It's Wednesday so that means it's time again for me to ask a beauty-related question for you to answer!
What's your least favorite product in your makeup stash?
Do you have one product that always lets you down, yet you can't bear to toss it? What's taking up unnecessary room in your makeup bag? Tell me! Tell me! :)
Definitely my concealers. The ones I had before don't even work, but I don't have the heart to chuck them :P
ReplyDeletehmmm...let me see...i guess it would have to be my medicated chapstick from an unknown brand. It smells gross and it leaves a white residue on your lip. I can never toss it out because i know someday i might need it :)
ReplyDeleteHey Tine! Oh boy, I think I have a few of those in my bag as well! Why do we hold onto things like this that do absolutely nothing to improve how we look? lol.
ReplyDeleteHey becky! Oh geeze, I think I have one or two of those as well, but at least you're holding on to yours because you might actually need it someday. My balms don't even work to heal my lips but I keep them because they're cute! How sad is that? lol.
The Garnier Nutritioniste - Skin Renew anti-puff eye roller. It doesn't do ANYTHING!! >< *grr*
ReplyDeleteI just can't throw it away. . . it does feel nice and cool,but it's useless in my opinion.
I'm going to go with mascara's I keep them even after I don't like them or they go bad...I won't use them but I can't seem to throw them away.
ReplyDeleteHey Siluet! OK, you are the third person to tell me that the Garnier eye roller doesn't do anything for puffy eyes. But I can honestly say that if I owned it, I probably wouldn't through it out either. I can imagine that it feels good and soothing, even though it's actually not doing anything! lol.
ReplyDeleteHey Caramel Diva! Ooooh, good one! I can't throw out mascaras either. I don't know if it's the cute packaging or if I just feel that I spent too much money on them to throw them out, but I have a Rimmel mascara that I know I will never use again...but there it is still in my bag. lol.
Even when something doesn't live up to my expectations, I hoard it like I'm stockpiling firewood for winter in 1908. I have a few blushes that had no place in my hands at checkout and I should have chucked them or gave them away a long time ago. But you never know when there's going to be a chalky pink blush shortage. I'm just "staying prepared".
ReplyDeleteOMG, Amber you are hilarious! "Staying prepared" is exactly how I would describe that. Yes, because, I too, am preparing for the chalky pink blush shortage, which *will* happen eventually.
ReplyDeleteBetween the two of us, we will be so ready for the makeup apocalypse!
(Still laughing about "winter of 1908"...lol)