if you try to keep the bottle on the tub and push the nozzle with you hand underneath it, the product sort of just oozes down the side of the bottle and not straight into your hand. In other words, you have to physically pick up the bottle and hold the nozzle over your hand to dispense these products, which can be a minor hassle because the bottles are large. I catch myself fumbling in the shower because you have to 1) remove the lid 2) pick up the bottle 3) put the lid down somewhere in the shower 4) squirt the product into your hand 5) replace the lid 6) put the bottle back down. I know, I know, I'm whining. But when you're used to one or two steps to get shampoo or conditioner into the palm of your hand, extra steps are kind of a hassle, right? :)

As for the actual products themselves, I am really enjoying them both. The Color Protection + Volumizing Shampoo does a wonderful job at cleansing my oily hair and my hair doesn't feel stripped or dry afterward. As for the volumizing properties, I'm not getting "big hair" when I use this but I definitely do not feel that my hair is flat or lifeless either. Also, the scent is a pretty standard "shampoo scent", meaning it's clean, fresh and a little sweet.

The Color Protection + Intense Hydration Conditioner is...WOW. I am loving this product. My hair is color-damaged and needs all the hydration it can get, so if you do not need a heavy conditioner I might shy away from this one. But for me, it makes my hair so soft and silky yet it's not greasy at all. This alone is worth its weight in gold because I have fine hair and oily roots so it doesn't take much to make my hair greasy. The fact that this hydrates my hair and doesn't add extra oil is wonderful and I haven't stopped using this product since I purchased it. Also, the fragrance is very nice! It's definitely got a coconut note and it sort of smells like suntan lotion to me, which I love.

I never would have expected this, but I think I've found one of the best combos for my hair right now with my past two haircare reviews! If you read my Aveeno Haircare review a little while ago, you know that I love that shampoo. Using the Aveeno Nourish+ Moisturize Shampoo with the Dualiste Intense Hydration Conditioner is my go-to combo at the moment. I really love how these products work together and my hair is just so darn soft and bouncy and full of life. If you've got dry, over-processed hair that's in need of some serious hydration, you may want to give these products a try and see what they can do for you.

Have you purchased any Nexxus Dualiste products yet? I'd love to see your comments.



  1. I use Nexxus for shampoo and conditioner and I love them both! I don't have the one you have but I have the one for moisture and it is AWESOME! Def. worth checking out :D

  2. I see that I've got some saving up to do. I've been using pantene for 6 years now and I think my hair's beginning to have some resistance to it. It just doesn't keep my hair smooth and hydrated enough. I shall keep Nexus in mind from now on. Thanks, my dear!

  3. Is there a formula for dry, damaged, but NOT color-treated hair? I'd be interested in trying that =)

  4. Hey ndoodles! Glad I'm not alone in my love for Nexxus! :)

    Hey Shela! Do you use a clarifying shampoo once a week? If not, I highly suggest you try that before you stop using your Pantene products. The reason I say this is because, often times, a product that works for your hair can stop working due to buildup. I know that Pantene products contain a lot of silicones and, while that's not a bad thing if your hair reacts well to them, silicones can build up on your hair and many 'cones are not water-soluble. So the only way to remove this build-up is to use a good clarifying shampoo once week. I would suggest trying something like Suave Daily Clarifying (2 bucks or less) once a week and see if that helps. You may find that the Pantene products you know and love will start working again! :)

    Hey Joey! You know, I think the whole focus of this "Dualiste" collection is color protection (one side of the bottle is for color protection and the other is for hydration, volume, etc.). So I would say that there is not a formula in the Dualist line that *doesn't* involve color-protection. :( Sorry!

  5. Great tip about the clarifying shampoo. I didn't think about product buildup since all I ever use is my shampoo, conditioner, and frizz-ease serum. I think I'll pick up Suave over the week. Thanks :)

  6. Hey girlie! If you use frizz-ease too (which also contains silicones) then you *definitely* should think about using a clarifying shampoo once a week. The first time you use it, you might want to shampoo your hair twice (followed by your favorite conditioner). Hopefully this will be the trick to make your hair start to respond to your Pantene products again! Another option, if the clarifying shampoo doesn't work, is to mix about a teaspoon or two of baking soda in with your regular shampoo (just mix it in your palm before you apply it to your hair). I've heard that this is also a very effective way to clarify (and super cheap too!). A friend of mine told me that using baking soda completely changed and improved the texture of her hair, so that might be an option for you too. Keep me posted? xo

  7. Wow, what is up with all my products having sillicone these days? I never knew you could use baking soda is your hair, but then again people have used olive oil and other more unexpected ingredients. I will in fact keep you posted. Graci :)

  8. Hey Shela! Oh I can't wait to hear if either the Suave or baking soda does the trick for you! xo

  9. I haven not yet tried the clarifying shampoo or the BS since I just dyed my hair and I don't want it to interfere with the dye, but I will soon, and I'll let you know how it goes :)

  10. Hahaha. I never would have thought about the pump as a downside, but that's so true! And the bottles are GIANT! Either way, it's still a great product. Thanks for the heads up about savings!

  11. I got here looking for reviews before purchasing the Nexxus products this week. I have moved away from my precious stylist who gets me biogenol balm at wholesale, and ran out of the biogenol last week, so I'm looking to find a great replacement product at a great price. Thanks for the review... Target and Walgreen's have sales this week and I think I saw coupons as well.

    I also have HIGHLY processed hair and even the Biogenol, along with Garnier leave in conditioner and Biosilk serum are still not giving me all of the softness that I want. I have switched to the new L'Oreal non-sulfate shampoo and, thanks to reviews like yours, will purchase the Nexxium conditioner.

    As to the baking soda, I have a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. It looks exactly like cradle cap on a newborn, and, because the texture is more waxy than oily, is nearly impossible to wash away when it builds up.

    I have mixed the baking soda with shampoo for years, until I just had to stop because it's too hard on the fragile ends of my hair. It worked better than prescription shampoo.

    Just this week I decided to try a new tack: I sprinkle dry baking soda on the crown of my head and work it in to the scalp, thus keeping it away from the fragile ends. I rinse it out in the initial get-your-hair-wet phase of shampooing, without working it through the ends. Then shampoo as usual. This worked great the two times I have done it so far. My scalp is clean and my hair isn't stripped.

    I am trying to learn green living, and recently ran across a suggestion to use ONLY baking soda worked through the hair (no shampoo at all) and then rinse with a diluted cider vinegar solution. The commenters found it to work really well. If I didn't have processed hair, I might give it a whirl. Sure couldn't get any cheaper hair cleaning if it works!

  12. Hi Denise! Thanks for the comment. It sounds like you've tried a variety of different products and I truly hope that the Nexxus conditioner meets all of your needs. Please keep me posted and let me know if it works for you? Thanks so much!


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